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Poems by Wardah Ahmed

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Below are poems written by South Africa poet Wardah Ahmed. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Wardah Ahmed.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/08/2024 Ghosts of Halloween 240 Narrative
09/12/2024 My Favourite Teacher 169 Rhyme
09/03/2024 My future self 251 Narrative
09/01/2024 Rise up women 110 Couplet
08/30/2024 In a world where I do not exist 276 Rhyme
08/24/2024 Moonlight on Meadows 343 Rhyme
08/18/2024 In the shadow of sunlight 388 Rhyme
08/18/2024 2016's Trauma of living with a Narcissist Part 4: Peace 345 Rhyme
08/10/2024 Peacespeaker 322 Acrostic
08/06/2024 Depression 320 Rhyme
07/29/2024 2016's drama Living with a narcissist Part 3: Resilience 421 Free verse
07/25/2024 A Bully 345 Rhyme
07/22/2024 You are my sea glass 221 Rhyme
07/14/2024 They cannot kill the heart of Palestine 375 Quatrain
07/11/2024 Husband 302 Acrostic
07/10/2024 2016's Drama: Living with a Narcissist Part 2 226 Rhyme
07/08/2024 Move on my friend 334 Rhyme
07/07/2024 2016's Trauma: Living with a Narcissist Part 1 643 Didactic
07/23/2023 The Boy Who Became a Wolf 365 Romanticism
06/23/2023 So Many Men Who Take 489 Romanticism
01/16/2022 She Wanted To Rest In Peace 466 Rhyme
12/29/2021 Bruised But Not Broken 968 Rhyme
12/26/2021 The Narcissist and the Moon 983 Rhyme
03/25/2021 The One I Love 323 Romanticism
10/11/2020 Hidden Joy 326 Rhyme
03/19/2020 He Is the Sun 347 Quatrain
03/14/2020 Before the Change 399 Free verse
06/11/2019 No One Else Can Fix Me 435 Romanticism
05/30/2019 I Bled For Love 275 Narrative
05/28/2019 Sonnet 10: I Still Love You 491 Sonnet
05/28/2019 Don'T Despair I Love You 324 Romanticism
05/19/2019 Love's Personality 337 Romanticism
05/16/2019 Love Cannot Exist Without the Storm 399 Didactic
05/16/2019 Nineteen Days Left 316 Free verse
05/15/2019 Walking Away 603 Romanticism
03/16/2019 Sonnet 9: What Would You Rather Be 458 Sonnet
10/20/2018 Torment of the Mind: Part Two 425 Didactic
07/07/2018 The Haunted Memory 418 Free verse
07/08/2017 Be Thankful For the Desolate Dark Times 985 Didactic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things