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Poems by Patricia L Graham

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet Patricia L Graham. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Patricia L Graham.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
02/17/2016 Hanging In There 722 Free verse
12/28/2015 Uk Storms 2015 653 Free verse
04/09/2015 Outlaw Racism 2619 Free verse
12/29/2014 Slaughtered Innocence 3360 Free verse
10/23/2014 Racism 1704 Free verse
10/16/2014 Snap Shot Space 775 Free verse
10/16/2014 Growth 636 Bio
08/17/2014 Rogue 531 Bio
06/20/2014 Good Time Johnny 524 Free verse
06/18/2014 Be Ye Verdana 683 Bio
05/29/2014 Maya's Just Gone, Never Forgotten 983 Elegy
04/20/2014 Set Free 689 Dramatic Verse
04/17/2014 Day of Reckoning 611 Imagism
04/17/2014 Spaced 688 Dramatic Monologue
04/01/2014 Saharan Winds 1590 Haiku
03/23/2014 The Riders 645 Prose
03/01/2014 Your Face Eclipsed 558 Prose Poetry
03/01/2014 Birdsong Serenade 758 Free verse
02/10/2014 Love Mismatch 1056 Carpe Diem
02/10/2014 Sleepy Child Lullaby 743 Light Verse
01/24/2014 Injustice 3541 Haiku
01/24/2014 Perversion 1938 Haiku
01/22/2014 End Times: Aspects 569 Acrostic
01/20/2014 Shame 2005 Haiku
01/20/2014 Divulging 1810 Haiku
01/18/2014 Natural Beauty 1338 ABC
01/18/2014 Changes 1857 Haiku
01/17/2014 Report 1536 Haiku
01/17/2014 Power 3430 Haiku
01/16/2014 Something In a Void 763 Prose Poetry
01/15/2014 A Matter of Creativity 846 Prose Poetry
01/13/2014 Deeper 762 Free verse
01/13/2014 Autumn's Treadmill 627 Lyric
01/13/2014 Mapping It 655 Light Verse


Quote Left It really does feel as if we're living in an alternative reality with Covid19, whatever people may think is really going on ... Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left At times life felt like one long gang rape, and child abuse and rape are assaults I know a lot about and not just in the physical sense. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Bribery and corruption distorts and contaminates communities and consequently countries and how they are ruled. It all starts at the level of the individual though, from the person commissioning the harm to the one on the receiving end of the impact. Corruption is like a virus. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Persuasion is completely different from imposition. Imposing your lead world view of humanity on poor innocent people who have done nothing to harm you is the act of tyrants. You engage with people and genuinely listen and work with them. Corrupting techno empires are profiteering impositions. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left When you feel you can buy anyone or anything, is this really bringing freedom to recipient people or simply a brand of Pavlov enslavement? In reality, this too is toxic to everyone else in proximity, poisons whole communities and nations. Finally they implode, a reaction to this passive onslaught. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Yes I wish there was more love in the world and that more people could benefit from it. When you look at countries in ruin at the behest of a power mad minority who feel they have a right to rule against the will of the people. It saddens. Surely goodness creates oases, brings life - not death. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Hidden among us, those abusers and rapists or the others at war with you because of your skin tone or sex. And those pretending to help but who enjoy making you sick sometimes unto death. These too make up a society, to our horror - while others gladly profit from it. And we say we are free? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Sometimes words simply condense to what's necessary. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Sexism and racism blight prospects and impacts destinies in ways that unselfish people can understand. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Too many people confuse lust with love. Love is testing and helps you to grow as a person while lust, well just burns energy and can be hazardous. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left 'The Tickled Bird' and 'The Spliced Continuum' can be read in any order. The outcome may present a different understanding each time they're read though. Yes I wrote them deliberately to evoke that kind of time warp journey. I don't fill in the blanks - that's what imagination is for. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Living off my creativity without crediting is like an act of vampirism - royally. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Quote Left Running from persecution and hopelessness has left the world awash with grief on European shores. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Patricia L Graham

Book: Shattered Sighs