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I remember my early years, I had to walk about an 1/8 of a mile to meet the school bus and I would start singing to myself (was embarrassed if anyone ever heard me). Then I started just making up my own songs and they actually sounded pretty good, the words not my singing. I had a computer, so I spend vasts amounts of all my time working on writing programs or playing my games. It always seemed to me that I had the ability to formulate into words how I was feeling and people could read that and feel the same way. I never erally imagined being anyone in a writing profession and don't think I ever would be. When I write, it almost like a release for me, kind of like venting or therapeutic you can say. don't misunderstand me, I'm ot that good, but it feels to me like I'm not that bad either. I have read some great things from alot of people and most all of them are better than mine. I am not educated in form of writing or methods for certain approaches to writing, I just write because I enjoy it. My girlfriends have always loved reading the romantic side of my writings, but there's so much more to writing than just words of the heart. I don't take anything away from the importance of Love in writing at all. To me, it really only helps me when I'm in a romantic kind of mood. I have 3 boys and I love them all very much, I have not been with my wife for many years (I moved out and seperated), but I have found a woman who completes me and gives me everything I always wanted on many levels. A few frustrations sometimes, but that's normal I suppose. I also enjoy cooking, I think it's probably the fact that I enjoy making people happy and seeing how much they enjoy what I've created. That would go for writing, cooking, building or anything like that. I have been called tenacious and even mean before, but I'd call that being passionate. I guess you will have to be the judge of that if you get to know me through my works. I have no idea how to publish anything or even copyrite anything, so if you think I'm worthy enough I can look into it if you think I'd need too. Outside of this right now and I'm not sure how many characters this thing can hold, I'll say good day and I will probably update more later.