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Poems by Renee Kelly

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Below are poems written by United States poet Renee Kelly. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Renee Kelly.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/26/2015 Turkey Gobbler 890 Limerick
11/18/2015 Sing a Song of the Doctor 1213 Limerick
11/09/2015 Starbucks Song 1322 Limerick
11/07/2015 Hurried Holidays 875 Limerick
11/06/2015 Autumn Musing 848 Haiku
10/29/2015 Online Stalker 661 Rhyme
02/18/2012 My Love 669 Free verse
01/24/2012 Oh, Happy Day 933 Limerick
01/01/2012 Sin-Dees Malady 676 Free verse
11/15/2011 A Cry For Help 724 Senryu
10/30/2011 Insanity Ne'Er Wanes 512 Senryu
10/28/2011 Rolly-Polly Autumn 1159 Haiku
10/11/2011 Pooled 775 Senryu
10/11/2011 Malady Lady 579 Senryu
10/11/2011 Spiritual Direction 777 Senryu
10/11/2011 Fall Tribute 768 Haiku
10/01/2011 Fallen 831 Haiku
08/25/2011 Insomniac's Passion 577 Free verse
08/20/2011 What I'M Not 546 Senryu
08/17/2011 Slumbering Thoughts 644 Senryu
08/16/2011 To My Love 543 Free verse
08/16/2011 Until Locked Away 623 Free verse
08/15/2011 Orang Versus Bog 871 Senryu
08/13/2011 Dante's Dame 788 Senryu
08/08/2011 Madness Defined 650 Senryu
08/08/2011 Sans Summer 546 Senryu
08/07/2011 Passionate Purpose 959 Senryu
08/05/2011 Sibling Sanity 1465 Limerick
08/05/2011 Descriptors 665 Senryu
08/04/2011 Quiet Serenade 617 Senryu
08/03/2011 Bothersome Bird-Woman 733 Senryu
08/01/2011 Entwined 639 Senryu
08/01/2011 Ode To My Man and Best Friend 655 Free verse
07/31/2011 Without 620 Senryu
07/31/2011 Lazily Listening 641 Senryu
07/30/2011 Massive Mockery 683 Senryu
07/28/2011 Glass Gal 689 Senryu
07/25/2011 Blurry Line 650 Free verse
07/24/2011 Limitless Love 638 Rhyme
07/24/2011 Curious Conundrum 606 Senryu
07/24/2011 Eyes Open and Not Seeing 954 Senryu
07/23/2011 Insanity of Faith 556 Senryu
07/22/2011 Seattle Summer 886 Haiku
07/21/2011 Probably Not Prophetic 676 Rhyme
07/21/2011 End of a Harpy 705 Monoku
07/19/2011 Silly Shrew 758 Monorhyme
07/19/2011 Faulty Facade 614 Senryu
07/18/2011 Verbal Veracity 614 Senryu
07/17/2011 Happiness 702 Senryu
07/17/2011 Unremarkable Slumber 979 Senryu
07/16/2011 Renee's Rabbits 1501 Alliteration
07/15/2011 Wolfish Woman 748 Senryu
07/15/2011 Morally Me 1049 Senryu
07/15/2011 Joy 671 Senryu
07/15/2011 Looking In 529 Free verse
07/15/2011 Son's Senryu 764 Senryu
07/15/2011 Without a Touch 586 Senryu
07/15/2011 Sensual Sway 875 Senryu
07/06/2011 Object Objection 670 Senryu
07/05/2011 Prevailing Purpose 604 Senryu
07/03/2011 Conundrum 495 Senryu
07/03/2011 Perfect Perambulation 726 Haiku
07/02/2011 Epic Extract 643 Senryu
07/02/2011 Insidious Insanity 575 Senryu
07/02/2011 Delightful Dawn 501 Senryu
07/01/2011 Clasped Hands Are Useless 455 Senryu
07/01/2011 Fathomless Love 458 Senryu
06/29/2011 Thinking Freely 524 Acrostic
06/29/2011 Adoring Clasp 527 Senryu
06/29/2011 The Book of Her Life 409 Sonnet
06/29/2011 Denial of Daybreak 636 Haiku
06/28/2011 Floral Bliss 486 Senryu
06/28/2011 Northwest Summertime 675 Haiku
06/27/2011 This Senryu Makes No Sense 601 Senryu
06/27/2011 Entwined Love 464 Senryu
06/27/2011 Inglorious Morning 501 Senryu
06/26/2011 Ache 512 Senryu
06/26/2011 Tenderly Tied 596 Senryu
06/26/2011 Nonsensical Proof 467 Senryu
06/26/2011 Tale Spinner 442 Senryu
06/26/2011 Complete Embrace 764 Senryu
06/24/2011 Ode To My Pomeranian 2252 Haiku
06/23/2011 Blind Eyes 947 Haiku
06/22/2011 Forever Raving 960 Haiku
06/22/2011 Endless 662 Haiku
06/22/2011 A Sister's Love 3071 Haiku
06/21/2011 Sad Seeker 655 Haiku
06/21/2011 Morning Delight 699 Haiku
06/19/2011 Psychosis 993 Haiku
06/19/2011 Mid-Day Fire 812 Haiku
06/19/2011 Joyful 769 Haiku
06/18/2011 Drowning 812 Haiku
06/18/2011 Little Pleasures 684 Haiku
06/18/2011 Morning Comfort 791 Haiku
06/17/2011 More Than Forever 670 Haiku
06/16/2011 Double Take 618 Haiku
06/12/2011 More Than the Word 654 Haiku
06/12/2011 Sneaky Insanity 911 Haiku
05/26/2011 How 588 Free verse
05/25/2011 I Am Atheist 1086 Monoku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things