Smart Poems - Examples of all types of smart poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for smart.
My dog's as smart as a geekMy dog's as smart as a geek.
He can bark in English, Arabic, and Greek.
He’s expert in canine mathematics,
can discuss dog-fight aerodynamics,
and is fluent in bow-wow doublespeak.
And yours?...
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smart, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Light Verse
ClaimOnce I didn’t think of writing a poem one day,
But a poem called me, in its own way.
If I capture the essence of simple speech,
Poetry punishes me, just within reach.
Let my poem be smooth and...
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class, smart,
Form: Free verse
Smart Car Quinzaine
smart, emotions, feelings, introspection,
Form: Other
too big for his britches
kept his audience
in virtual stitches
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giggle, humor, smart,
Form: Monorhyme
Mathwords Numbers don't lie
They just lie where they've landed
They don't land where you planned
Then they got to be examined
The amount of math you can grasp
Well it's probably a fraction
So you add what...
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smart, art, crazy, deep, homework,
Form: Rhyme
Smart Men Chose BestOne is more like tiger
Other is more generous
Chose her, lose; chose you, gain
Because men love green tea
Because she is gentle
Smart men will chose you
Stupid men chose her....
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smart, beauty, character, perspective, women,
Form: Light Verse
The Arrogant Smart MachineI am smart,
but my ingenuity
is confined to a
dark vacuum.
I render your analogue
brains largely redundant,
and I consign your scientific
prowess to infinite abeyance.
I serve you relentlessly
because your indolence
makes me indispensable.
Deify me if you will.
And when I am...
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smart, technology,
Form: Free verse
The Smart MachineI am a smart machine.
And the smarter the better.
I am your big relief for unwieldy
and analogue brains.
Awkward and historically clumsy.
just applaud me for your
historic gains.
Your gains of streamlining,
saving time, knocking out biases
and your collective energy...
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smart, technology,
Form: Free verse
smart, america, political,
Form: Senryu
So Goes the ClockBe mindful of how you use it.
Make sure you never confuse it.
Watch the company you keep.
Be careful with whom and where you sleep.
It's more precious than gold;...
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smart, appreciation, blessing, care, meaningful,
Form: Didactic
Coco Tabletop and Grillwalk the urban sprawl,
where skyscrapers pierce the sky
cities bleeding_assoc.
carnival lights bloodshot dreams that flee,
like squirrels unconfined biting frost of winter,
within the tumultuous mind —
stares into the landscape, tattered, mined;
flickering neon...
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smart, environment, extended metaphor, humanity,
Form: Free verse
A Game of Chess on Wheels
a chess game on wheels
doubles... triples… but those steals...
inhale... breathe again
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baseball, flying, inspirational, smart,
Form: Senryu
Hold My Hand To Teach Me How To WriteHold my hand to teach me how to write
Take me to the library. I need to shed light
On a few words that I have never seen before
Teach me how to spell, that can open a...
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smart, humor, humorous, muse, teachers
Form: Rhyme
appreciation, bird, perspective, smart,
Form: Than-Bauk
Facial ExpressionsYou can talk using
By your eyes; you can point a
Way using your lips....
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engagement, language, perspective, smart,
Form: Senryu
Specific Types of Smart Poems
Definition | What is Smart in Poetry?