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Long Validity Poems

Long Validity Poems. Below are the most popular long Validity by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Validity poems by poem length and keyword.

Disability, Illness and Fundamentalism
Disability, Illness and Fundamentalism

My brother died of Cystic Fibrosis, 
When I was twelve and he fourteen, 
It took away his ambitions, 
To study at Oxford - the pipe organ’s steam. 

I understand being born with...

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Categories: validity, atheist, cancer, health, prayer, religion, rights, science,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Perennial Problems
I suppose you might have missed out on Paul Feyerabend's,
and especially Thomas Kuhn's Problem of Incommensurabiity.

Oh, not at all.
I have not looked at science or culture
or language
or even your attempts at communication
quite the same since...

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Categories: validity, culture, history, humor, philosophy, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Landsbyen -Into the North- An Epic Poem 98
The Council room, back on the fifth floor of the Keep, was quite busy upon their arrival.  They stood just outside of the door waiting for the councilman to complete the business at hand...

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Categories: validity, christmas, fairy,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Son, You Need A Haircut: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
"A dressed day has disrobed into the depth of a drawer's nightstand." 

(Oh, how positively awesome that what can be sorted out in such an explanatory pattern that a difference would maketh a day.)

The muskiness...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: validity, anger, angst, anxiety, conflict, confusion, jealousy,
Form: Prose
Waiting waitng...... 
For the all-mighty godot 
godot godot.....I ask myself 
Where are you? 

I have searched the 
tempestuous seas 
I have toiled the arid desert 
All to no avail 
I have defiled timidity into the...

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Categories: validity, anger
Form: Didactic

African Dream
It must have been the darkest, deepest fate time create,
People saw and forgot the impact when history intervened. 
We forgive and endure, but our minds will not forget
The Bizarre world trying to suppress our African...

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Categories: validity, africa, allusion, character, dream, future, history, people,
Form: Ballad
This Thought, This Time
This is the time. To put forth in writing the words that plague my mind. An inevitable forthcoming of thoughts internally suppressed, I have thoughts that beg to be told from a...

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Categories: validity, deep, humanity, social, time,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When the World Grew Wings - Full
There once came a day
when the world took flight
('twas only a handful
who gaped at the sight)
For when she spread her wings
so few could believe;
and fewer still
could keep alive the dream,
that had awakened for all to...

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Categories: validity, allegory, allusion, beautiful, earth, metaphor, spiritual, symbolism,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Overjoyed-Originally Del Valle
If vain thy earthly hopes did prove, thou canst not mourn their flight; Thy brightest hopes were fixed above. And they shall know no blight—Anne-Bronte   

Overjoyed       ...

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© I Am Anaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: validity, baby, birth, daughter,
Form: Rhyme
Flawless Verses
Flawless flamboyant meaningful words in written verse’s,
Never heard by nervous useless unproductive pawns within man made curse’s,
Drawn into ignorance, clueless and purposeless,
Powerless and can’t see this, sitting on the fence torn and withdrawn,
An existence lacking...

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© Quincy Mac  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: validity, humanity, imagination, meaningful, metaphor, religious, writing,
Form: Epic
Premium Member The Epic Vow, the Long Journey, and Destination Found
The Epic Vow, The Long Journey, And Destination Found

		  Her vow was to remain alive ...
stoke furiously the aching fires
not weep tears that splattered ancient grounds
no longer a vassal of state, nor apathy chained

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Categories: validity, appreciation, art, hero, journey, leadership, life, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Behind Ghost and Its Story
In the evening, the passerby while lonely passing
Heard some noises of an unseen cart on other way
Which he mistook bone breaking, tearing, chopping,
Murmuring, rumbling, trembling sounds all around,
He was confused, fixed, feared and crying uttering

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Categories: validity, missing, , cute,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member When the World Grew Wings - Part 1
There once came a day
when the world took flight
('twas only a handful
who gaped at the sight)
For when she spread her wings
so few could believe;
and fewer still
could keep alive the dream,
that had awakened for all to...

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Categories: validity, allegory, beautiful, bible, metaphor, spiritual, symbolism,
Form: Rhyme
A Drum Major Martin Luther King Jr
" A Drum Major - Martin Luther King, Jr. ... "

( Rom. 13: 7 / Joel 2: 28 )

A Man Stood Up For Courage
In A Time, Others Condoned Evil
A Man Stood Up For Honor
In A...

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Categories: validity, society, tribute, prejudice,
Form: Light Verse
On Those Who Diminish Truth, Part I
There seems to be an excess of people
who question the validity of truth,
from post-modern professors teaching crap,
to poisoned and indoctrinated youth.

Some claim that objective truth can’t exist,
or if it does, it can never be known,

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Categories: validity, how i feel, meaningful, people, philosophy, political,
Form: Rhyme
The Alien
Listen to the sonorous tones 
of silence secluded in sighs,
Blind to every sight of reality,
with kaleidoscope vision and spider 
Revisions perfected the proper 
for soaring with earth beneath my 
For the chance of painting smells...

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Categories: validity, introspectionme, voice, me, voice,
Form: I do not know?
Theater of Utter Charm Part 17
Part 17

a kitchen drawer filled with throwaway lines
taped across the raw spots
itching festering inquiries eh inspector
asking the unavoidable
if we know how we got here
there's a better chance to know
where the fated flatulence we are going

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Categories: validity, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the overall mass empty mindedness. 
We lack care for our natural consciousness. 
Too many likes and shares on ishh that don’t mean ishh
And it’s sad that people don’t even get...

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Categories: validity, america, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Once I Was Prince - Part One
for Granny Letchumi (b. fin 19th C. - d. 1978)

Once i was a prince in your highbeamed palm-thatched house
  timber and stone
   of hardened mud and cold green shiny cement
in your village...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: validity, family, day, me,
Form: Free verse
Baseless incriminations heaped upon head of missus
Baseless incriminations heaped upon head of missus...
courtesy evil ferocious wraithlike grimace

Acrimonious scurrilous words
flew out the mouth
of vicious nasty shortish brute
leaving yours truly
as a key witness dumbfounded.

Outrageous spluttering claims
of stolen parcels
plus ransacked jewelry
totaling to the tune

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Categories: validity, abuse, analogy, anger, april, bullying, conflict, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
You stand up in the great hall waiting for a brawl; you stand up in the great hall waiting for a miracle to pull you out of the ditch. 

Words of wisdom buried in your...

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Categories: validity, betrayal, business, celebrity, community, conflict, engagement, england,
Form: Narrative
Existence Meaningless
this existence is meaningless
i don’t understand
i don’t understand
why me? 
the cliché echoes in empty air
but is amplified in my soul
as no other question
holds such validity
as this.

this existence is meaningless
i am out of control
the tears that...

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Categories: validity, angst, depression, life, sad,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member In a Time of Micro-Identities

At my Unitarian Universalist Society 
no one is Jane Doe or Jack Spratt anymore!
A person being introduced or referenced for their 
political, social or spiritual wisdom, their positive
impact on business, industry,...

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Categories: validity, society,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Advent Research
1. Surface,
and record current health beliefs,
valid and invalid,
useless and useful.

2. Ask "Do these mental models help us make the health we want
right now?"
Are they optimally effective,
mutually resonant?

3. Stimulate alternative,
polypathic views about health experience past,
future projected.


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Categories: validity, deep, earth, education, health, integrity, love, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Who May We Say We Are
Name, a label, for mind-body identity,
which across past lives, we have had many,
as also gender rotation, for an experience spherical,
so this time around, now assimilating our earth life sojourn,
given pseudonym humbly confesses, there is much...

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Categories: validity, me,
Form: Bio

Book: Reflection on the Important Things