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Long Relationship Poems

Long Relationship Poems. Below are the most popular long Relationship by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Relationship poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member The Amistad Mutiny
The Amistad Mutiny

Slavery, a dirty word no matter how it’s pronounced:
Abducted and herded to the slave fortress of Lomboko1 for trade.
To be tossed in chains below deck on the Portuguese ship Tecora,2
Sailing the Atlantic Middle...

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Categories: relationship, africa, america, history, racism, slavery, world,
Form: Verse

The Sun's a Liar-Children's Story Short Contest-
The Sun Is a Liar

It’s been quite some time since I've awoke early enough to meet the sun coming over the horizon. As I gazed out the window from my bedroom window seat, the sky...

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Categories: relationship, childhood,
Form: Prose
Village In the Valley
Village in the Valley left behind, and then it's a fine find
Mountain in the the dark alleys of my mind

You're a flashlight
In the night
You are a friend 
Till the end
Bite the bullet
You're the village...

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Categories: relationship, deep,
Form: Free verse
Below the Horizon - Shallow Shame
Agony be to society's demise
Labels are for fools, not for the wise
Play the familiar tune of in-unison serenity 
Fatality won't come any time soon, thankfully...

Homeless people were on the news not to long ago...I weep...

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Categories: relationship, cute, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Free verse
Emo Love
With this needle and thread I stitch the wounds Avril left
but with this blade I angrily carve a new
rough, short, jagged adjacent from the bone in my wrist
for a reflection of our relationship
and an outlet...

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Categories: relationship, anxiety, beauty, emo, i love you, jealousy,
Form: Narrative

Two Lovers V - Convenience Store
She looked at him concerned
"Oh my God, we forgot the buns!"
A barbeque happening
Guests arriving
Coals flaming
Food prepared
But nothing to put burgers on
For their housewarming

Hasty instructions and some cash
From his Lover and her roomies
Then he starts to...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: first love, happy, relationship, romance, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood
Poems of Recanted Bachelorhood

by Michael R. Burch

& disarming,
but mostly ALARMING
since my resolve


by Michael R. Burch

Beth, my sweet,
fresh as a daisy,
when I’m with you
my heart beats like crazy
& my future gets hazy ...


What Goes Around, Comes

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Categories: relationship, desire, engagement, first love, girl, love, marriage,
Form: Verse
Psychologically still thirteen
Psychologically still thirteen 

Ordinarily meaning pre Internet days
familiarization with me would entail
bringing the avid listener 
into my private mancave hideaways
less a physical place than a juncture in relationship, 
(whereby one or the other of us)...

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Categories: relationship, 7th grade, age, angst, birth, blue, family,
Form: Rhyme
The First Valentine Poem, Circa 1415
The First Valentine Poem

Charles d’Orleans (1394-1465) has been credited with writing the first Valentine poem for his wife in 1415. Charles wrote the first Valentine poem in the first year of his captivity while being...

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Categories: relationship, heart, love, passion, romance, romantic, romantic love,
Form: Rhyme
The Back Burner
I heard you calling my name in an echoing whisper 
I saw a bird take wing in the whirling wind of disaster 
I put my weary head on your broad shoulders
The moment we touched, I...

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Categories: relationship, deep, depression,
Form: Lyric
Love Poems Iii
LOVE POEMS III by Michael R. Burch

These are love poems by Michael R. Burch about passion, desire, lust, sex, dating, relationships, devotion and marriage. 

by Michael R. Burch

Once, only once,
when the wind flicked your skirt

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Categories: desire, devotion, love, lust, marriage, passion, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Limericks I - Relatives and Relativity
Limericks I - Relatives and Relativity

The Cosmological Constant
by Michael R. Burch

Einstein, the frizzy-haired,
said E equals MC squared.
Thus all mass decreases
as activity ceases?
Not my mass, my a$$ declared!

by Michael R. Burch

Relativity, the theorists’ creed,
says mass increases...

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Categories: relationship, humor, humorous, light, nonsense, science, space, time,
Form: Limerick
The Storm Is In the Calm
The angles are in the storm
Just before  the break of dawn
Sending a message to everyone
Telling them to remain calm
The angels are singing out loud
They want to break the treacherous cloud
 and relinquish that awful...

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Categories: relationship, abuse, america, angel, anger, betrayal, community, england,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Solo Performance
It had been a hellish week.

On Monday
my lonely and tired AfricanAmerican husband
told me, as gently as possible,
that what I had hoped was a temporary separation
is to be extended into perpetuity.

This separation had been scheduled to...

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Categories: relationship, age, earth, family, health, integrity, nature, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Free Verse I
by Michael R. Burch

When I was closest to love, it did not seem
real at all, but a thing of such tenuous sweetness
it might dissolve in my mouth
like a lozenge of sugar.

When I held you in...

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Categories: forgiveness, heart, humanity, life, love, relationship, together,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Father Time's Interview
We don't have a lot of time,
or, well, I guess you do,
but I don't,
so let's plunge right into the first big question:
Which came first, form or function?

False dichotomy. No such thing as a totally dysfunctional...

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Categories: relationship, allegory, earth, environment, nature, philosophy, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Why Life
Why does dawn dress robust morning,
while dusk undresses sight?
Each dawn incarnates another Earth Day
a lifetime of Easter mornings 
redeeming nocturnal sight's revolution,
another therapeutic day of gift-it-forward light,
some longer,
some shorter 
before naked covered night.

Why life?
To uncover...

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Categories: relationship, adventure, earth, earth day, farm, love, peace,
Form: Free verse
No Mark
No Mark
by Michael R. Burch

A wave implodes, 
impaled upon
impassive rocks...

this evening
the thunder of the sea
is a wild music filling my ear...

you are leaving
and the ungrieving
winds demur...

telling me
that nothing returns
as it was before...

here where you have...

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Categories: relationship, break up, change, divorce, extended metaphor, farewell,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Father Time's Surprising Taoist Intimations
Tell me,
Father Time,
if you would share this space
it would mean everything to me
to us, so kind,
which forms of integrative diversity
incarnate your highest priority,
most comprehensive,
social-political-economic-cultural issues:

1. Domestic economy flat-line trends,

2. International peace intent and praxis,

3. Universally...

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Categories: relationship, analogy, culture, earth, games, humor, psychological, time,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Prophets and Messiahs
The difference between 
competitively evolving 
egg white privilege

And good-girl 
cooperatively revolutionary 

Foreshadows a symbiotic contrast
between prophetic performance
and messianic practice,
said Professor Glory
in her Gospel of Permaculture class,
one Friday morning
while sitting on her crass 
desk of...

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Categories: relationship, destiny, environment, nature, science, truth, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Two Wrongs Worth a Right
Today, our first “All About Me” History class begins
when we comprehend every day and night
co-arises with “All About We”
bicamerally encultured
and regenetically reiterated
in and through,
by and for,
before and after,
each moment of Earth Tribe’s timeless surfing times.


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Categories: relationship, culture, earth, humor, integrity, philosophy, political, universe,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Red and Green Christians
Let's start with a fundamental flaw of fundamentalist Christianity,
a literary flaw within literal non-interpretation of historical creation
and sacred development.

This is true of radical jihadist Muslims as well,
although we both know you think you're more special...

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Categories: relationship, addiction, bible, hate, health, love, peace, philosophy,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Chapter 96 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Boundaries Regulations and Frustrations
Date:  August 2041

Members of the Damian fraternity 
Were relaxing in the backyard. The
Soon to be 4 year olds conducted 
Themselves in their sandbox.
The older children picniced on
The grass. Amadeus DJ Damali 
And Desharah sat...

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Categories: relationship, deep,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Energy's Dying Wish
So, if I understand correctly,
you want to respond to inevitable energy descent
by upgrading incentives for cooperative communication,
positive information expansion,
research and regenerative design,
and ecopolitical evaluation strategies?

because we achieved current WinWin cooperative communication
and organic networking capacities
by virtue...

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Categories: relationship, culture, deep, games, green, health, language, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Revolutionary Story
They called their gang The ReVolutionaries,
my Father Sun and Mother Earth drew time with them,
but they often called themselves Yang and YinYin,
respectively and mutually respectful
yet privately erotic,
not so much politically and economically
where Yang could not...

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Categories: relationship, health, humor, joy, life, love, political, psychological,
Form: Narrative

Book: Reflection on the Important Things