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Two Lovers V - Convenience Store

She looked at him concerned "Oh my God, we forgot the buns!" A barbeque happening Guests arriving Coals flaming Food prepared But nothing to put burgers on For their housewarming Hasty instructions and some cash From his Lover and her roomies Then he starts to haul ass To the convenience store He hustles there on foot Thinking about his Lover She is overly annoyed at herself For her little slip She rarely misses things like this She's cute when she's flustered He'd have the guests just use bread She looked at him like he was crazy When he said that She is like rhyming poetry With rhythym and meter He admires the way she thinks but Would not want to be her He is free verse Rhyming here and there Streams of consciousness Coalesced in a young man Whose barely more than a boy He's a year and a half older But he knows he's really five years younger Than his Lover And that's alright with him He jogs up the street Thinking of her dusky face Her shining dark eyes So beautiful. So cool So is she Tough Everything put together Everything in the right place He frowns when he thinks Of the tensions that he feels She has started acting disappointed At the way that he freewheels She expects him just to get things Going on in her brain To remember little occasions Without anything being said But that all kinda goes over his head He's working on it and getting better In fact he has a plan Their anniversary is a few months away And he thinks he can impress her then He's got a good job lined up Good tips and pay for a school job A new house with friends Peanuts for rent He'll work full time all summer Saving up while she's away Pay his tuition down Set aside his rent And then take her out extravagant For their anniversary The way she deserves The way he always wants to Take a light classload in the fall Study a little harder, work a little more Clear some bills Have a little more for her Not be a mooch all the time He can plan too, he thinks smugly Jesus! It's been like ten months! He's never been with a girl so long And the last nine of them He hasn't touched another Since he and his Lover became intimate Not one, not a kiss Well, he did smooch that girl at Christmas kiss...Okay...maybe two And maybe a tiny bit more than a kiss With one of them But that was while she was away Plus that was like the couple days after she left They didn't count, nothing really happened Emotional insurance, a little armor Since she wanted a "break" Then he pined for his Lover for five weeks Seeing her for a couple days at New Years Not even close to touching anyone since He is really kind of proud of that Worried he had his father's faults ....No his Pops is a painful thought He pushes it down and walls it off Child of divorce Happiness requires defense mechanisms... He has been a good boyfriend Most of the time As far as he can see And it bothers him when he thinks "She's always kinda pissed at me" They are relying on their physical connection To get them over some humps But he is okay with that somewhat That is just a part of love His mom doesn't love him only because He is smart, fun, and handsome (Maybe a little less than he thinks he is) Mom loves him too For biology's due And if physical love and hormones Help him and his Lover That is okay too The 7-11 is just ahead He stops jogging and starts to walk Taking a little time With these knots in his thoughts He worries about this summer Worries about fidelity When his Lover goes away For her vacation She did what she did at Christmas Insisting they take another "break" He doesn't want to do that But she was firm in it That bothers him because She is still putting him through his paces All the time Usually multiple times per day No dropoff. No boredom. How does that happen? He really couldn't cheat on her Without smelling salts and Gatorade He laughs out loud at the thought Smiling as he thinks how her body moves Her smell, and the sounds she makes Her eyes and musical voice The way she tickles his chest hair And her ri-dumb-donkulous pet name for him She's so freaking cute! To be honest he couldn't cheat Because he simply doesn't want to Doesn't need to And he's proud of that He's NOT his dad But then she says she wants to take a break What the f*** does that mean?! "Go ahead, have fun?" "Don't do anything because this is a test?" "You better do something, 'cause I sure will?" "I'm gonna break your f***ing heart, Poor Boy!" Ugh! Six weeks is a long time to feel uncertain And she seems to expect him to know! No communication... She's always keeping him at arms length Never even asks to go see his mom Though she is just across the river Two subway stops away They go watch movies five blocks From his Mom's house His Lover never met his other family Nephews, sister, cousins Who all live locally She never asked to (He smiles at a couple of Cute girls walking by in workout gear One of them smiles back! She's a pretty one. Nice caboose. He hums quietly to himself for a second A song his Dad taught him) His Lover does things with her Culural/political organizations nearby Never invites him to anything Is she ashamed of him? Wants to tell him she loves him everyday Roll in all kinds of hay But holding him away Because of her culture? Because she's rich and he grew up poor? Nah, that can't be it Can't be. This is real. No way. Not her. She says she loves him every day. No way. She loves him. He'll invite her more. That's it. Buns and party supplies in hand He starts to jog back to her new house Troubling thoughts slip away As they always do for him He is a happy kid Plus he'll get to see her again in a minute And they were kissing in her little kitchen Pressing to him Whispered promises of desire in his ear Man he loves that girl! Almost there and realizes He forgot something Shoot! She'll be disappointed! He turns and runs back to the store Not jogging Shopping bags flying Nearly hit by two cars Pelting Out of breath, he arrives The clerk looks at him funny "Hey, Dude," says the Lover, gasping "Do you know what a 'Skor' bar is?"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/19/2020 11:13:00 AM
Hello nad , I enjoyed this poem in the story form. Enjoy your day my friend.
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Date: 11/19/2020 9:00:00 AM
Amazing storytelling Nad...
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Book: Shattered Sighs