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Long Presidents day Poems

Long Presidents day Poems. Below are the most popular long Presidents day by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Presidents day poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Multicolored Houses
I find multicultural capital investment
socially healthier
politically wealthier
than more win/lose capital competitions.

may call this deep social communication capital,
so why don't natural scientists
discover naturally cooperative capital investments
is a long-winded way
of winding around
and appreciating,
not depreciating,
multiculturing health power?


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Categories: presidents day, health, integrity, passion, peace, political, power, presidents
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member All My Presidents
It is getting to the place where free speech is no longer free in America.                    ...

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Categories: america, presidents day,
Form: Prose Poetry
Winter Thoughts of Ann Rutledge
These are poems about Ann Rutledge and her romantic relationship with Abraham Lincoln. 

Winter Thoughts of Ann Rutledge
by Michael R. Burch

Winter was not easy,
nor would the spring return.
I knew you by your absence,
as men are...

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Categories: history, lost love, love, presidents day, romance,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Picture This
Picture this.
Exploding pipe bombs.
Land fields that can take your arms off.
Driving off road, and frenzied, with excitement 
Adrenaline RAGING.
Oh, yes, Syrian Teenagers,
It is “Let’s See If We Are Really Alive” day.
Okay, we’ll let in some...

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Categories: presidents day, malayalam, moving on, patriotic, perspective, political, presidents
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What If-Trumptopia Nation Part 2
Let's be honest and real you have more bias then flammable steel? 
What if Hitler found the truck was not alive but yeah he's a man?
Would if be fine if the only reason
Why he won...

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Categories: presidents day, america, analogy, anti bullying, anxiety, confusion, fantasy,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Premium Member Goodbye Maya Angelou
Clinton's Inauguration 1993

You were so beautiful, Maya
Standing in front of the
President and the First Lady

I didn’t really understand
Your Pulse Of Morning 
Presidential inauguration poem
I kind of got lost in the dinosaur theme
Poems about Mastodons usually

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Categories: angel, courage, emotions, poetry, presidents day, simile,
Form: Rhyme
Trump I Be
I am Trump
Trump I be

That Trump you be
That Trump you be
I do not like you, Trump you be

Would you like me , here or there
Tanned and rich with gorgeous hair

I do not like you here...

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Categories: america, hilarious, leadership, natural disasters, presidents day,
Form: Political Verse
Trump Poems and Epigrams Ii

Quite Con-trary
by Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition"

Trumpy, Trumpy,
fat, balding and lumpy,
how does your Rose Garden grow?
“With venom and spleen
and everything mean,
and my gasket about to blow!”

Trumpy, Trumpy,
obese and dumpy,

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Categories: presidents day, america, confidence, corruption, new york, political, presidents
Form: Rhyme
Trump Poems and Epigrams I

These days Trump's fraudian slip is always showing. — Michael R. Burch aka “the Loyal Opposition”

Trump seems to prefer demon-crazy to democracy.— Michael R. Burch

Under Trump American democracy is going the...

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Categories: presidents day, america, confidence, corruption, new york, political, presidents
Form: Rhyme
Primary Lesson - End of Class
Here is a lesson, a tortuous tale for your next-of-kin,
About a political hack we'll call the Bigly Pumpkin.
It's a bit like star wars, he is more an older Anakin,
Who fooled the Nation even though he's...

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© Mick Free  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, patriotic, political, presidents day,
Form: Rhyme
Trump Poems and Epigrams V
Trump poems and epigrams V

The prez should be above the law, he sez,
even though he’s no longer prez.
—Michael R. Burch

Mercedes Benz
by Michael R. Burch

I'd like to do a song of great social and political import....

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Categories: america, political, presidents day, today, usa,
Form: Epigram
My Favorite Presidents
I have three favorite Presidents that ironically were friends.
Peyton Randolph is known as one of our first Founding Fathers.
John Hanson approved the Great Seal of the United States that is still used today.
George Washington is...

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Categories: presidents day, appreciation, death of a friend, history, presidents
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sneaking a President To Kyiv
Sneaking A President On Presidents Day

Sneaking President Biden to Kyiv without anyone noticing, sounds like something out of a movie.  It really happened.  He arrived in Kyiv on a surprise visit, signaling 'unflagging...

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© I Am Anaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: presidents day,
Form: Free verse
Wow, the weather sure is cold,
Days are short, the wind is bold. 

The season isn't a favorite for sure,
Most in the cold, aren't begging for more. 

This testament to the winter, is short and is...

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Categories: presidents day, dedication, humorous, winter, time, time, new year,
Form: Rhyme
My Name Is Ed
I've just tasted the politics of the land
with the same tongue
that yesterday chanted political slogans
for a diseased bunch of shenanigans
driving the political wagon with an expired license,
I don't care if the first lady of Graceland,

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Categories: dedication, encouraging, political, presidents day,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Indices of a Loon

Gutless muffled monarch wooed millions to the poll,
Oozing pathetic speech of poverty (I once had no shoes) 
On congruent grounds we let him, though we hated his coterie.
Disappointed, we wail, waiting substitute to end...

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Categories: abuse, africa, confusion, corruption, power, presidents day,
Form: Burlesque
Dwight D Eisenhower
Choosing a favorite President is quite an arduous task
Given that most politicians usually wear a spurious mask,
but as a student of History, there was one that I admired;
" the scrappy kid from Kansas."* So many...

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Categories: history, presidents day,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member President of the United States
You’d like to be the President of the U.S. of A.?
The job would have to be cut down to your size,
From your criticisms, would you know what to say
When a constituent speaks of your insidious...

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Categories: political, presidents day,
Form: Quatrain
Robert Sherriff A Grave Warning to Humanity
Robert Sherriff - Australian - Poet -Author - Singer - Actor - American Historian 

The End of Earth as We Know It

A Grave Warning to Humanity

The clock is ticking, and the end of Earth as...

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Categories: birth, creation, death, god, jesus, presidents day,
Form: Elegy
And the Dance Shall Lead
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from 
The father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning"

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Categories: presidents day, dedication, father, history, inspirational, leadership, motivation, presidents
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Yard Sale
Another holiday has come to pass and I am no prouder to be an American than when it started.

What are these holidays for I ask myself?

Are they designed for the little man to feel like...

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Categories: holiday, presidents day, labor day, , memorial,
Form: Prose
 I the great leader of Africa, 
A true revolutionary of the pan African struggle
The acquitter ’s blood I enjoy, in the tears and sweat
Of the peasantry, I stroke and baptize all descendants
I the great...

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Categories: africa, political, presidents day,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Gop Presidents Club
The GOP Presidents Club

Nineteen Republicans have occupied the Oval Office since 1861.
Around the table gather GOP presidents from Lincoln to Trump,
Sipping bourbon and wine and diet cola.
Reminiscing times basking in each other’s company,
With smiles of...

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Categories: america, education, history, patriotic, political, presidents day,
Form: Verse
Stepping Through Time
A curtsy in my red dress,
                         trestles hanging down

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Categories: presidents day, black african american, courage, culture, history, patriotic,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member My Favorite President

When I read newspapers, or hear stories, 
of terrorism and crime.
When I’m suffering, as others due to illness,
or because someone loved … has died.

I ask myself, perhaps you have to,
Is this what God...

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Categories: leadership, presidents day,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things