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Long Oxymoronic Poems

Long Oxymoronic Poems. Below are the most popular long Oxymoronic by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Oxymoronic poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Christian Evangelical-Charismatic Republicans
I grew up with rural Michigan white red-neck evangelical root systems.
These did not always feed my multicultural self/other liberation of the GLBTQ subclimatic root system
for regeneratively healthy instincts,
yet I learned to survive within this fundamentalist-alien-straight...

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Categories: oxymoronic, beauty, christian, gender, health, political, rights, trust,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Dorm Love
Ours was daily mysterious,
sometimes near mystical, 
a sensual yet platonic
dorm-mate love affair,
within the only male grad student corridor
at SFSU.

He was the presumably straight Vietnam veteran
southern white good ol' boy,
athletically studying Japanese,
with a gentle passion for...

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Categories: oxymoronic, culture, gender, history, love, military, peace, political,
Form: Prose Poetry
A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway
A harrowing drive on the Schuylkill Expressway
(route 76) both heading into
(and a small number of hours later
exiting) center city Philadelphia
to Schwenksville on May 19th, 2024.

Yours truly (a doodling Yankee), and the missus
went to town, NOT...

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Categories: oxymoronic, adventure, america, angel, anger, anxiety, atheist, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Social and Antisocial Capital
like a good creole stew,
are amazingly viral cooperators,
competitively so,
reacclimating tastes toward richer anticipations.

We have all heard of social capital
and natural capital,
of social democrats as antisocial plutocrats
and cooperatively-owned capitalist corporations,
including bipolar republics, perhaps.

These are all forms...

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Categories: oxymoronic, culture, earth, health, language, love, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Singing and Dancing In Balance
What I care about
and what I am working
and even playing hard with
is better understanding what and how
we and Earth
communicate to and with each other,
regenerating mindbody health sometimes,
and yet degenerating pathological climates and subclimates,
ecopolitical chemistry puzzles...

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Categories: oxymoronic, art, community, depression, faith, feelings, health, political,
Form: Prose Poetry

I Relished Being Hungry For Thanksgiving Pop Slop Gloppy Grub
I relished being hungry for Thanksgiving pop slop gloppy grub

whereby the missus didst potchke
created whirling dervish hubbub
after enjoying repast, 
(fit for a tarnished king),
yours truly able, eager, and ready
to soak my ego freezing carcass in...

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Categories: oxymoronic, abuse, adventure, appreciation, autumn, blessing, drink, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf

Minor emendations to following
just posted verse
oversight to correct dissatisfaction,
yours truly I do curse
ah... methinks if hands of time 
can be made to go in reverse
a more exemplary version

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Categories: oxymoronic, absence, adventure, age, birth, creation, family, history,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wounded Passions
Starting this unSabbath day
unusually seduced by full-color compassion,
with some competing-for-time distractions
in more sadly usual role recessions,
raises weak-day wellness questions
with healthy answering co-passion,
responsive responses more resiliently weekend resonations
than pathological ego-manic fear emanations
about my immediate physical future...

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Categories: oxymoronic, earth, education, health, integrity, passion, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Dear Fellow Facilitators of Life
When Einstein was asked, by a journalist, how he came up with the theory of relativity, 
he had no audience for talking about his use of Thought Experiments,
more or less what a group discernment facilitator...

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Categories: oxymoronic, body, health, identity, language, political, science, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
I relished being hungry for leftover Thanksgiving pop slop gloppy grub
I relished being hungry for leftover Thanksgiving pop slop gloppy grub

(a poetic partial fiction 
blended, diced, fricaseed, 
marinated, mixed, pureed, sautéed, 
stewed... with fact)

Hmm... on second thought
lemme join anorexic club
until rib cage protrudes taut and...

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Categories: oxymoronic, america, appreciation, blessing, celebration, family, food, holiday,
Form: Rhyme
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
Ink roached infestation didst derive within mice elf

Thus writer of these words
forever mus lee experiencing 
craving to eat cheese,
a milk product 
eternally preserved within 
annals, chronicles, epistles, 
et cetera of human civilization 
and it's discontents...

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Categories: oxymoronic, adventure, america, angst, anxiety, crush, environment, hate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Taking Back Cooperative Power
All regenerative energies,
like sunlight
and Permaculture Design
and Restorative Justice
and love
and compassion
and empathy
and contextual intelligence
and multicultural mediation
and non-violent communication,
are interdependently One,
in original embryonic matriarchy.

So all degenerative entropic trends
are separating identities
reverting back into One
timelessly eternal Source,
as positive health...

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Categories: oxymoronic, earth, health, light, math, mirror, power, water,
Form: Political Verse
It’s frustrating, isn’t it? 
Creating meta hypotheses based on observations and data, 
but not knowing whether they really fit or not? 
Quantum particles change behavior when you are looking at them versus when you are...

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Categories: oxymoronic, science, word play,
Form: I do not know?
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
Ink Roached Infestation Didst Derive Within Mice Elf
(thus forever experiencing craving to eat cheese)

Nothing but gridlock traffic
(far as thee eye could see)
heading east on Schuylkill Expressway
(oxymoronic name for quickest route
into center city, albeit Philadelphia),

yet this...

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Categories: oxymoronic, anxiety, books, childhood, creation, dad, education, father
Form: Bio
Tiny Elephant
There was a short wait at the doctor’s office today,
typically odd considering he’s usually on time-
He’s my least favorite doctor, I really must say,
but he awfully good trying to figure out my mind.

I had an...

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© Lu Loo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: oxymoronic, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Is There Happiness Without God
Do you think you'd be happy if there were no God?
Well, I wonder if that could be true?
It would seem to suggest that your life has no meaning,
If so, are you sure, that is OK...

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Categories: oxymoronic, faith, , atheist,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Christian Republicans Usa
So, Doc,
I have this huge black looming doubt
it is possible
in this disUniting State
to remain both Christian and Republican.

Really? Because...

because "Christ-like RePublican"
begins to sound like an oxymoronic hybrid
for self-dissonant identity,
encouraging those who bear this cross,
as I...

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Categories: oxymoronic, blessing, change, christian, deep, religion, integrity,
Form: Narrative
I Relished Being Hungry For Leftover Thanksgiving Pop Slop Gloppy Grub First Helping
Hmm... on second thought
lemme join anorexic club
until rib cage protrudes taut and visible
doubling as drum to drub
synchronized within heart of darkness,
especially when electrocardiogram exhibits
absolute zero vital sign,
cardiac arrest translates
as cessation to lub dub,
hence yours truly


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Categories: oxymoronic, america, animal, bird, death, family, november, thanksgiving
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member More Than One Kind of Crazy
Occasionally we should expose the wackier lobe of the brain
in order to better appreciate the more sensible side of the mind.
     ~THIS is one of those times...

I capriole between my arabesques

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: oxymoronic, silly,
Form: Free verse

Have you tilted the axis
on a new tomorrow
Have you changed with intention
— the direction of time

(The New Room: February, 2024)

Round Peg — Square Holes

The poetry of mathematics
— oxymoronic at best

(Dreamsleep: February, 2024)

Robert The Bruce

War is...

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Categories: oxymoronic, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zealots
Zealots are totally incapable of any emotion other than rage. It is an unalterable law that people who claim to care about the human race are utterly indifferent to the sufferings of individuals.
— Quentin Crisp



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Categories: oxymoronic, angst,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member I Live With Oxy Morons
In my global village, Oxy, where folks live all alone,
There’s lots of open secrets, for secrets are well-known!

Fairly dark alien residents live with us above ground.
A dull roar or deafening silence you hear when they’re...

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Categories: oxymoronic, humorous,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Reverse Behaviorism
LeftBrain thought powers 
follow RightBrain warm light and cold dark feelings.

Like behavior follows beliefs
follow repeated warm/cold rituals
follow entrenched belief networks
building walls between appositional changes
of positive/negative trend directions
too often complexly confused

With antithetical divine/human
outside/inside oxymoronic opposition
where ecological...

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Categories: oxymoronic, green, health, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Hateful Love
I hold for you, hateful love in my heart
For I do blame, whatever happened, on Fate
I have moved on with life, and so have you
But our story does still make me feel so blue

I hate...

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Categories: oxymoronic, betrayal, break up, lost love, love hurts,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Falsifying Truth
The concerned politician was running for re-election
   But a very cool, steamy sex scandal he struggled to hide
He used his thick, bald head to provide some harmful protection
   By taking a...

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Categories: oxymoronic, confusion, politicalwife, love,
Form: Quatrain

Book: Reflection on the Important Things