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Long Meaningful Poems

Long Meaningful Poems. Below are the most popular long Meaningful by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Meaningful poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member The Messenger
"The Messenger"

Love is rich with 
venom and honey. 

there was a female ...

it watched 
with green-eyed 
avarice, covetting
a dove’s nest

the dove, 
was white as snow, 
not young, getting on,
tiny flecks of grey

the dove 

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Categories: meaningful, dark, journey, mystery,
Form: Narrative

The Breeze at Ease - with hardly any difficultiez
Driven insane by sorrow, there’s no tomorrow to cure it…
Honestly, I’m in vain and so guilty…feeling way less than legit…
I’m holding you close in my optimism and its memories along with it
Torn apart by negative...

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Categories: meaningful, angst, beautiful, emotions, encouraging, endurance, hope, how
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That Long Evening
When you came to me...

Not that you wanted me.  Oh, no!  It was I who wanted you,
Your comfort... your caring... your
... compassion, your compassion...
Your body, beautiful and young, perhaps that as well at...

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Categories: meaningful, feelings, lost, thank you,
Form: Free verse
Words of Young Generation - a Message To Nigerian Youth
Please be informed: 

The Nigerian youths have agreed together in love and oneness that in 2023 presidential election and in every other elections, whether state or local government. We will not vote for anyone who...

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Categories: meaningful, 5th grade,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Nemesis, Confrontation and the Rejoined Battle, Now Completed
Nemesis, Confrontation And The Rejoined Battle,
Now Completed

(Nemesis) - Part One

O'lord of blight dare thee to now abide
Leaving thy abode to earthen realm ride
As punisher with dark universal might
As grief bearer, humanity to smite!

Dar'est thee enter,...

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Categories: art, creation, faith, humanity, light, meaningful, symbolism,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Urbane History Lessons
I have a hardbound copy of
"The City of Hartford 1784-1984"
although most of this coffee table story
of unfortunate events
takes place between 1850 and 1950s,
before and after the UnCivil War,
like the U.S. Catholic Church
and many MainLine Protestant...

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Categories: caregiving, city, health, integrity, meaningful, universe,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member The Sleeper and the Supernaturalist
"The Sleeper and The Supernaturalist"

The Sleeper
shone as she walked 
through the Woods

shining alive 
like nothing
natural could

in the moonlight 

the innocent
red-caped roses stared
the trees whispered,

"beware, beware"

barefoot softly 
the Supernaturalist 
transfigures instead

from under shine 
she bares...

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Categories: meaningful, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member I Do Believe - the Key To My Heart Style
~ I   Do  Believe  ~
( Key  To  My  Heart )


Know  soul 
Dies that's 
Cause  choose 
Believe********There's a 
God and Jesus died  for my...

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Categories: meaningful, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Hurt People Hurt People
Flirt with Whitney
Flirt with fear 
Life is good
But I rather be anywhere but here
Body aches from pushing out tears
Driving on the road of life
Eyes is watery
So I can't steer 
And I'm getting dizzy 
Stomach very...

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Categories: deep, depression, feelings, longing, meaningful,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Attention Tampa General Hospital severe data breach cyber attack by Ciro Gargano Criminal group
I believe in what’s seen and unseen Thee unseen terror attack on private personal information carried out after several attempts on my life Gargano Jay Townsend Johnson Henry Catrina Bell Donaldson Talisa Shaw corruption at...

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Categories: beautiful, meaningful, murder, muse, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member LA Sewers
When I was a child in Los Angeles, you could size up groups approaching by watching their movements.

I remember this gang of older kids approaching me, watching them carefully while looking down to see if...

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Categories: meaningful, abuse, child, child abuse, childhood, children, culture,
Form: Narrative
Light On the Devil's Chord - Day 36
I sung all the night with the Devil,
It seemed harmony had found itself spooning with dissonance
Not indeed needing to be one or the same
Yes—the light indeed could sustain itself in the midst
Of what then was...

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Categories: appreciation, dark, desire, endurance, inspiration, literature, meaningful,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Autumn Atonement
Face to the sky,
Breath of the Caribbean
Woven with earthy Autumn,
Saturates the alveoli of my lungs,
Pouring raw impulses into the neurons of
My pleasure centers, so triggering a myriad of
Memories ... the demurring requiem to summer tide...

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Categories: meaningful, autumn, heartbreak, metaphor, october, solitude, soulmate, true
Form: Free verse
Story-My humor
Do you know what it feels like when your dad leaves to go get the milk and comes back with a gun and some vengeance?
No? Well me neither.
See look, being funny is hard.
Some people don’t...

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Categories: creation, emotions, funny, humor, me, meaningful,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member A Most Courageous American President For the Ages
A Most Courageous American President for the Ages

I thought it would be most appropriate for me to take a moment to
share some of my reflections on the life and distinguished public
service of the late 41st...

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Categories: meaningful, america, celebration, character, inspiration, patriotic, political, tribute,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member From Seed a Promise, Treasures To Flourish On Earth
Blog, On Poetic Contrast,  Between Dark And Light
(My two poems composed -one of dark, one of Light.)
(from my new blog)


The Horrid Night, The Terrible Nightmare


In a dance of serpents the long fangs drip


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Categories: art, creation, dark, deep, light, meaningful, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chapter 77-- Damian Delilah Mallory: the Hakim Family --Members
7 am morning time. Damian was 
Awakened by his father's phone
Call. "Damian get out of bed, on
Your feet man. We have to attend 
A conference at 10 this morning."
Damian responded, "Right" and
Sprang to his feet....

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Categories: meaningful, courage, family, fate, father son, history, imagination,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member On Theistic Integrity
Let us begin
by explicitly undressing
what may have been
implicitly held
multicultural feelings:

1. For the overwhelming masses
of teeming and scheming 
healthy human adults,
and especially adolescents,
peak sexual experiences
are also our peak
spiritual experiences
of compassion
shared orgasmic passion.

2.  Our elder right...

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Categories: meaningful, culture, freedom, god, health, integrity, psychological, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Wellful of Wails
'You've thrown me over the edge of the highest peaked cliff imaginable
As I spiral further down, my outer shell gets roughed up
by sticks and stones
until my body is disfigured beyond recognition
as if I'd been torn...

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Categories: meaningful, friendship, love, universe,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member This Transit Regeneration
My TransITion began there
right there
in my woodland playground,
when I first knew
something right feels wrong to others.

I was blind to curve-balls
hurled at me.
Being "It" is not why I grow
this TransIt mind and body!

Or, is it?

Could I...

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Categories: meaningful, angst, birth, bullying, culture, destiny, earth, environment,
Form: Political Verse
The Providentiality of Farming In Giantvillism - Page 1
The Providentiality of Farming in Giantvillism 

Eccentric people with their characteristics and ways must move forward to a more defined place.
The climate enriches the Earth and science is formed for the vegetation to bloom.
By being...

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Categories: meaningful, adventure, art, best friend, birth, language, leadership,
Form: Narrative
Fabrics Finding Fabrications
A prawn masquerading as a peanut can be quite disturbing. So many times a peel is a garment used to shroud. A tentacle hidden. Here and there. Then to reappear with an often violent burst...

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Categories: meaningful, animal,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member To Grow Peace
To faith communities
and fraternities,
and sisterhoods
and sororities,
local non-profits
and friendly neighborhoods,
and counselors,
cooperative associations,
trauma-informed learning theorists
and practitioners for resilient
mind/body peace,

Do not deceive yourselves.
Continuing to gaze and daze 
on a monotonous monocultural path

internal v external
navel v social 

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Categories: meaningful, adventure, earth, education, environment, health, integrity, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Cooperative Winwin Earthgames
Perhaps you hear and see a yet emerging trend
among TransMillennials,
those born at end of the second millennium
carrying and burying ourselves in the third,
yet to die Post Bi-Millennially.

We hear a son who knows,
as his cells know...

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Categories: meaningful, adventure, beauty, birth, health, political,
Form: Narrative
Feeling Small, Broken Enigma
Let my ears deceive me but I hear it, can't bother to drown it out
the taunting laughter at my misery
Fictional should they be but the reality has cleared the camouflage
which hath once shrouded me
Exposed and...

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Categories: meaningful, how i feel, nonsense,
Form: Free verse

Book: Shattered Sighs