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Long Jealousy Poems

Long Jealousy Poems. Below are the most popular long Jealousy by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Jealousy poems by poem length and keyword.

More Pickles Than One
For ten months now I’ve brooded over coming second place
in the pickle section deeming, it no less than a disgrace.
It was written plain and simple, so there can be no excuse,
that the pickles in this...

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Categories: jealousy, humor,
Form: Rhyme

How Time Flies
Intro/read aloud:
You deserve a bro hug and a friendly pat...
That's the spirit - keep going forward 
You're getting back of track...I'll try to encourage you without acting awkward...
I leave your side
Without a word...
I can't help,...

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Categories: jealousy, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Lyric
Emo Love
With this needle and thread I stitch the wounds Avril left
but with this blade I angrily carve a new
rough, short, jagged adjacent from the bone in my wrist
for a reflection of our relationship
and an outlet...

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Categories: anxiety, beauty, emo, i love you, jealousy,
Form: Narrative
The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
by Michael R. Burch

The tender weight of her sighs
lies heavily upon my heart;
apart from her, full of doubt,
without her presence to revolve around,
found wanting direction or course,
cursed with the thought...

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Categories: jealousy, creation, depression, divorce, farewell, goodbye, sorrow, sorry,
Form: Sonnet
The 996th Poem
Fulfilled fantasies and legitimate realities…you do know how to please…
Are you listening to my voice of longing and yearning?
No, don’t backstab me with your broken promises…stop being a horrid tease…
Do not worry, Lord, I am...

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Categories: jealousy, beauty, change, corruption, courage, crazy, deep, writing,
Form: Free verse

Charles D'Orleans Translations
by Charles d'Orleans (c.1394-1465)
loose translation by Michael R. Burch

Young lovers,
greeting the spring
fling themselves downhill,
making cobblestones ring
with their wild leaps and arcs,
like ecstatic sparks
struck from coal.

What is their brazen goal?

They grab at whatever passes,
so we can...

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Categories: jealousy, bereavement, depression, desire, heartbreak, heaven, romance,
Form: Roundel
Premium Member Chapter 18: Dolly Damian Molly and Polly: Love In Degrees
Date:   April   2026

The 1st degree is unknown 

Damian and Polly had planned
The trip to the Copy Cat Club
For weeks with Dolly and Molly
The club was popping when
They hit the scene.
The DJ...

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Categories: jealousy, beautiful, culture, fun, good night, hello, integrity,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member A Snow Queen Tale

silk wings wet -
angel on the lake.
starlight glitter
separates from

the golden wheat.
her docile hair,
prophecy of ice.

winter pink,
pinched cheeks.
ice skate scrapes -
flecks of flakes.

the snow queen
before her relentless
reign, a pretty thing.

her smile warms

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Categories: jealousy, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Heat Lightening
Heat Lightening
by Michael R. Burch

Each night beneath the elms, we never knew
which lights beyond dark hills might stall, advance,
then lurch into strange headbeams tilted up
like searchlights seeking contact in the distance . . .

Quiescent unions...

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Categories: jealousy, car, crush, desire, love, lust, sexy, teen
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Journey
Once upon a weedy lawn
At Cedar Oaks Retirement Home
There sat my mother, weak and old
On an afghan knit to block the cold.

It was summer, but in mom's grey eyes
Was winter, when all around us dies.

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Categories: jealousy, appreciation, child, daughter, devotion, family, forgiveness, mom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Finally Saved Part 1 - Translation From Rabindranath Tagore
This is a translation from a Poem (Title - Niskriti) by Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel-Laureate philosopher poet (1861 - 1941) from India. The story successfully depicts the status of women in a patriarchal society of nineteenth...

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Categories: jealousy, father daughter, love, marriage, women,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Beary Tales Episodes 15-24, More Poet's Notes
Note to Readers of Previous Versions:
There are so many new vignettes scattered throughout the poem that I hope you will reread the whole thing! There are many new GEMS, improvements to previous verses and improved...

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Categories: jealousy, adventure, beauty, friendship, innocence, love, mentor,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Worship and Praise - the Pantoum Style
~ Worship  And  Praise   ~
 ( Pantoum )


Worship God, each day, all the way. 
Keep the Lord always in my life. 
Try follow Him  in all each day. 
Worship, praise...

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Categories: jealousy, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
Women and their Man
What went wrong with women and why women worry.
Some women worry for it’s in their nature. They grew up watching grandma worry and momma worry. They lack confidence. They too often need reassurance. Their insecurity...

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Categories: jealousy, change, forgiveness, god, hurt, men, relationship, women,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member If You Only Believe - the Balassi Style
~ If  You Only Believe  ~
 ( Balassi )


Jesus is the  only  way 
For Salvation   any  day 
He can Forgive all  your sin 
If you ...

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Categories: jealousy, christian, faith, hope, love,
Form: Free verse
No Happy Ending
Bright lights, big city...
bright lights, big city dreams...
please just take me away tonight
Let me rest on your elegance tonight
I have no energy left to spend in reality
so please knock me unconscious
just to be in the...

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Categories: friend, friendship, hate, heartbreak, irony, jealousy, loss,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Walk On the Beach
I went again today ... to that place, the allurement overwhelming ... the one
we called "ours" so tritely, "mine" before you, "mine" again now, (tho' others
have doubtless staked claimed - ages before and since). I...

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Categories: jealousy, heartbreak, lost love, ocean, passion, solitude, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Girl With No Last Name
She was always so insecure, as far back as I can remember she never realized her true worth, she let people use her, and never cared about getting hurt
If everyone else was happy and smiling,...

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Categories: jealousy, feelings, girl, heartbroken, introspection, loneliness, poetry, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Sorry I Shied Away
Is it just me or I'm starting to slow down along with the unwinding of time? 
Time is running out and oh how I feel sublime
I'm in need of understanding God's Word and Law 

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Categories: jealousy, deep, depression, desire, , cute,
Form: Lyric
A Gardening Expose
With these lines I’ll relate an intriguing tale of dubious accuracy
For I Hope to unveil sordid affairs of more than one conspiracy!
Be warned, that though you might be disturbed by the facts I relate?
They are...

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Categories: jealousy, garden, word play,
Form: Rhyme

I opened a door in the Universe 
and found myself in the gallery 
of public opinion. 
A serious debate was taking place
over Freedoms
and God given rights.

On one side several thousand people 
proclaiming Slaves have No...

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Categories: jealousy, america, atheist, crazy, freedom, future, identity, political,
Form: Free verse
A Perfect World From a To Z
A perfect world
From A-Z…

Actually addicted attitude apologetic they assume while I'm angst in my room
Bold not blameless but blame shooting out like bullets
Critics just quit it, calculated moves, claim to have your back until you...

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Categories: jealousy, addiction, adventure, beauty, perspective,
Form: ABC
Turning To Turquoise
Verse 1: My destiny...
My dignity...
Is all gone since you left me with nothing to lose
I'm willing to let go of this grudge in my heart...cut loose the noose 
That's around my neck
Give me your love...

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Categories: jealousy, deep,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member On the Need To Avoid Being Envious: Canto Xvii, K161, K162 of the Thiruk-Kural
On the need to avoid being envious: Canto XVII, K161, K162 of the THIRUK-KURAL, Translation with Commentary

[ ENVY, of course, knows no racial nor ethnic boundaries, but I wouldn't be wrong, I dare say, ...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: evil, hate, jealousy, racism, tamil,
Form: Couplet
Mother of the Age
Stately stood Princess Amber in all her finery,
Emerald tunic over a crimson gown,
With gems inlaid in her rustling gown,
Her arms bangled in intricate gold slowly rose,
Her slender fingers rested on her heaving bosom,
Listening to unstopping...

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Categories: anger, beautiful, emotions, forgiveness, imagery, jealousy,
Form: Epic

Book: Shattered Sighs