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Best Sunset Poems

Below are the all-time best Sunset poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of sunset poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Last Breath of Sunset
Royal blue sky scattered sapphire clouds
On horizon embroidered in navy blue attire
Summoned by the onset of marigold sun 
Emitting amber gold on tuscan yellow fire

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Categories: heartbreak, sunset,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Swarovski Sunset
When the first glimpse 
of silver crescent
sprinkles citrine dust,
sparkling pink brooks 
spring forth, 
flowing through 
emerald green forests.
Moss covered Pine
trees spread their branches, 
reaching towards

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Categories: sunset, destiny, dream, star, sun,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunset Constanza
Dedicated, a second time, to our beloved Connie.

At twilight, prismed skies unfold  
Painting Earth in roseate light
Pastel hues brushed on clouds in flight

Pink threads...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: sunset,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sunset Shiverings
                       Sunset Shiverings


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Categories: allusion, sunset, winter,
Form: Nonet
Premium Member All That I Have Taken In
At day's end, I take in the last light
seeping into the dark waters
across the bay and keep it here.
I gather the sound of departing gulls

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Categories: eve, nature, spiritual, sunset,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dusk
Melting sorrows drift toward tomorrow
when sounds dance in hushed irrelevance.
Sacred seconds are held in creation's tawny yolk
as crystal waves of wind bid farewell to this...

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Categories: sunset,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Starlight

As sunset fades from pink to violet
And twilight skies show trees in silhouette
Our heaven's open vault of diamonds shine
In awestruck twinkling glimmers so divine.

Reflections from...

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Categories: heaven, sky, star, sunset,
Form: Romanticism
To Dreamland On Sunset's Lullaby
To Dreamland on Sunset's Lullaby

Gracefully the young crescent moon
ascends the sky like a cosmic tune;
replacing the drowsy pale yellow sun
sinking on a golden glowing horizon.


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Categories: Lullaby, music, sleep, sunset,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Fearful and Perplexed
Fading sun elaborates
Tuscan yellow tinges
As vibrancy floats
Lavender on periwinkle
Embossing clouds 
In shades of amethyst

Granting scenic vision
Atop the red bridge
Suspended in perpetuity
From vermilion towers
In resplendent posture


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Categories: nature, suicide, sunset,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That Monet Moment
pink marshmallow clouds
tinted by the setting sun
artist mixes oils


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Categories: sunset,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Find Me Then
Find me then, when gilded ruby sky
Adorns mauve twilight on canvas pink
Pleasing ardor of magenta dreams
Tinting smiles in brushstrokes tangerine;
Find me then, when ocean's blue...

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Categories: love, sunset,
Form: Verse
Premium Member As Daylight Turns To Dusk
As afternoon fades
and the shadows grow longer
daylight turns to dusk

As daytime slowly comes to end, 
and twilight spreads across the sky; 
the stars in heavens...

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Categories: love, night, romantic, sunset,
Form: Other
Premium Member Silver Waves Upon the Shore
Pushed there for a thousand years
and will be for a thousand more,
pushed there by the gentle winds
the silver waves upon the shore.

Ancient trees who watched...

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Categories: death, life, nature, sunset,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member September Splendor
Nourished by garland skies of scarlet blue
And velvet grass in golden green festoon
September wed us; one heart, made of two

Days of turquoise kisses, too much,...

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Categories: sunset, butterfly, kiss, moon, romantic
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member A Promise I Can'T Keep
The sun was setting with a breeze
Seductively sliding behind the trees
Watching his descent
Was quite the event
I witnessed a day to night striptease

He left me with...

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Categories: sunset,
Form: Limerick

Book: Shattered Sighs