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Poems by London F. Buss

London F. Buss - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet London F. Buss. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of London F. Buss.

Read Poems by London F. Buss

Best London F. Buss Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/12/2024 Walking on Water 117 Rhyme
04/14/2024 Hobble Hobble Hobble 155 Free verse
04/12/2024 Thin Dime Blues 117 Free verse
01/07/2024 Slippery When Wet 87 Narrative
12/26/2023 Rod Andersons Speech Kerry Valley 220 Free verse
11/05/2023 The Smell of Your Hair After the Rain 290 Free verse
08/10/2023 Sorrow 108 Free verse
07/24/2023 Mustang Rain Song Version 200 Free verse
05/24/2023 Toss a Coin 427 Lyric
04/21/2023 Mockingbird 542 Free verse
03/20/2023 Mustang Rain 466 Free verse
03/20/2023 The Winter Tree 403 Free verse
03/19/2023 The Sandpipers Call 536 Free verse
03/08/2023 Cherry Blossoms 545 Free verse
03/02/2023 Your Words 504 Free verse
03/02/2023 Winter of Your Heart 496 Free verse
02/21/2023 The Night In Question 581 Free verse
02/14/2023 Hell Is For Children 611 Free verse
02/07/2023 The Queen Size Bed 715 Free verse
02/02/2023 Anzac Day 368 Free verse
02/02/2023 Santa Anna Wind 518 Free verse
01/23/2023 Czeslawa Kwoka 306 Free verse
01/23/2023 The Corvid 198 Free verse
01/23/2023 Alabi 225 Free verse
01/23/2023 Arrons Song 198 Free verse
11/10/2022 Cream Pie 353 Free verse
11/10/2022 Afraid of I-Cescream 267 Free verse
10/28/2022 The Girl From Coochie Road 556 Free verse
10/18/2022 The Night In Question 443 Free verse
08/19/2022 The Muse 371 Free verse


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I'm an accidental poet, when Covid 19 arrived. i was in Australia and went through the draconian lockdown. You would be arrested if you left home.  I was bored so I wtote a screen play, followed by a non fiction book then for some strange reason i began writing poetry..

My poetry influence is song lyrics, I know nothing of treaditional poetry. My subjects are usually short stories, usually events I have witnessed or experienced.

I rarely write about emotions  or specific relationships..

I entered the second poem I wrote "The Night in Question", in an international poetry contest as a joke and was shocked to be a finalist.   a finalist. So i continied writing. Ifter writing 50 poems I had nothing left to say so I stopped, and started doing dry brush water color paintings.  I didn't know what to do with the poems . I edited them, deleted 10 and decided to publish an anthology on and Barnes & The title of my anthology is "The Night in Question", unfortunatelt there is many books with that title. The avitar I use is London F,. Buss, the book cover is a stylized  painting of a woman I completed in 2006.  After that I discovered and uploaded a few poems, as of now I have 18 poems on  My anthology "The Night in Question contains 43 poems, it is on large paperback format 8.5 inches by 10 inches.. If you wish to do a review I will send uou a free copy.  I also wrote a 311 page non-fiction book about the F.B.I's war against a white, christian Australian man, who had been on a heart transplant list. They lables him an Al Queada S.A.S assassin on 911, because he knew who was attacking America when they didn't have a clue. This bizarre story really happened, it is called "Stolen Silence ny London F. Buss", and is available from Barnes & Noble and Available as an e:book from Kindle,  in paperback and hard cover.

Any questions or comments are welcome, contact or





Book: Reflection on the Important Things