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Abandon Poems - Poems about Abandon

Abandon Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abandon to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abandon.
Premium Member My Abandon
An etched novel Of love and tear Running breathless I hide in fear Oh my abandon Thy bell Tolls for thee Where death comes quickly And love slips away They say that that truth shall always prevail In fagmented pieces A puzzle to reveal I...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, art, beauty, desire, fear,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Never Abandon Stellar Ambitions
Whoosh. Whoosh. A fire beneath steel, The engines burn, the heavens kneel. Thrum. The pulse of courage, the beating heart, Each mission a daring work of art. Seven names on Challenger’s sky, They rose with dreams, they dared to fly. Crack. Pop. Boom. The...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, appreciation, death, february, hero,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member I Miss You
How much I miss you/ Words can not explain/ You're so far away from me/ I have to close my eyes/ And reach into my mind/ To bring you forth/ To wrap my arms around you/ To show you how much I...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, anger, betrayal, break up,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Once again they lie, Once again, they spin their tale, My instincts whispered long ago. Underestimated, as always, it sails, Through currents of pretense they choose to throw. They undermine, as though...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, betrayal, break up, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Abandon Ship
Poetry Soup Is like a ship floating along without it's crew. AI pirates are now steering the vessel but I'm not enjoying the view. ...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme

Retreat in the Woods
Awaken with the break of a tangerine dawn bathing you in its Crimson sacredness ! Meditate with the majestic Pine trees Towering the skies Transcending the temporal ! Dance among the wild poppies and...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, bird, dance, earth, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Did Not Want To Abandon You
I did not want to walk away I did not want to leave you On the contrary, I wanted to hug you Before leaving. I did not want to flee from you I did not want to abandon you Even though...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, divorce, goodbye, i love
Form: Rhyme
Intuition abandon me
Intuition abandon me Finally Today But before I had the intuition that I never did enough for my Father That was very bad I never had prayed enough Every night for my Father Because I was always tired So I just went straight to bed To...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member When Poetry Eludes My Soul
poetry eludes my soul when I desperately want to embrace it when I watch dahlias blossom and dance in the wind poetry glowing in my mind dances too when at tranquil dawn idly lying in bed I...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, feelings, poetry,
Form: Suzette Prime
The little boy
All alone sitting in the train Shivering not because of the cold But the fear the fear for loneliness I can’t see my mama I want a hug I want to lean on her lap...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, absence, abuse, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: Free verse
a quest to find myself again
The days were brighter then, When without the slightest effort, I’d succeed in making a good impression. Now it seems no one knows me to be “good”, How will they? I’ve hardly provided any proof I used to swim...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, anxiety, depression, desire, education,
Form: Free verse
How can they abandon me A soul so pure of honesty A soul that is kind A soul that gives her all How can they abandon me When I searched for love In thy end I stand alone How can...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, anger, anxiety, betrayal, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Haiku 205 abandon
blossoming forest nature's intense discussion~ abandon quarters ...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, rainforest,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member In Gay Abandon
Ghosts glide on the highway to heaven in gay abandon On Halloween’s starless night, in a limbo state they dance From Purgatory they haunt with a vengeance in their eternity In angst night terrors they cast to all...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, appreciation, halloween,
Form: Tritina
Hidden Greenhouse
In her eyes alone They radiated with light When shone to another No longer a beautiful sight Why did they whither? Not appreciated among many And how it broke her heart But she still watered them plenty Locked away from the rest They sat...Read the rest...
Categories: abandon, 10th grade, mother, my
Form: I do not know?

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