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Poems by David Sollis

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Below are poems written by United Kingdom poet David Sollis. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of David Sollis.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/31/2014 Monday's Child - Parody 2673 Light Verse
10/31/2014 Facebooker 1007 Light Verse
10/31/2014 Mute Point 595 Light Verse
10/31/2014 And Relax 633 Light Verse
08/25/2014 Gold Digger 1647 Light Verse
08/25/2014 Singing In the Shower 1152 Limerick
08/25/2014 Mosquito 629 Light Verse
07/11/2014 Tap Dance Practice 1056 Light Verse
07/11/2014 Trying To Teach a Dog Tricks 1059 Limerick
07/11/2014 Dipstick Dan 796 Light Verse
07/11/2014 Marathon Man 1079 Tanka
07/11/2014 Insomnia 593 Light Verse
07/17/2013 Boxing Clever 883 Light Verse
05/17/2013 Most Politicians Are: 899 Acrostic
05/13/2013 Dogs Best Friend 665 Light Verse
05/13/2013 Culture Clash 2398 Couplet
05/13/2013 Dedication 863 I do not know?
05/13/2013 Have and Have Not 944 Lyric
05/13/2013 Nightie 635 Light Verse
05/03/2013 Malted - Biscuit - Teaser 1047 Light Verse
05/03/2013 Mr Bowman 1199 Limerick
05/03/2013 A 4 Line Poem For H 1703 Light Verse
05/03/2013 Bee 530 Free verse
04/29/2013 A Poet's Strife 575 Couplet
04/29/2013 Exam Revision 1110 Light Verse
04/29/2013 Bewitched 597 Light Verse
04/29/2013 Do You Like Pigeons Dad 1130 Light Verse
04/27/2013 One Night In Stroud 1030 Light Verse
04/26/2013 Budge It - Mr Budget 948 Light Verse
04/26/2013 Mirror, Mirror - 1138 Light Verse
04/26/2013 My 1st Bike 717 Light Verse
04/25/2013 Poor Salesmanship 1287 Limerick
04/24/2013 Building a Beautiful Body 950 Light Verse
04/24/2013 Weekend Away 1374 Limerick
04/24/2013 The Gigolo 739 Light Verse
04/15/2013 A Problem Shared 883 Light Verse
03/04/2013 Bruised Ego 625 Light Verse
03/04/2013 Dog 1229 Couplet
01/12/2013 Many Unhappy Returns 1810 Alliteration

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry