Below are poems written by United States poet Lennon Hammett. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Lennon Hammett.
Read Poems by Lennon Hammett
Best Lennon Hammett Poems
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To you, these are just pretty words. To me, these are emotions I perceive. In a flawless mind of poetry nerds, Beautiful notions are what we achieve. Go to Quote / Comment | by Lennon Hammett
Write what you think instead of feel, Otherwise you'll not improve your emotions By envying your thoughts further from isolation. Go to Quote / Comment | by Lennon Hammett
The imagination will take you for miles, But these souls were just behind the wood. The imagination is all just for the smiles. Go to Quote / Comment | by Lennon Hammett