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Straggler Poems - Poems about Straggler

Straggler Poems - Examples of all types of poems about straggler to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for straggler.
Premium Member Halloween Brew
... She said some words and blackbirds cawed As she stirred her cauldron to a goblin's applaud Her nose was crooked, her skin was green As her cackles echoed on Halloween The Halloween night......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
...frozen I stand searching for design in the clouds skudding past I raise my hand and point to a straggler......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, earth, image, introspection, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Straggler
..."For those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation" ~By Rumi Decked in floral wreaths and crown as I lay in state among family and friends with my sp......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, anxiety, death, journey,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Geese, Goslings and the Bridge
...Geese, Goslings and the Bridge Sometimes, when you least expect it, Mother Nature makes a u-turn and draws you into the ridiculous. Such was the time recently as I was returning from a friend’s h......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, bird, family,
Form: Metrical Tale
Premium Member Breathe, Exhale, Unload
...They march together down the road, one straggler at the back. It seems to me her pace has slowed; at least she has her pack. The others walk around the mud; she goes through each pot hole. Sh......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, adventure, grandchild,
Form: Ballad

Premium Member Ant's Army
...I stand and watch the exodus of ants Through sig sag tracks, they wind their way They march like disciplined soldiers Never deterred by hurdles on their way Are they fleeing from an imminent da......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, environment, leadership, march,
Form: Rhyme
Party Folk
...Pensive they sit, and roll their languid eyes, Nibble their toast, and cool their tea with sighs, Or else forget the purpose of the night, Forget their tea -- forget their appetite. See with cros......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, poetry,
Form: Blitz
Premium Member A Dark Underbelly
...Like a pack of howling wolves in need of prey, A wounded urban psyche strains its gnarled voice, Motherless, fatherless, ice cold pavement waif, Wee small hours plight The rocks of his facade ......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, art, care, character, color,
Form: Sapphic stanza
Mary's Ordeal
...Born in Oklahoma back woods Three children , each a year apart Jill, Jim, and Joe were their names Raised by Mary, bless her heart Life wasn't easy for Mary Living in a one room shack Using a......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, confusion, family, imagery,
Form: Quatrain
Bird Twitchers
...It’s time for concealing in hides and in nooks, with a a ledger; glasses; camera, and books, spend hours with patience in salt bush or long grass, in hope there’s a moment, one cannot let pass. ......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, bird, nature,
Form: Lyric
The Gargoyle Yawns
...The Gargoyle Yawns The Fogwalker searches for clues in the moist darkness of early morning. The mist feels it's way through empty alleys and vacant lots. Cautious footsteps crackle from the gr......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, truth,
Form: Free verse
No Pink Guitar Strings Allowed
Categories: straggler, music,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
And Who Will Do the Mopping Up
...Vae victis! Her quick eyes spy out the field. Reconnoitred, the foe's dispositions have been noted, quantified, assessed. The forces of order and tidiness, in neat array, perfect their alignmen......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, baby, child, violence,
Form: Blank verse
Tongue Twister Time
...Tongue twister line: From the rustic rover to Samuel Sanders, they try to tickle the tongue with tricky tongue twisters. 1. A rustic rover round the ricks ran restlessly, and restive, he rush......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, fantasy,
Form: Alliteration
Don'T Be Late
... Growing up in my household was better than any sit-com episode Dinner time was always a riot My parents were strict, any excuses you gave, they didn't buy it Me and my siblings, we were ......Read the rest...
Categories: straggler, family, humor, humorous, love,
Form: Light Verse

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