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Short Disruptive Poems

Short Disruptive Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Disruptive by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Disruptive by length and keyword.

Premium Member Virtual Future
disruptive virtual new normal here faced with digital landscapes...

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Categories: disruptive, future,
Form: Monoku

Border Wall
Built with bricks and sand
Where the disruptive wall stands
In the no mans land...

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Categories: disruptive, america, community, discrimination, hate, racism, rights, spanish,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Disruptive Don
Disruptive Don could not get along
With the fake folks who wish to prolong
The failing notions
And crazy potions
Of governmental plans proven wrong...

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Categories: disruptive, political,
Form: Rhyme
Ouch Low Battery
Low battery

In the wee hours of the morn
She was torn between two pillows;
  Pure ecstasy escalates;
 A blinking Indicator become
A disruptive behavior: suddenly
 A dishonorable discharge

 ouch! sorry low battery....

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Categories: disruptive, funny,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member A Disruptive Epoch
A whole is normally the sum of all of its parts Cept in politics, stumps even us most clever bards All rules are out the window The world is in limbo We'll soon come to our senses and this era disregard

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Categories: disruptive, history,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Downtowns Deflowered
Condemnation, confrontation
  Nasty, no-compromise nation

Protestors plentiful, a passel irruptive
  Ornery out-of-towners, so disruptive

Downtowns deflowered in
  Portland Chicago, Seattle
Lawless looters ~
  Time to skedaddle...

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Categories: disruptive, america, anxiety, city,
Form: Rhyme
What Goes On In 2nd Hour
disruptive kids throwing pencil sharpners                                                                            
wanting to tell mr.lopez but cant                                                                                        
shoud i be a snitch...

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Categories: disruptive,
Form: Senryu
My Unease
unease unfamiliar disruptive crowded rooms apprehension of the unknown heightened awareness, chest tight, heart pounding quick shallow breaths, muscles flexing nerves alert, thoughts racing change of routine unease TLH © 07-01-2012

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Categories: disruptive, fear, life,
Form: Rictameter
Coping Mechanisms
Inherited or 


Disruptive or 


Whatever your way 

Of getting through the day 

Know you're not alone 

Know that it's okay

For the beast is strong 

But you are too 

You have more strength 

Than you think you do...

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Categories: disruptive, courage, depression,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Free Speech
Free Speech Miracle Man 5/1/2024 Disruptive behavior, is not covered by free speech. Those practicing this, are guilty of overreach. Nor is free speech a right, to hate or abuse some. It doesn’t make one an entree, and some other a crumb.

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: disruptive, abuse, america, freedom, hate,
Form: Lyric
The Abcs of Puberty
Altered, boisterous, confounded, disruptive, energetic, fine-tune, growing.
Hyper, inquisitive, jokesters kindling love, mystified. 
Nervously obsessive, pubescences question radical substance, surprising.
Teasing, uncontrollably visiting wild, xanadu youthful zest.  

Copyright October 15, 2014...

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Categories: disruptive, teenage,
Form: ABC
you lay silent, yet disruptive
plundering the nation of my pillows
with your presence
where once my walls held firm
you've turned resolve to dust
my nature unallowing
of that fatal dissallusion
i remain bound
to this unraveling world
your quiet breath
my torment
your eyes
my last outpost of trust...

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Categories: disruptive, confusion, introspection, lost love, love,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member The King of the Rebels
He is the king of the rebels
Keeps things stirred up and unruly
Disruptive, arrogant, an insurrectionist
Other people follow his lead and are jailed.
He is protected by a political party that wants to win
Trading integrity, honor, and the greater good for possible seat
Disgusting, rebellious, pompous revolutionary....

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Categories: disruptive, political, usa,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sans 2

Where flair meets good grace
Do you trace your fine splurge?
Hope has a way of telling
How the emerging light shines
Despite the disruptive blurs
That impede conscious knowing
Even as faith nurtures peace of mind
In the somewhat abrasive confrontation


Leon Enriquez
05 October 2019

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Categories: disruptive, allegory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Playground Menaces
school playground menaces beastly children; rude bullies teachers seldom see disruptive home life victims* hate coming to school tattlers are punished mimicking teachers dysfunctional parenting learned behavior
[*both the bullied and the one doing the bullying are victims] written January 27, 2022...

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Categories: disruptive, anti bullying, bullying,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Divorce
Desire to hold on to or dispose of your closest relationship.
Involves a mixture of emotions and challenges.
Very disruptive time in one’s life.
One life experience you may want to but will never forget.
Risk it all to keep your family intact and safe.
Chaos often erupts.
End result can become a blessing in time.

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Categories: disruptive, angst, anxiety, dark, divorce, emotions,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Welcome, Tiny Wren
We wish you every success in building your nest
In the small mailbox next to our front door
Some might consider you a disruptive pest
We wish you every success in building your nest
Never has a tiny house wren become our guest,
Or, chosen to lodge so close to us before
We wish you every success in building your nest
In the small mailbox next to our front door.

written June 12, 2021...

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Categories: disruptive, bird, nature,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member Ticking Clock
I am under the sound of a ticking clock An awesome sound that compiles over some time I live under the noise of the clock’s tick tock A noise only heard by the strange and sublime Like two hands intertwined as one top unit Feelings of love aligned, not a broken fit Never do we hear the ticking of the clock And think of chaos and a disruptive tock
Russell Sivey...

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Categories: disruptive, life, time,
Form: Rispetto
Disruptive Disruptors
The internet providers grin
We are at home locked in
Their gadgets stuck in China
They think their disruption is minor

Security checks your temperature
Offering you a sanitizer adventure
China makes everything you need
Except your staple feed

World Bank and IMF help more, the political core
Offshore accounts to fatten more
We are ready for vaccine trials now
The stronger our fields to plow...

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Categories: disruptive, 12th grade, africa, home, internet, political, work,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Textures
Words spring cryptic
Yet disruptive
In kinetics
That surge massive

Words play around
To create tense
In thought and sound
That feel makes sense

Words seem to know
How to be found
As taut lines flow
In certain grounds

Words make a stand
In verse stanzas
As if to tend
New agendas

Words stretch and reach
A common state
To lure and leach
A knowing fate

Leon Enriquez
06 December 2014

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Categories: disruptive, change,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Mamas Disruptive Baking
Mama becomes a baker disrupting our day
Now we have to get dressed ourselves without pay
It is good experience she says with a teensy bit of wit.
I am not excited about it, I liked being babied a bit.

She is jiving and grooving, dancing around the kitchen.
Throwing in new ingredients – seaweed, lime and a lichen.
I like that she is happy, but this puts me into a bit of a funk.
I do not like having to get dressed and clean and that other junk....

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Categories: disruptive, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Truth

We are living in disruptive times
voices are loud and angered
shouting change and resistance..
Multiple truths seem to thrive
for brief moments within mixes 
of contingency and suffering..
Truth has been curtained
in shadows of triviality..
Our most desperate need
is for Truth to be exposed
calling each of us by that
ancient name: I Am..
Such new recognition
must sooth angered voices
dissolving idolatrous lies
in a morning's new light......

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Categories: disruptive, america, anger, confidence,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Song of Wisdom
The leaves shimmer in the sun, as it sets
Beauty only missed when one forgets
To stop and observe what this creation is giving
To be in the moment, granted for living
So many other things can be thieves of a thought
Twisting peace into disruptive, battles fought
But on the hill as the sun lights up the trees,
And they rustle in the soft blowing breeze,
There are valuable minutes, nothing is wrong
And nature stirs wisdom into a song

Heidi Sands


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Categories: disruptive, beauty, nature, peace, time,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things