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Long Sad love Poems

Long Sad love Poems. Below are the most popular long Sad love by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Sad love poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Want To Play a Game
You’re sick, demented, and twisted and you want to judge me for my sins? What about yours? The ones that lie deep within
The ones that sculpted you into the person that you are, the ones...

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Categories: death, fear, games, horror, sad love, scary,
Form: Rhyme

Two Lovers V - Convenience Store
She looked at him concerned
"Oh my God, we forgot the buns!"
A barbeque happening
Guests arriving
Coals flaming
Food prepared
But nothing to put burgers on
For their housewarming

Hasty instructions and some cash
From his Lover and her roomies
Then he starts to...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: sad love, first love, happy, relationship, romance, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
For All That I Remembered
For All That I Remembered
by Michael R. Burch

For all that I remembered, I forgot
her name, her face, the reason that we loved ...
and yet I hold her close within my thought:
I feel the burnished weight...

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Categories: desire, dream, memory, remember, sad love, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Adieu - Part 1
Do you remember?
We lay in the moonlight, exhausted and content,
Moments from perfection, skin glistening with moisture,
Salty and sweet from love - love so amazing
That it stunned us every time ...
Always better than before, and always...

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Categories: heartbreak, love, passion, romantic, sad love, true
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Last Rose For a Rebel - Part 1
SHE was my wife, once ...

long ago, so very long ago ...
we met on the showboat, up-river,
almost fifty years back now ...
I was a young officer for the Confederacy,
working for the Yanks after The Turn,


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Categories: history, sad love, soulmate, true love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Room 123 Part 2
We had our serious moments, talks about our lives, and then there were moments of pure bliss just enjoying the comfortable silence
We would laugh and talk all about our pasts and things that we had...

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Categories: heartbreak, longing, love, sad love,
Form: Rhyme
A Birthday Letter

Well now this is sad and tragic 
For both of us to hear 
You and I at cross purposes 
Ever our fate, my Dear

I just found your correspondence
Last letter that you sent 
It was, I...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: sad love, lost love, love, pain, romance, romantic love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ledger of Love: PART II
Ledger of Love

In the shadows of the Victorian night,
Where candles flicker with amorous light,
A forbidden love fiercely burns,
In a pounding heart, passion yearns.

Amidst the lace and satin array,
Where masks conceal bygone dismay,
A dance of desire,...

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Categories: sad love, break up, emotions, heartbroken, life, longing, lost
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Three Enigmas of Turandot
The three enigmas of Turandot

The well of souls run deep in fabled lands of old.
Of China's ancient dynasty and the lost Great Tartary, 
a ballad of love and loss that must be told.

The Emperor's daughter,...

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Categories: sad love, crush, longing, love, moon, romantic love, sad
Form: Narrative
Turkish Poetry Translations I
Turkish Poetry Translations I

Ben Sana Mecburum: "You are indispensable"
by Attila Ilhan
translation by Nurgul Yayman and Michael R. Burch

You are indispensable; how can you not know
that you're like nails riveting my brain? 
I see your eyes...

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Categories: sad love, lost love, love, love hurts, memory, relationship,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation of David Broza's Ay Amor Que Seria De Mi, Lyrics By E N Glass
Translation of David Broza's " ! Ay Amor ! Que seria de mi ! " by T. Wignesan

( I'm not certain if this' s the original title of the lyrics composed by Eitan Nahmias GLASS....

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: anxiety, break up, heartbreak, sad love, song,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Premium Member The Masochist
I never saw it coming, but as people say you never do, I made the mistake of ignoring my heart, and fell in love with you
I tried to deny the way I felt, but you...

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Categories: sad love, heartbroken, hurt, i love you, loss, sad
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Ambiguous Apprentice
When does ambiguously free verse
also become emphatically political verbing verse?

I was emphatically reading pieces
ambiguously written 
about my sons,
to my oldest son's girlfriend.

The longer I read
the more she cried.

Now it had been my hope
and passion
to become...

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Categories: art, humor, joy, poetry, political, sad love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Welcome To the Big Top
Step right up, buy your ticket, wait in anticipation to see the show, the one beneath the tent that holds all the dreams I never wanted to be exposed
But now it’s time, I must share...

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Categories: anger, goodbye, loss, sad love,
Form: Rhyme
Two Lovers Vi - Paper Plates
Out with his boys drinking, feeling rowdy
Special occasion
Rolling the way they do
His lover is not with them
She stayed in for the night
He misses her company
But enjoys his time with the guys
He'll swing by later

A local...

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© Nad Simon  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: sad love, love, love hurts, men, relationship, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ledger of Love: PART I
Ledger of Love

In the dim-lit chambers of the Victorian home,
Resides a wife, her heart a silent tome.
Once, love’s flame burned bright within her breast,
But now a thin whisp, a ghostly jest.

Her gaze averts from her...

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Categories: sad love, confusion, desire, heartbreak, longing, love, marriage, sad
Form: Narrative
Once Again, It Is He
For so long I have fought my monsters in the war lands. For so long I’ve been by myself in the wake of my chaos. Others tried to stand beside but shortly fell or shortly...

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Categories: abuse, betrayal, break up, emotions, sad love,
Form: ABC
Premium Member As I Watch Myself Unfold Without Love
He/I/they/all/we/none knowing sit/sats he/she thoughts he/she witnessed he/she held a behold as to what the hell a corporeal ring of things once unbeknowinest to him/her was about,: thought provoking, yet undeterminate in any reason with...

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Categories: age, appreciation, grief, remember, sad love, visionary,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Life of You
(His Version of Death of You)

Do I send a bouquet of flowers or a congratulations card? For years we haven’t spoken there hasn’t even been one call
See I am only now realizing how your life...

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Categories: sad love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pieces and Memories of You
A smile that could melt the ice protecting my broken heart, the ice that I placed there long ago when my world fell apart
When I had all but given up on true love existing in...

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Categories: heartbroken, lost love, sad love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Autumn Atonement - Continued
How we loved the same
Foods, had the same dreams,
Wanted the same future, longed for the
Same life together, loved the same movies
And songs and books and colors and clothes
And people. How we knew what the other...

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Categories: autumn, heartbreak, metaphor, october, sad love, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Flying With Wax Wings
Is it time again
Is this another day again
where I sit up once more
waste my fingers to the bone
to describe my grievance with the Sorceress
named Sarah...
No...not this time
Is it time again
is this another day when
I sit...

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Categories: anger, anxiety, betrayal, depression, devotion, sad love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Organic Gratitude
Eastern stars light our responsibility
to ease ridiculously democratic suffering of Other.
Western horizons speak not of suffering
much less death as inevitable failure.

Dark horizons speak of pain,
and how to avoid it through Other as ourselves.

Eastern lights speak...

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Categories: birth, blessing, culture, health, power, sad love,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Australian Bush Fires
Listen up and I’ll tell

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Categories: fire, mythology, passion, sad love, truth,
Form: Couplet
Feels Like Another Sleepless Night
Verse 1:
I should've been careful what I wished for 
I know there's bound to be another open door
Of many opportunities
That could replace my nightmarish memories 
Not everything is black and white, you see?
I wake up...

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Categories: sad love, angst, deep, desire, hope, lost love, passion,
Form: Lyric

Book: Shattered Sighs