Long Racism Poems
Long Racism Poems. Below are the most popular long Racism by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Racism poems by poem length and keyword.
The Amistad MutinyThe Amistad Mutiny
Slavery, a dirty word no matter how it’s pronounced:
Abducted and herded to the slave fortress of Lomboko1 for trade.
To be tossed in chains below deck on the Portuguese ship Tecora,2
Sailing the Atlantic Middle...
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africa, america, history, racism, slavery, world,
Grand PrioritiesWhat fills your goals, son?
I told you!
Need to get my car rolling [life rolling, love rolling]
if not today...
If I may interrupt
to process mindful resilience
for a bit...
Let me ask again:
Noticing you are concerned about long-winded
and -winding
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racism, black african american, earth, health, nature, peace,
Political Verse
Epitaph For a Palestinian ChildEpitaph for a Palestinian Child
by Michael R. Burch
I lived as best I could, and then I died.
Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.
This poem has also been titled "Epitaph for a Child of...
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racism, absence, bereavement, conflict, death, discrimination, eulogy, funeral,
Employment TraumaMy protagonist today,
a Gay Black Religious Mature Male,
not quite ready for silver-grey Obama temples
Is off this morning
to a new full-time job,
8 to 5,
Monday through Friday.
He has been out of his calming,
regular custodial collared routine,
for over...
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racism, betrayal, caregiving, culture, health, prejudice, religion, work,
Political Verse
Tawfiq Zayyad Translation: Here We Shall RemainHere We Shall Remain
by Tawfiq Zayyad
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
Like twenty impossibilities
in Lydda, Ramla and Galilee ...
here we shall remain.
Like brick walls braced against your chests;
lodged in your throats
like shards of glass
or prickly cactus...
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arabic, poems, poverty, prison, race, racism, song,
Free verse
World War Ii Poems and Holocaust Poems V - Ber Horvitz, Yitzkhak VinerWorld War II Poems and Holocaust Poems V - Ber Horvitz, Yitzkhak Viner, Franta Bass
Der Himmel
"The Heavens"
by Ber Horvitz
loose translation by Michael R. Burch
These skies
are leaden, heavy, gray...
I long for a pair
of deep blue eyes....
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evil, holocaust, race, racism, war, world, world
Free verse
First They Came For the MuslimsFirst they came for the Muslims
after Martin Niemoller
First they came for the Muslims
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Muslim.
Then they came for the homosexuals
and I did not speak out
because I was...
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racism, culture, discrimination, faith, god, islamic, truth, usa,
Free verse
Auschwitz RoseAuschwitz Rose
by Michael R. Burch
There is a Rose at Auschwitz, in the briar,
a rose like Sharon’s, lovely as her name.
The world forgot her, and is not the same.
I still love her and extend this sacred...
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racism, holocaust, horror, tribute, truth, violence, war, world
Earthy EmpathyYou've heard that self-unfulfilling prophecy?
"I love humanity--
it's just people I can't stand."
I love healthy humanity--
it's just uppity and/or snooty people I can't stand
I love cooperative humanity--
it's just overly-competitive individuals I can't stand.
Not so distant from,
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racism, caregiving, gospel, health, humor, integrity, peace, political,
Political Verse
by Michael R. Burch
Walk here among the walking specters. Learn
inhuman patience. Flesh can only cleave
to bone this tightly if their hearts believe
that God is good, and never mind the Urn.
A lentil and a bean might...
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holocaust, prison, race, racism, violence, world war
World War Ii Poems and Holocaust Poems - Vi - Chaim Nachman Bialik, Erich FriedWorld War II Poems and Holocaust Poems - VI - Chaim Nachman Bialik, Erich Fried
After My Death
by Chaim Nachman Bialik
translation by Michael R. Burch
Say this when you eulogize me:
Here was a man—now, poof, he's...
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holocaust, race, racism, truth, war, world, world
Free verse
Victories For LoveThe problem of military reactions
to territorial control issues
is not merely that violence breeds further strategic development
of violence,
although this is no small,
nor amoral,
This primal problem of militarism by historic default
is that it is an intrinsically...
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racism, health, history, integrity, love, mental illness, military,
Political Verse
Custody of 2020 EyesMonks and nuns,
ascetics and miscellaneous humble proletariat folks,
were taught custody of the eyes,
to show respect for those older
and/or wiser
and/or more supremely royal,
and/or in other positions of merited or inherited authority,
to avoid appearing too curious
too available
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games, gender, health, poverty, psychological, racism, slavery,
Political Verse
Uyghur Poetry TranslationsWith my Uyghur poetry translations I am trying to build awareness of the plight of Uyghur poets who are being sent to Chinese "reeducation" concentration camps.
by Perhat Tursun
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
Asylum seekers, will...
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allah, culture, discrimination, faith, islamic, race, racism,
Free verse
Reclusive AccountabilitiesI am sick of excuses to avoid responsibility
and I am, today, sick with excuses to avoid responsibility
with "I'm just a mortal human. I make mistakes.
I judge situations and relationships,
assess potential risks to care and nourishing...
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racism, culture, health, humanity, humor, political, race, stress,
Prose Poetry
Empathy As Green DemocracyI don't think it's just me.
I find myself challenged to change LeftBrain cognitive beliefs,
languaged abstractions of personal knowledge,
perhaps because it is not possible to change Right Brain's
Elder feelings of co-empathic trust
where dipolar co-arising mutual immunity
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education, health, history, integrity, political, racism,
Prose Poetry
Creative Climates For ThinkingfeelingWe are each a new way of bilateral becoming and thinking
about what a mind with body is,
where these are headed,
and as a part.
Thinking about what embodied consciousness is
and where,
in what stable climates of opportunity,
and which...
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racism, health, math, paradise, political, religion, science, spiritual,
Prose Poetry
Indignation 1-6-21How dare you desecrate the Capitol with urine and feces!
Even filthy pigs refuse to defecate near their own dwelling place.
How dare you flaunt confederate flags, grim reminders of our bloody history,
Alongside swastikas, hate symbols...
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anger, discrimination, emotions, hurt, prejudice, racism, violence,
Free verse
Miklos Radnoti Translations of Holocaust PoemsPostcard 1
by Miklós Radnóti
written August 30, 1944
translated by Michael R. Burch
Out of Bulgaria, the great wild roar of the artillery thunders,
resounds on the mountain ridges, rebounds, then ebbs into silence
while here men, beasts, wagons...
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racism, death, grave, holocaust, horror, humanity, memorial, world
Free verse
World War Ii Poems and Holocaust Poems - Iv - Primo LeviWorld War II Poems and Holocaust Poems - IV - Primo Levi
by Primo Levi
translation by Michael R. Burch
You who live secure
in your comfortable houses,
who return each evening to find
warm food,
welcoming faces...
consider whether this...
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evil, holocaust, race, racism, war, world, world
Free verse
Unquotable Quotes: Journalists - Dedication To Andre Fontaine - XxviUnquotable quotes: Tale-Carriers, Gossip-Mongers, Courrier-Pigeon Caretakers, Smoke-Signal Puffers and Tom-Tom Thumpers – XXVI
Could there be such things as political shenanigans or inter-continental warfares, even catastrophes, natural disasters, tsunamis, irruptions, conflagrations, inundations, landslides, typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes,...
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racism, power,
Dramatic Monologue
LegendLook up in the sky ! It’s a bird ! It’s a plane.
It’s Superman !
More powerful than a locomotive, faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. This fearless...
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racism, courage,
World War Ii Poems and Holocaust Poems - IWorld War II Poems and Holocaust Poems (I)
These are poems about World War II and the Holocaust, which is also called the Shoah in Hebrew.
Epitaph for a Child of the Holocaust
by Michael R. Burch
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evil, holocaust, racism, truth, war, world, world
Bharathidasan's Pulikku Nay Enta Mulai, Translated By T Wignesan
Bharathidasan’s “Pulikku nay enta muulai” (To the Tiger, the Dog knows no safe dwelling!) translated by T. Wignesan
Bharathidasan (1891-1964) was a self-proclaimed disciple of the eminent Brahmin poet: Cuppiramania Bharathiyar (cf. two poems of...
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anti bullying, patriotic, political, racism, , literature,
My Holy Bible - the Quatrain Style~ My Holy Bible ~
( Quatrain )
My Holy Bible is very nice.
It tells me that God is true.
It fills my soul with Love Divine
And shows that God loves...
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racism, christian, faith, hope, love,