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Long Gravitating Poems

Long Gravitating Poems. Below are the most popular long Gravitating by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Gravitating poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Father Time's Interview
We don't have a lot of time,
or, well, I guess you do,
but I don't,
so let's plunge right into the first big question:
Which came first, form or function?

False dichotomy. No such thing as a totally dysfunctional...

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Categories: gravitating, allegory, earth, environment, nature, philosophy, universe,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Energy's Dying Wish
So, if I understand correctly,
you want to respond to inevitable energy descent
by upgrading incentives for cooperative communication,
positive information expansion,
research and regenerative design,
and ecopolitical evaluation strategies?

because we achieved current WinWin cooperative communication
and organic networking capacities
by virtue...

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Categories: gravitating, culture, deep, games, green, health, language, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Watering Terror
I'm so confused,
raised to believe cooperative love overpowers competing fears
about scarcity of time, 
and other resources,
and anger about past over- and under-valuing of myself
as a regenerative resource,
CoPresence Source,
raised to believe the Golden Rule
is most effectively...

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Categories: gravitating, anger, destiny, fear, hate, love, power, violence,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Fishy Science School of Geometric Arts
Math speaks through us
within us
of cognitive landscapes
imagined still and/or moving.

Primal metrics are rational and symmetrical,
good as true as straightforward,
complex creation story problems
unfolding with precise answers,
right as at least not not ecologically wrong,
ecopolitically suboptimal perhaps,
yet at...

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Categories: gravitating, adventure, earth, life, light, math, science fiction,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Riding Time's Political Flow
We might do well
to worry less
about including the grizzly bear population
in our DNA/RNA cooperatively encultured Golden Rule,
after all,
we already would kill and eat them,
if hungry enough,
as they would like to treat us.

We could do well

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Categories: gravitating, beauty, culture, nature, philosophy, political, psychological, science,
Form: Prose Poetry

Premium Member Life Through a Thousand Deaths
Here life waits
with a thousand little discontinuous deaths, again,
right here in The Evolving Self's
sixth principle of preferable options for more humane revolutions
of evolution,
lurking behind Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.

I had seen this life coming
when he began by rooting...

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Categories: gravitating, blessing, freedom, health, humanity, humor, science, spiritual,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Creative Climates For Thinkingfeeling
We are each a new way of bilateral becoming and thinking
about what a mind with body is,
where these are headed,
and as a part.

Thinking about what embodied consciousness is
and where,
in what stable climates of opportunity,
and which...

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Categories: gravitating, health, math, paradise, political, religion, science, spiritual,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Working With Theories
I'm working on this Systems Theory

All existing formal religious traditions
and informal spiritual experience 
of Great Sacred EcoLogical Transitions
[e.g. Holocene to 
Green AnthroScene;
HolySpirit to
Whole Holonic Natural Communion Systems]

through our divine monotheistic
and/or polytheistic
and/or atheistic naturalistic branches
shared as...

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Categories: gravitating, anxiety, appreciation, culture, health, integrity, peace, religion,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Healthy Politics, and Sex, and Religion
I hope I know what is healthy sex,
in an experiential kind of way,
and a trans-biblical swell known sway,
and I can imagine a world with healthier,
more cooperative, politically empowering days,
but I am clueless about healthy religion,

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Categories: gravitating, health, humor, philosophy, political, religion, sensual, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Same Ol' Song and Dance
As I look back across more musical times
of rhythmic reflections,
ceremonies and commemorations
of each dawn and dusk eremitic liturgy,
if that is not an oxymoron
of sound and sight,
song and dance,
tragically sad, yet also bilaterally bound with happier...

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Categories: gravitating, community, dance, humanity, humor, integrity, love, music,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Taotree of Good and Notsomuch
BodyLove feels like muscular energy, 
while AgapeMindLove emerges weirdly in reverse;
mind fluency, fertility, health…

Not in any way dissonant with BodyLove,
to grow maturing health also ecologically balanced 
EgoAnthro ReGenerate Positive Psychology
HealthAsWealth EarthTribal MindBodies.

That is,
I feel like...

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Categories: gravitating, community, creation, culture, health, humor, love, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Resonating Rightbrain Politics
Says Csikszentmihalyi,
"Social scientists
(Abraham Maslow, Lawrence Kohlberg, Jane Loevinger, [Ken Wilber, Edward Podvoll, Julian Jaynes, Jack Kornfield, Richard Dawkins, Clare Graves, Carl Jung] and James Fowler)
describe a dialectical motion
between [Yang-ego-form] differentiation
and [Yin-eco-logical function] integration,
between turning attention...

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Categories: gravitating, beauty, environment, health, political, psychological, religion, trust,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Life Beloving Dualdark Night

Some days and nights
I am terrorized by death,
cold silo ache-echoing fear,
claustrophobic breathless dark
barking inevitable factness and finality
of my decomposing mortality,
and posthumous demise,
probably post-humorous as well,
should we discover any essential difference.

What good is death
if it cannot...

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Categories: gravitating, death, depression, humor, identity, life, love, science,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member The Climatic Collaboratory
I don't recall whose inspired idea it wasn't
to invite the math professor
into our Therapeutic Collaborative Laboratory.

I do recall when I first heard her speak
of cooperative polynomial qualities
for improving ego/eco-therapeutic communications.

She was, of course,
in the back...

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Categories: gravitating, culture, earth, education, environment, health, humor, math,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ending In a Deadly Minor Key
So here's my question for this dawning day,
like a WinWin ruminating message in a bottle
floating through a LoseLose climate sea
felt still foggy from last night,
some mysterious how now;

One of many
health related strategic WinLose issues
tuning out...

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Categories: gravitating, anger, anti bullying, dark, fear, green, grief,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Liberal Operatic Lovers
What cooperative evidence
could we final climate find
for WinWin cooperation lovers
including LeftBrain secular humanities
inviting no more or less valueflow
than RightBrain WiseElder root-branch dipolar etchings
neurologically ancient bipolar temporal systemic 
body-branch, mind-root DNA enscriptured holonic trees,
DNA  river...

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Categories: gravitating, environment, happiness, health, heart, integrity, psychological,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Fr Time Commentaries
A few words about my good friend, Fr. Time, perhaps over-invested 
in developing this language and these dialects of evolution.

Not to blame someone for doing too good a job,
but why shine so much light on...

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Categories: gravitating, earth, god, health, light, nature, time,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member PolyMathic Revolution
Worth Two in a Buddha Universal Bush

Our permaculturist agenda,
primal principle of economic/ecological design,
is developing,
hunting and stealing into fissures
fractally fracturing Business As Usual.

Nothing any one person or nation could do
or not choose to do
can stop this...

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Categories: gravitating, culture, faith, math, nature, philosophy, psychological, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Fire God Speaks Out
Angry FireGod sneers sarcasm,
"Not warm enough yet?"
"Still too much clean water and air
and other healthy stuff,
like sun-baked red chili peppers?"

Excuse me,
I was under the impression
that I invited you for my interview,
which would involve me asking...

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Categories: gravitating, culture, destiny, fire, health, religion, science, universe,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member If You'Re Like Me
Fear of Climate Success

If you're like me,
which probably already reduces the size of my captive audience
to Zero,

if we're like we used to be
when we were born
with all the potential integrity neurons
of the uniting universe,

Through childhood...

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Categories: gravitating, childhood, green, health, integrity, nature, psychological, time,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Ego Speaks For Yangyin History
Most everything I learned about the history of evolution
feels colored by Julian Jaynes' theory of language
and culture
and history
and icons of ecological systems and functions,
forms and frequencies,
rhythms and ironic, ionic 
dualdark cosmological bicameral transparency.

This is not...

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Categories: gravitating, creation, earth, humanity, identity, love, psychological, sun,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Variations On a Harmonictheme
Children are Fundamentalists

Children are literalists,

When they hear
“You’re filthy and you stink!”
the younger they are,
the less likely to hear as a mature adult might,
“You have a sour smell on you.
Please go bathe,
and use some soap and...

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Categories: gravitating, health, love, peace, philosophy, political, poverty, power,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Timeless God of Birth
"In the unmanifest [timeless (0)-soul] dimension, the ground of [eco-syntax] Being--that perfect, empty no-place [holder "Zero"] where there is only absolute stillness--you could say that God [Timeless Eternity] is peace.

Before the universe [spacetime] was born,...

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Categories: gravitating, adventure, beauty, birth, birthday, love, peace, political,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Surviving Chronic Eclipses
I was on my ambivalent fence
about who to watch watch the solar eclipse,
my alcoholic allies
or the designer THC corporate investors.

Wherever it was,
we read excerpts from two permaculture designers,
to get our minds ready for this great...

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Categories: gravitating, culture, gender, health, humor, integrity, math, seasons,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Once Upon Healthy Time
Once within eternal time
of pre-LeftBrain domination,
I recall breathing in 
EarthMother's richly hued nutrition,
and this Other inhaling me,
purging lungs of misperceptions
that I was Her
any more or less than S/he was me.

We owned this communion together,
sacred breath...

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Categories: gravitating, birth, culture, history, integrity, nature, science, time,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Shattered Sighs