Greeting Card Maker | Poem Art Generator

Free online greeting card maker or poetry art generator. Create free custom printable greeting cards or art from photos and text online. Use PoetrySoup's free online software to make greeting cards from poems, quotes, or your own words. Generate memes, cards, or poetry art for any occasion; weddings, anniversaries, holidays, etc (See examples here). Make a card to show your loved one how special they are to you. Once you make a card, you can email it, download it, or share it with others on your favorite social network site like Facebook. Also, you can create shareable and downloadable cards from poetry on PoetrySoup. Use our poetry search engine to find the perfect poem, and then click the camera icon to create the card or art.

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If You'Re Like Me
Fear of Climate Success If you're like me, which probably already reduces the size of my captive audience to Zero, Regardless, if we're like we used to be when we were born with all the potential integrity neurons of the uniting universe, Through childhood formed into bilateral rivers for transporting Win/Lose toward Lose/Lose risky conclusions and Win/Lose toward Win/Win opportunities co-arising comparative information Some neuron trails, like stars in a misty night sky, faint, and only flowing from a causal Source, somehow more wisely and sacredly and greatly elsewhere, echoing through my ringing singing integrity dancing ultra-violet dreams feeding productive consumer mouths for articulating LeftBrain developing rivers of segregated health isn't necessarily wealthy language, wise logos. Other tidal rivers form deeper wealthier underground streams with diverse ecological and theological and analogical and psychological and political and financial orthodox Both/And Right Brain surfing health/wealth memories of both sacred Source origination And EgoZone secular mouths forming re-creation flowing in both upriver and downriver reiterating loops. LeftBrain capable of both returning to newborn infancy and re-noticing outside Voices for ecotherapy and sacred communion Flowing neural latticed singing stars shining out Win/Win WiseElder enlightenment, Holding fire-circle wonder co-gravitating/co-arising stars and flames reflecting neural river trails of timeless retold myths resolving and revolving anthro-cooperative with WinWin nature/spirit stories co-habiting YangSourced Rivers And YinFlow bilateral returns re-creating primal nutritional choices Some deeply learned rivers through orthodox ages of WinWin nutritional evolution survive the culling of adolescent WinLose military-industrial competitively divisive Either/Or LeftBrain schools for producers marketing to information consumers longing for more robust Both/And hope Hope remaining despite lack of responsible faith in history repeating ourselves, Good news faith graces sanctuary from blame and shame, unable to love our EgoClimates for who we are so unable to forgive our potential EcoSchools and Green GrandMother elders for not remembering to strengthen WinWin potential Both/And Cause/Effect Yang/Yin Patriarchal/Matriarchal Competition/Cooperation Cultures Ego/Eco Ecological/Theological climates cooperatively held for improved bicameral polypathic rivers of WinWin success. Health, inside wealth, awe, within wonder, ecstasy, predicting enchantment, integrity, searing love, green, with red, black, predicting white, Either/Or, searching Both/And, deduction, following induction, reduction, after seduction, exhalation, requiring inhalation, causal, when effective, information, foreshadowing exformation, positive, equal with double negative, light theology emerging from dualdark analogical ecology, sacred, sublimely secular, out, without in, outside choice, evoking inside voices, Win/Lose, suboptimizing Win/Win, Yinhaling ecofeminist wombs Yangforming ego/eco climates co-arising dipolar integral success. If your imprinting infant river-systems etched and sketched and stretched like mine, which probably already reduces the size of my captive audience to one EarthSoul multicultural ZeroZone for WinWin nutrition strings of neural Rights and Left seasons of reasonable responsible Both/And healthy energy without either blaming EcoGods or shaming EgoCenters for who we WinLose are and who we WinWin choose to better climate become SecularYang oceans of thought with sacredYin feeling life's compelling choices for All Loves Matter. If you're still like me, already reducing the size of our cooperative health/wealth risks and opportunities to not not double-binding poly-dogmatic ZeroSum deep learning generations of Earth's normal ecoschool day and night, mythos and logos, RealTime entertainment, and Timeless dreams of ParadiseMusing success. Waking up to another hopeless all WhiteHouse Dividing States of competitively irresponsible RedBlooded evangelical supremacist America without as within, inhaled as exhaled, source as re-source, resilient as resonant, WinLose to feed and water WinWin against LoseLose Climates of anthro success not epic entropic hopeless failure If you're like me, which probably reduces the size of hopelessly inert witnesses to one allied cooperative ZeroZone EarthTribe for Healthy/Wealthy Climates, inside learning from outside, outside speaking non-violently cooperatively co-investing with inside successful ego-voices, echoing rivers of recombining neural networks. If your WinWin Wonder climate teaches my Awesome inside ecstasy inviting outside enchantment, spiritual paradigms for natural relationship, bicameral systems etched in neural imprints sketched by recombining health with wealth Original ZeroZone neural roots nurturing matriarchal ultra-violet's resounding IntegritySource. If you're like me hopelessly choosing all loves matter.
Copyright © 2024 Gerald Dillenbeck. All Rights Reserved

Book: Reflection on the Important Things