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Long Como Poems

Long Como Poems. Below are the most popular long Como by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Como poems by poem length and keyword.

This World of Dew

This world? 
Moonlit dew
flicked from a crane's bill.
—Eihei Dogen Kigen, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

How long
can a dewdrop last? 
—Eihei Dogen Kigen, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Dewdrops beading grass-blades
die before...

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Categories: como, age, art, autumn, bereavement, death, life, time,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member A Sweet Poem In My Heart
I discovered a poem longing in my heart, it is for you, 
And it is about you, my sweetheart. This poem resembles you.
I wrote it this morning, before the arrival of the auroral shadow.
Her words...

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Categories: como, beauty, fantasy, i love you, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas In Summer
The third surgery didn’t work
He tells her there can be another one. 
He lies. Struggles to look in her eyes

She apologizes from a restless state
"I Won’t be here to see them graduate.
I won’t live to...

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Categories: como, cancer, celebration, christmas, devotion, family, heartbroken, i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bad News, Morose News
It’s like being hit by a meteor
Where there’s no tomorrow
It is like doomsday, really
Where everything is ugly
And absolutely nothing is pretty
I just received the bad news
That my sister-in-law had died
Suddenly and extemporaneously
Without being sick tremendously

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Categories: como, dark, death, death of a friend, farewell,
Form: Rhyme
Mi Estado Mental Critico
Si, perdí quien era y Caminé el camino equivocado 
El alcohol y las drogas, me estaba matando el cerebro Estaba en lo profundo de mi sangre y debilitó mi amor así los demás y amor...

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Categories: como, anxiety, death, depression, drink, drug, emotions, evil,
Form: Bio

Premium Member Rainbow Sherbet and Dying Poems
I never got why you always
Ate the red pink color out 
The Sherbet ice cream

It was like excavation
How you removed all the cherry
Without even affecting the other colors

Leaving the orange and the vanilla
Neatly for others

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Categories: como, bereavement, best friend, cancer, caregiving, death of
Form: Dramatic Verse
Palabras Del Corazon
Mi nombre es Iván, no soy un amante
ni tampoco un novio
solo soy un joven soldado y un ser muy
Y me gustaria pensar que algun dia
tarde o temprano estare realmente enamorado

Solo quiero ver a esa mujer...

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Categories: como, hope,
Form: Rhyme
Good Time
GOOD TIME ( translated in  two other languages)
Good time lies in onerous tracts
Where the minds reject
It shelters in a solitary world
Fidgets like a hovering danger
Reluctance, the only neighbouring sister
Dominates the city

Good time lies in...

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Categories: como, age, art, beach,
Form: Ode
Premium Member My Love I Love You Beyond Your Soul--
my love I love you beyond your soul

the aroma of your soul;
pageant of your screams;
What does this really mean;
The kiss of your breath;
Your blind caress;
Leaves me openly honest;
my love I love you beyond your soul;

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Categories: como, appreciation, desire, for her, i love you,
Form: Lyric
10 Versos Livres

Seremos lembrados 
se dermos 
à nossa geração mais jovem 
um mundo próspero e seguro, 
da prosperidade econômica 
aliada à herança civilizacional. 


não são aqueles que 
enquanto estamos dormindo.
Os sonhos são aqueles...

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Categories: como, business,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Sugar Cube House
Love is a season.
And holidays mark the seasons, and years like signs in the road,
reflecting the bumps in our journey, but showing us a way back home.

Sixteen, in pajamas, watching the rain pelt down,
it was...

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Categories: como, childhood, christmas, loss, sad, youth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Saddest Christmas I Remember
Love is a season
And holidays mark the seasons, like signs in the road
Reflecting the bumps in our journey, but showing us a way back home...

Sixteen, in pajamas, watching the rain pelt down
It was long past...

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Categories: como, christmas, dad, family, holiday, home, house, me,
Form: Narrative
Der Erste Schnee/ La Primera Nieve/ First Snow
Der Wald ist ruhiger geworden,
auch in dem Tal ist Stille eingekehrt.
Die Bäume hüllen sich in Schweigen und warten auf das
erste, leise Weiß.
Vereinzelt ziehen Elstern ihre Kreise 
und ein paar Krähen rufen durch die Zweige, 

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Categories: como, seasonstime, time,
Form: Prose Poetry
Mulheres Para a Liberdade
Dia Internacional da Mulher

Sem custos completamente liberados até 31 de Março mais de 20 cursos Gratuitos no

Colocamos sem custo os Programas de capacitação e mentoria gratuita.ção_do_Mundo

Para garantir que as mulheres possam se sentir à...

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Categories: como, business,
Form: Free verse
Free Verse Iv

Reason Without Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch

I used to be averse
to free verse,
but now I admit
YOUR rhyming is WORSE!

But alas, in the end,
it’s all the same:
all verse is unpaid
and a crying shame.

What the Poet...

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Categories: como, freedom, poems, poetry, poets, voice, write, writing,
Form: Free verse
8 Versos Livres
8 Versos Livres

1 - Dois amores

Escrever é meu 
segundo amor:
e posso dizer: 
quando se ama algo,
de atividade até pessoas 
você encontra muito tempo. 

Eu escrevo por duas horas por dia, 
geralmente começando à meia-noite; 

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Categories: como, business,
Form: Free verse
Mi Linda Amada
Asi como Cornelio Reyna yo también me caí de la nube en que andaba
por andar de enamorado terminé poniendo en la mujer de otro mi mirada
una sonrisa y buena conversación y su numero telefonico me...

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Categories: como, lost love, love, me, me,
Form: Rhyme
Der Pazifische Ozean / the Pacific Ocean / El Océano Pacífico
Zwischen dem Morgen und der Nacht 
fallen die Sterne in den Pazifischen Ozean.

Die ewige Sonne lässt die Wellen erklingen,
mit dem weichen Schaum leichten Schnees.

Die See singt Lieder des Vergessens,
von versunkenen Bäumen,
von leuchtenden Stränden,
von der Liebe.


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Categories: como, naturesea, me, ocean, sea, stars,
Form: Free verse
Estaba Lleno El Verano /Der Sommer War Voll/The Summer Was Full
Estaba lleno el verano,
Estaba lleno el verano
de flores, de deseos
como un espejo de cristáles azules,
reflejando los sueños 
y el suave color del cielo,
estaba lleno el verano
con nuestro amor.

El color de las casas 
antiguas de Oxford,

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Categories: como, lovewar, old, summer, love, old, summer, war,
Form: Prose Poetry
Vivas a Catalunha
Se te quiserem convencer de que é impossível a independencia, diz-lhes que impossível é ficares calado, impossível é não teres voz impossível é ser desumano e aceitar grilhões. Temos direito a viver. Acreditamos nessa certeza...

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Categories: como, international,
Form: Carpe Diem
Premium Member I Tried And I Cried
I tried, I tried
To stop loving you
I cried, I cried
For being too crazy about you.

You never loved me
You take me for granted
You thought I was demented
You never cared for me
Yet, my love for you
Was unconditional

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Categories: como, care, crush, divorce, fantasy, jealousy, love, love
Form: Rhyme
Mi Unica Falla
Sentado aquí contemplando tu despedida
pues presiento que estoy a punto de verte partir de mi vida
y asi como entrastes en ella ahora tomaras la salida
y contigo te llevas mi corazón y dejas una gran herida

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Categories: como, lost love, me, me, sin,
Form: Rhyme
Un Alma De Noche
Un alma de noche                               ...

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Categories: como, dark, moon, me, night, me, night,
Form: Free verse
7 Versos Livres
7 Versos Livres


O meu e o Seu coração 
pode assumir qualquer forma: 
1.	Um prado para gazelas, 
2.	Um claustro para monges, 
3.	Um bálsamo para doentes
4.	solo sagrado para crentes. 
 O credo do coração
é amor; 

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Categories: como, business,
Form: Free verse
Perdon Si Te Lastime Dios Ya Me Perdono
La conciencia no aguanto el remordimiento
el sufrimiento va consumiéndome Lento
pero se bien que yo me Lo eh ganado
eh pecado y por ti seré castigada 
puedo mentirle a Los demás pero a ti no dios 

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Categories: como, blessing, cry, faith, family, funeral, god, goodbye,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Book: Shattered Sighs