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Long Alexandrine Poems

Long Alexandrine Poems. Below are the most popular long Alexandrine by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Alexandrine poems by poem length and keyword.

Forever is only a moment lost without champion the cause Anderson mister burnette blossom barachatta Barbara Streisand globally Hussein ghost minnows shady lane candles blue stay real vanderbuilts vaults of favored few points topless blunt...

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Categories: 11th grade,
Form: Alexandrine

Angelus Silesius the Mystical Angel
Angelus Silesius Translations

The rose merely blossoms
and never asks why:
heedless of her beauty,
careless of every eye.
?Angelus Silesius, loose translation by Michael R. Burch

The rose lack reasons
and merely sways with the seasons;
she has no ego
but whoever put...

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Categories: alexandrine, angel, bible, christian, devotion, god, religion, religious,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Lost Pantheons
“Lost Pantheons” 

Alexandrine tragedies
Racine diamond-edged
come and go 
French letters 
blown like leaves
straight up 
into the rarefied air
scattered like lovers
against a body 
of purple vain poetry 
written invisible
on the skin of 
Miss Chance 
spoken with 

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Categories: alexandrine, freedom, poets, romance, romantic love,
Form: Free verse
Sir Walter Scott Kaufmann
Yet with the recent collapse of the garden estate, Abe knew
The devil had appeared down, in, up out the chimney flue
As a result Eve had lost the Rose, petals fallin' to the ground
His brother Cain...

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Categories: abortion, anger, assonance, brother, cancer, christian, christmas,
Form: Alexandrine
Tamed Beast
I want to tell you a true life story,
This very story has never been told to any ear before now;
It’s a burden to hold this story to my heart alone;
As I share a demo of...

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Categories: absence, age, anger, anxiety, loss, love, pain,
Form: Alexandrine

Crown of Sonnets - Love
I heard so long before, crying from fields where blow

it 'round the lonely stones, hair-waving gentleness.

Were it a poison o, still I would ride its breeze,

trailing so finely forgetting resentfulness.

How can it worry, when ne’r...

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Categories: alexandrine, lost lovelife, hope, life, love,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Word By Mom, Me a Bit
In the beginning ...," roosts; 
            Christians and Jewish boosts.


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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: courage, faith, future, happiness, spiritual, trust, visionary,
Form: Alexandrine
Premium Member Significant Divine Interventions In My Life
Bestowed by God with faith according to Scriptures
I do strive to seek Him, begging for His guidance
Believing His wisdom, always perfect and right…
Divine intervention --- such I desire so well.

Toward college degree, yet away from...

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Categories: alexandrine, appreciation, blessing, christian, faith, god, inspirational, jesus,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Another Year's Demise

My thoughts reflecting upon a year that is about to pass into history. Each month bringing its own joy, sorrow, and contemplations. I have written It in the form of a couplet, adopting a 12...

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© MB Farookh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: alexandrine, christmas, farewell, poetry, remember, seasons, work,
Form: Couplet
The First Time You Broke Me
**Content warning: depicts abuse (please skip to one of my more lightheaded poems if one needs to).

To you, your abuse began as a game or joke, 
so insidious, so quietly inhumane, 
a spontaneous, cautionary tale,...

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Categories: abuse, betrayal, child abuse, conflict, crush, endurance,
Form: Alexandrine
A Cogent Shot
The night was too tide
When I sticked with my last
So embraced with the maid
In the middle of the light

She is certain superb of the maids
The best choice ever did
That moons can't get z's
Holding the tilt...

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Categories: absence, addiction, betrayal, cute love, depression, dream,
Form: Alexandrine
Weaving Forms- a Parody
Weaving Forms

Abc, Abecedarian, acrostic, alliteration alexandrine
  Salaam, sehraa senyru, sestina, sijo, shape, sonnet
      The list of forms of writing poesy is hopelessly endless

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Categories: alexandrine, allusion, humor, hyperbole, imagery, metaphor, poetry,
Form: Light Verse
Down Pressor

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Categories: anger
Form: Alexandrine
Can you hear me across the distance?
I am whispering to this paper,
I do not want them to hear
What I am saying to you,
They will hear it and say it is not true,
Eavesdrop and see through...

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Categories: love,
Form: Alexandrine
Premium Member Celestial Being
Beautiful angel a soul's destination flies
High above on gossamer wings delicately 
Circling between heaven and earth as soul keepers

Eclipsing the light seraph twitches softly gaze
Touching inside one bond never to be broken
An angelic message shown...

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Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, emotions, feelings, love,
Form: Alexandrine
True Self
Then silence strikes and the urge...

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Categories: africa, beauty,
Form: Alexandrine
True Self
Then silence strikes and the urge...

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Categories: africa, beauty,
Form: Alexandrine
An Adjuration From Azure Skies
A   Azure heavens charged with God’s delight
N   nestle fine-spun ‘round the radiant sun.

A   Adjuring men to look up outdoors -
D   directing hungry eyes towards blue skies,
J ...

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Categories: alexandrine, 11th grade, appreciation, blue, peace, sky,
Form: Acrostic
Rugby Grass Roots
The grandstand is gelid by a sharp wintry breeze
Carried off from the field are the last of dead leaves
The shrill of the whistle, muffled calls from the crowd
From the tunnel stampede, metal studs echo loud.

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© Marco Bing  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friendship, games, sports, spring,
Form: Alexandrine
Premium Member Samson and The Liar: Parody
Yond the Book of Judges, uncover the smudges,
Samson and or Shimshon, a Nazarite vowed, son,
Delilah deceptor, Philistia's daughter,
The lipstick was preying, weight lift also praying,
The black widow spider, spun her web of desire,
Weakness met the...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, beauty, betrayal, bible, death, death of
Form: Alexandrine
Knowledge of Good and Evil
Step with me onto a boat; we need somewhere to go.
Our destination is not for us to know.
A stiff wind carries us beyond the sight of land
Where all that can be seen; we see from...

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Categories: evil, faith,
Form: Alexandrine
Am Not Cool About Things
I am not cool about things
You say about my life,
Just coz you left me,
I love my life, mistakes.
Nothing happened, I was just
Seeking your attention, now hard to find.
If that is the way to get my...

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Categories: betrayal,
Form: Alexandrine
Behind Back There
"Behind Back There"

I guess you were the one for me
           To comfort & care
I guess it was a mistake

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Categories: appreciation, desire,
Form: Alexandrine
Premium Member I Remember

I remember my dad, oh, he was a fine man, and he loved my mom so, they
loved all the children so much. I adored mom's touch and her sweet hugs each
day. We had a cat...

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Categories: family, love, me, nostalgia,
Form: Alexandrine
Better Than Love Knows
Babe I should admit
I did not understand you
I felt so wronged and justified
I did all I could to please myself
And feel loved,
But babe I did all I could to make you cry
I love you
Better than...

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Categories: forgiveness,
Form: Alexandrine

Book: Reflection on the Important Things