Kid Poems - Examples of all types of kid poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for kid.
Yogi Bear and Boo-boo TooOh, Jellystone Park, where echoes reside,
In the whispers of trees and the brook's gentle glide.
A haven of mischief, of laughter, of cheer,
Where two famous bears roam year after year.
Yogi, the leader, so quick with a...
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kid, adventure, animal, children, fun,
Form: Free verse
Race of clichesWhen I saw Dilly dally
I thought, "Oh no, this kid's got to rally!
Cuz if he loses this race,
it'll be a total disgrace,
cuz this race was right up his alley.
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kid, 12th grade, encouraging, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Connected SpacesI miss my old room
it was nice being in a small space
at least i could call it mine
mine mine mine mine mine
putting my arms straight out
i could touch each wall, ghost my fingers over
the fresh...
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art, home, imagery, kid,
Form: Free verse
Giggle girlIn the neon glow of the midnight skies,
She dances through dreams, where her spirit flies,
In her deepest fantasies, she finds her spark,
Unlocking the secrets that dance in the dark.
She’s a queen in the mirror, fierce...
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kid, body, change, destiny, feelings,
Form: Free verse
SnowNew Chance with Pleiades for the New Year - Revised Description Poetry Contest
Andrea Dietrich
Six inches fell that night
Snow-cover made for skiers
Silvery white snowflakes
Swirling in slow cadence
Several kids woke up
Saw the glistening hills
Snow chasers left...
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fun, kid, snow,
Form: Pleiades
Rafah's Dolls
Pick out only one doll,
the one you love the most of all,
and another one for your younger sister who weighs less than to know how to choose,
My mother used to say when I was...
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goodbye, kid, political, world
Form: Free verse
A Grounding Technique
I can see:
The pretty blue sky,
with bright sun shinning.
Fall garden sleeping,
flowers are all dead.
Big bees a buzzing.
I can feel:
Cool breeze touching,
my warm dry skin.
Warm lovely sun,
covers me up.
I can hear:
The birds sing,
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kid, flower, fun, garden, joy,
Form: Free verse
Twas the night before Christmas
"Twas the night before Christmas" and I thought I was dead,
my feet felt like two big clumps of lead.
There was pounding in my head,
all I could see was red.
What a week this had been,
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drink, food, fun, kid,
Form: Rhyme
Moon above crooked pumpkinsThe artistic viewpoint
Slightly skewed
Somewhat short
Just past the “two’s”
Water colors
On a white fridge
A bit a-kilter
Pumpkin heads
A blur of witches
‘Gainst the moon
O’er dripping leaves
‘Neath artist’s eyes
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art, kid,
Form: Ekphrasis
whiz kid inventorsOur inventions long ago surpassed the wheel and fire
paper, compass, printing press, penicillin, rubber tire
vaccines, light bulbs, electricity, radio, and colored tv
rockets, air conditioning, fiber optics, printers 3-D
we always think everything ever invented already is.
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kid, life,
Form: Rhyme
The three boysThree boys thought they had seen the ghosts
resisting the urge to yell roasts
posing as known heroes
made ghosts to be zeros
Not knowing it was seven toasts
Syllable per line: 8 8 8 6 6 8...
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appreciation, humorous, kid, youth,
Form: Limerick
Smitten untilA letter to Santa She'd written, A ruby red bow made of ribbon
the tree underneath she saw, four paws of a kitten
at first, the girl beamed, at first she was smitten,
untill on her...
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kid, childhood, christmas, cry, happiness,
Form: Limerick
Rainbow KidI am a rainbow kid
I take pride in who I am
And embrace the crown as I am
These colors I embrace,
This rainbow, running through my blood stream.
They call it debased,
But, I call it redeemed.
My identity I...
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kid, dedication, emotions, identity, inspirational
Form: Free verse
It's All in Your POVHow would you feel,
If you went home today
To find a strange creature
Had entered your cave
While you were away?
How would you feel,
If the door to your cave
Had been kicked in by a kid
Who just could...
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kid, analogy, child, feelings, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Like a little kidI dance with ease swirling in the wind grasping for falls leaves...
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kid, childhood,
Form: Monoku
Specific Types of Kid Poems
Definition | What is Kid in Poetry?
Poems Related to Kid
boy, infant, daughter, son, youth, teenager, child, baby, girl, youngster, lad, bairn, juvenile, lass, tot, little one, joke, bother, tease, pretend, delude, flimflam, rag, razz, jest