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Poems by Mike Hauser

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Below are poems written by United States poet Mike Hauser . If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Mike Hauser .

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
07/05/2019 You Will Always Be My Girl 654 Rhyme
07/01/2019 Could You 512 Rhyme
06/09/2019 Time Saving Tips 444 Rhyme
05/22/2019 This Road 454 Rhyme
05/19/2019 Life 369 Rhyme
05/17/2019 There Is a Time 592 Rhyme
05/15/2019 Black and Blue 432 Rhyme
05/10/2019 Back To Basics 481 Rhyme
05/07/2019 Beauty Queen 520 Rhyme
05/03/2019 Connect the Dots 374 Rhyme
05/02/2019 Somebody Has a Crush On You 380 Rhyme
04/30/2019 This Moment 600 Rhyme
04/28/2019 Forgiveness 411 Rhyme
04/21/2019 There Will Come a Day 674 Rhyme
04/20/2019 Crossword Puzzle Life 596 Rhyme
04/18/2019 A Little Off 465 Rhyme
04/18/2019 A Feel Good Poem 844 Rhyme
04/16/2019 Nature's News 570 Rhyme
04/15/2019 Play Days 437 Rhyme
04/11/2019 Knots 380 Rhyme
04/08/2019 I'M Fine - Thanks For Asking 376 Rhyme
04/04/2019 How Long 331 Rhyme
04/03/2019 One Small Favor 291 Rhyme
04/02/2019 Whisper 320 Rhyme
04/02/2019 Finger Pointing 303 Rhyme
03/31/2019 Cold Are the Hands 456 Rhyme
03/30/2019 Old Mcdonald's Farm 656 Rhyme
03/25/2019 Right Or Wrong 336 Rhyme
03/23/2019 Daydreaming 376 Rhyme
03/21/2019 Elephant In the Room 457 Rhyme
03/20/2019 Pray For the Working Man 340 Rhyme
03/19/2019 It's Magic 432 Rhyme
02/27/2019 The Lie 382 Rhyme
02/24/2019 Thinking of You 364 Rhyme
02/23/2019 Love Loves Love 452 Rhyme
02/12/2019 Satellite Girl 392 Rhyme
02/11/2019 Butterfly Kiss 423 Rhyme
02/09/2019 The Disease of Love 402 Rhyme
02/07/2019 All I Am 377 Rhyme
02/06/2019 Between Me and the Poem 387 Rhyme
02/03/2019 A 50's Poem 634 Rhyme
02/02/2019 My Bio 533 I do not know?
01/29/2019 Will You Be 299 Rhyme
01/28/2019 Her Blaze 455 Rhyme
01/17/2019 Pretender 332 Rhyme
01/16/2019 The Next Big Thing 320 Rhyme
01/12/2019 The Divide 255 Rhyme
01/11/2019 Shipwrecked Fool 355 Rhyme
01/10/2019 Pocket Frown 308 Rhyme
01/08/2019 Makes No Difference 303 Light Verse
01/07/2019 Promises Made 567 Light Verse
01/06/2019 For You and I 295 Light Verse
01/05/2019 Gots 286 Light Verse
01/04/2019 Pure Southern Girl 834 Light Verse
01/03/2019 The Art of Love 379 Light Verse
01/02/2019 Looney Balloon 328 Light Verse
12/31/2018 Plate 315 Light Verse
12/30/2018 Ocean Dancing 365 Light Verse
12/29/2018 I Hate My Selfie 403 Light Verse
12/26/2018 Dr Dream 449 Light Verse
12/25/2018 That Special Christmas Morning 354 Light Verse
12/24/2018 Time of Your Life 407 Light Verse
12/21/2018 Amelia Earhart 858 Light Verse
12/20/2018 The Idea of Love 356 Light Verse
12/19/2018 A Poem Within a Poem 459 Light Verse
12/18/2018 Naked Poetry 330 Light Verse
12/16/2018 The Man Who Doesn'T Care 373 Light Verse
12/15/2018 Goodbye, Goodbye 409 Light Verse
12/12/2018 She Said 305 Light Verse
12/11/2018 Monkeys 429 Light Verse
12/10/2018 Loss of Thought 382 Light Verse
12/09/2018 Monty's Measuring Tape 370 Light Verse
12/08/2018 Goo Goo G,Joob - Goodbye To You 491 Light Verse
12/07/2018 Life Is a Leaf the Blows On the Breeze 317 Light Verse
12/07/2018 Inside Frown 382 Light Verse
12/06/2018 The Vow 364 Light Verse
12/05/2018 People Are Crazy 357 Light Verse
12/05/2018 The Mess 346 Light Verse
12/04/2018 Virus 371 Light Verse
12/03/2018 Poets In a Boat 344 Light Verse
12/02/2018 Life In a Norman Rockwell Painting 619 Light Verse
12/01/2018 The Fork, Knife, and Spoon 666 Light Verse
12/01/2018 Written In Chalk 377 Light Verse
11/30/2018 Gypsy Heart 409 Light Verse
11/30/2018 I'Ve Yet To Tell Myself the Truth 301 Light Verse
11/29/2018 Taboo Love 759 Light Verse
11/28/2018 Where Has the Time Gone 550 Light Verse
11/27/2018 Brand New Suit 320 Light Verse
11/26/2018 Wish 314 Light Verse
11/25/2018 Pieces of My Father 527 Light Verse
11/24/2018 Black Friday - More Holiday Shenanigans 835 Light Verse
11/23/2018 Stand Firm In Your Faith 439 Light Verse
11/22/2018 All She Wrote 490 Light Verse
11/21/2018 Butterball-To the Tune of Wreaking Ball By Miley Cyrus 620 Light Verse
11/20/2018 One Fine Day 419 Light Verse
11/19/2018 Thaw and Tenderize - Happy Holiday Special 542 Light Verse
11/18/2018 This Tear 331 I do not know?
11/17/2018 Freddy and Frieda Flea 753 Light Verse
11/16/2018 Plaid Perfume 431 Light Verse
11/16/2018 It Should Have Been You Who Wrote This Poem 353 Light Verse


Quote Left They say smart people use only 10% of their brains. Imagine what would happen if we used the other 70%! Quote Right
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things