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Poems by Diane Lefebvre

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Below are poems written by United States poet Diane Lefebvre. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Diane Lefebvre.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/23/2016 Bleak November 1292 Rhyme
09/16/2016 Old Leaves 705 Rhyme
07/08/2016 Bad Day At the Rochester Fair 1204 Narrative
06/17/2015 If When I Get To Heaven 1634 Rhyme
06/04/2015 Hard Lessons Before Cgi 1072 Dramatic Verse
05/28/2015 Fearful Things 1455 Rhyme
05/23/2015 Old Teddy 1576 Narrative
05/21/2015 The Other Side of Tomorrow 1435 Dramatic Verse
05/20/2015 The Gift of Words 3202 Dramatic Verse
05/18/2015 Lost Days of Summer 1420 Narrative
05/13/2015 Pets In Heaven 1676 Rhyme
05/12/2015 Looking Back 1453 Narrative
05/12/2015 To a Caterpillar 1383 Rhyme
05/03/2015 New Dog In Town 1415 Narrative
05/01/2015 Old Dog 2138 Narrative
04/29/2015 The Grandson 4629 Rhyme
04/28/2015 A Tale of Two Turkeys 1731 Rhyme
04/27/2015 Tick Tac Mac 1483 Limerick
04/27/2015 New Shoes For Mike and Molly 1612 Rhyme
04/27/2015 Out There 1040 Dramatic Verse
04/26/2015 Frankenbaby 1181 Rhyme
04/26/2015 Tony's Torrid Toga - For Contest 2379 Limerick
04/25/2015 Hosie Rosie 1851 Limerick
04/25/2015 Tears of Atonement 1755 Narrative
04/23/2015 A Time of Endless Peace 1156 Rhyme
04/20/2015 A Walk Among the Gravestones 1900 Elegy
04/20/2015 The Mockingbird 1415 Rhyme
04/18/2015 The Face In the Window 2162 Narrative
04/17/2015 Fallen Friendship 1395 Rhyme
04/10/2015 The Old House and the Specter 1670 Narrative
04/10/2015 Doggy Doldrums 1258 Rhyme
04/10/2015 Stray Tiger Lou 1353 Narrative
04/10/2015 The End of Year Three 1218 Narrative
04/09/2015 Final Journey 1637 Narrative
04/09/2015 The Message 1374 Narrative
04/05/2015 Without Him 1050 Rhyme
04/02/2015 A Life Up In Smoke 1362 Narrative
04/01/2015 Cluttered Beauty 1403 Narrative
03/31/2015 Ashes of Arcadia 1361 Rhyme
03/31/2015 Little Dogs 1383 Free verse
03/29/2015 This Other Kind of Love 1220 Narrative
03/29/2015 Narration Woes 1466 Rhyme
03/28/2015 Twenty One 1354 Rhyme
03/28/2015 First Thoughts 1210 Rhyme
03/26/2015 The Test 1277 Rhyme
03/25/2015 Rescue Dog 1965 Narrative
03/25/2015 Signs of Them 1129 Rhyme
03/25/2015 Fallen Warrior 2327 Narrative
03/22/2015 God Bless the Little Children 1695 Rhyme
03/21/2015 Black To White 1198 Rhyme
03/21/2015 Empty Feeders 1516 Narrative
03/21/2015 Winter Cat - Summer Cat 1925 Narrative
03/17/2015 Memory Walks 1240 Rhyme
03/16/2015 Hell Simplified 1289 Rhyme
03/14/2015 Wellington Gate 1670 Narrative
03/13/2015 A Squirrel At the Door 1612 Rhyme
03/13/2015 Past Heaven's Door 980 Rhyme
03/12/2015 Ask the Lord's Forgiveness 1988 Rhyme
03/11/2015 Kind Lady 1451 Rhyme
03/11/2015 Stealth Cat 1291 Rhyme
03/10/2015 The Stray 2674 Narrative
03/09/2015 The Seagulls Commute 1974 Rhyme
03/08/2015 Message On a Headstone 1828 Rhyme
03/08/2015 Transmigration of the Wind 1639 Prose
03/06/2015 I'M Home 1716 Free verse
03/06/2015 The Glass Domed Clock 1811 Narrative
03/06/2015 The Secret Life of Man's Best Friend 1671 Rhyme
03/05/2015 Ode To a Misguided Mouser 1349 Rhyme
03/02/2015 To Rhyme Or Not To Rhyme 1296 Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry