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Poems by Gary Watkins

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Below are poems written by United States poet Gary Watkins. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Gary Watkins.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/23/2017 The Answer 462 Free verse
01/29/2017 Shivers 451 Quatrain
03/01/2016 Night's Promise, Morning's Truth 733 Rhyme
03/01/2016 Cheater 591 Footle
11/10/2015 Winter Blues 1016 Rhyme
11/07/2015 Winter 623 Dodoitsu
10/20/2015 Autumn Tears 801 Haiku
05/28/2015 Poetry 650 Rhyme
05/28/2015 More 1231 Rhyme
09/07/2014 On a Crisp Autumn Evening 734 Rhyme
08/18/2014 Night Visitors -- a Footle Triptych 1153 Footle
08/13/2014 Morning After 9217 Footle
04/09/2014 Stones 483 Free verse
02/23/2014 Metaphor Remix 951 Rhyme
01/09/2014 White Lie 858 Senryu
12/29/2013 Marriage 686 Senryu
12/22/2013 Sun Dancing 1454 Haiku
12/14/2013 Flora I 834 Rhyme
12/13/2013 Take Time 669 Monoku
12/10/2013 The Parting 630 Rhyme
12/09/2013 The Crush 797 Couplet
11/27/2013 The Twelve Spammers' Christmas 1374 Lyric
11/24/2013 Cruel Yule 839 Free verse
11/24/2013 New Love 863 Lanterne
11/24/2013 A Kiss Under the Mistletoe 749 Quatrain
11/24/2013 Her 592 Lanterne
11/23/2013 Senryu - Flames of Passion 793 Senryu
11/22/2013 Sad - Christmas Stocking 1519 Senryu

Book: Shattered Sighs