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Poems by Okonkwo Ifeanyichukwu

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Below are poems written by Nigeria poet Okonkwo Ifeanyichukwu. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Okonkwo Ifeanyichukwu.

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Best Okonkwo Ifeanyichukwu Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
05/03/2020 Rose Castle 659 Lyric
02/25/2020 Truth Inthe Wine 359 Lyric
02/15/2020 Look Around 310 Lyric
02/08/2020 In the Lite of Time 424 Didactic
12/31/2019 Take My Message 299 Alliteration
12/31/2019 Trailer 240 Quatrain
12/31/2019 Come Closer 269 Quatrain
12/31/2019 Don'T Kill Me 426 Lyric
10/13/2019 Emotions 430 Alliteration
10/13/2019 Amanda My Love Mate 302 Lyric
10/13/2019 Died At the Cathedral 337 Elegy
06/05/2019 Meet Me 397 Lyric
06/04/2019 Take Me There 443 Lyric
05/07/2019 The Conscious Child 390 Lyric
04/13/2019 Afrobiscus 596 Lyric
03/22/2019 Onthe Wings of Love 610 Romanticism
03/22/2019 Tell Me You Love Me 483 Romanticism
03/11/2019 Please Don'T Leave Me Alone 397 Romanticism
03/02/2019 A Kiss By the Sea Side 571 Lyric
02/11/2019 Alive Not Dead 658 Lyric
02/11/2019 The Black Poet 406 Lyric
02/09/2019 My Son 371 Didactic
02/09/2019 I Know You 315 Quatrain
02/09/2019 Ogazi 403 Lyric
02/09/2019 Attempts 228 Lyric
02/09/2019 Stagnant Kites 247 Lyric
02/09/2019 Pimples of Salvation 403 Lyric
02/08/2019 Tower of Mirage 487 Sonnet
02/08/2019 Image of Greece 299 Quatrain
02/05/2019 Smile For Me 271 Quatrain
02/05/2019 How Far 682 Didactic
02/05/2019 Box of Imagination 288 Lyric
02/05/2019 Home Sweet Home 493 Didactic
02/05/2019 Could This Be Me 589 Lyric
02/05/2019 Legislators of Drum 516 Didactic
01/26/2019 The Naturalist and the Nationalist 397 Lyric
01/26/2019 Yesterday 380 Didactic
01/21/2019 Journey of Life 400 Quatrain
01/21/2019 Dream 380 Lyric
01/20/2019 Shepherd's Wallet 334 Quatrain
01/20/2019 Wall's of War 513 Lyric
01/20/2019 Woman Without Rib 481 Didactic
01/18/2019 Paw - Paw Cream 387 Didactic
01/18/2019 Horror 478 Lyric
01/16/2019 Coins of Aspiration 363 Lyric
01/16/2019 Curtain Without a Cut 231 Lyric
01/16/2019 Grave Yard 378 Lyric
01/15/2019 Banquet of Love 471 Lyric
01/14/2019 Rose of Dedication 384 Lyric
01/14/2019 Gizzard 595 Quatrain
01/14/2019 Confusion 433 Lyric
01/14/2019 Canada 425 Ballade
01/13/2019 The Carpenter 310 Didactic
01/13/2019 Fortune Against Education 462 Didactic
01/13/2019 Sparrows 361 Sonnet
01/12/2019 Butterfly 535 Rhyme
01/12/2019 Dark and Bright 399 Lyric
01/12/2019 Child's Play 395 Dramatic Monologue
01/12/2019 If You See Africa 549 Ballad
01/12/2019 Angels 485 Didactic
01/12/2019 Batcher 542 Didactic
01/12/2019 Colony After Colonisation 649 Didactic
01/11/2019 Basket of Joy 512 Didactic
01/11/2019 Chance To Love 358 Didactic
01/11/2019 Two Bad For Lisa 278 Sonnet
01/11/2019 Tall Dream 395 Sonnet
01/10/2019 Stomach Language 246 Sonnet
01/10/2019 Wind of Parable 402 Didactic
01/10/2019 Tales of Colour 376 Light Verse
01/10/2019 Malaria 700 Ode
01/10/2019 Spinsters of Culture 433 Pastoral
01/10/2019 Boat of Interest 384 Didactic


Quote Left Determination is the first brother of success Consistency is the last brother of success Quote Right
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things