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Short Maturing Poems

Short Maturing Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Maturing by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Maturing by length and keyword.

Once Again
Once again

The sun is maturing
Preparing life once again
For the loss of a day...

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Categories: maturing, day, loss, sun,
Form: Haiku

spawn at river bend
     holds wriggling tails in jelly
          maturing to legs...

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Categories: maturing, environment, life, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Schism
You took innocence
sow seeds in maturing brain
create illusions
in the name of the father...
a lattice for prejudice.

© Harry J Horsman 2012...

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Categories: maturing, angst, prejudice,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Permissive Parent
embers of fire burst 
a conflict of the dragon
enforcing strict rules
helping maturing up brave
facing full heat of the sun


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© Eve Roper  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: maturing, child, parents,
Form: Tanka
From Baby To Youth
Beautiful, fragile
Laughing, cuddling, playing
Infant, toddler, adolescent, youth
Maturing, learning, developing
Social, charmer

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Categories: maturing, baby, youth,
Form: Diamante

Premium Member soulmates and forever friends
Did not have an instant connection or burning urge
Through their childhood friendship they became close
After maturing they could not stay away from each other
Soulmates and forever friends...

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Categories: maturing, love,
Form: Free verse
Grown In Wisdom
I am not growing old or tall
I am maturing, not only by shape
but by wisdom.
It has been placed in the furnace of my heart,
burned with the radiance of the sun and been
molded in the storms by God's will until
I have become organic Protea....

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Categories: maturing, dedication,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Spring To Summer
exuberance, tenderness
birthing, blooming, nurturing
breeze, solstice, heat, equinox, 
maturing, toiling, enduring
exhaustion, thirst 


Spring or Summer Diamante Poem Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Caren Krutsinger...

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Categories: maturing, seasons,
Form: Diamante
Jeanice has now been baptized
Now she's saved she has realized

Now she has to win the race
Maturing at a steady pace

Fight the devil; don't back down
Get rid of that crazy clown!

In the end get into heaven
She now knows she's been forgiven!...

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Categories: maturing, faith
Form: Couplet
Foolish Pursuit
In a Winter's Loft; Complete,
with Midnight Eyes.

Maturing Curiosity,
Echoing with Laughter;
Sparkling, by Design.

Scintillating Whispers,
Fruitful, and Confident.
Longing to be Understood.

Eagerly Anticipating the Last Page.
Always Wanting More....

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Categories: maturing, life, love, mystery, passion,
Form: Lyric
Questions Explorations and the Maturing Christian
Christianity is a process.......
Some Christians explore their faith and question their denomination
Some do vice versa
Some question and explore both....this is the process by which true maturity comes.
The only immature Christian is the one who does neither zero none....

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Categories: maturing, anti bullying, betrayal, bible,
Form: Bio
Premium Member Juniper Purple
Juniper Purple fabulous Kind, Beautiful, blue, existing Feelings such of happiness Blossoming Flowers Fragrant, amazing smells Maturing, flourishing, showing purple so blushing Flush
3334/6/19 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©...

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Categories: maturing, analogy, appreciation, flower,
Form: Cinquain
Uncle George
Visibly bald from losing his hair,
lucky uncle explores healthy fare. 

Fresh veggies constrain follicle halt, 
fixing a maturing hairline’s fault.

Vainly Uncle George emits forced yawns 
glibly disarmed as new girlfriend fawns.

April 30, 2020

Contest:  Couplet
Sponsor: Dear Heart...

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Categories: maturing, 11th grade, hair, hope, loss,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Realities Tides
the golden ratio
and fibonacci sequence
govern natures shapes

from seed to full grown
childhood to aged perspectives
everythings logic

patterns and chaos
all just existent matters
from undercurrents

of the math form tides 
shaping understandings seen
by maturing minds

stan sand...

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© Sand Blown  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: maturing, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Not Vcrs
Not VCR’S By: Tom Wright 12-2-04 In our youth, we search for the fast forward button of life. Then later, in our maturing years, search for rewind or eject buttons; finally realizing that life, simply starts, records, and stops. Will your recording be edited before it stops?

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© Tom Wright  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: maturing, age, life, youth,
Form: Free verse
His Journey
Lifetime trek
Now complete
Ever now passed
Your beginning moment
Terra Lumina
Has crested horizons
Before you
Throughout destinations
You’ve journeyed
Maturing before
Those eyes
Which destiny
Could never elude
Those crossings
Carrying you forward
Eternally incomplete
Reincarnated anew
Upon the rising...

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Categories: maturing, faith, imagination, introspection, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
My Goals
The path of knowing
Is never easy
Nor predictable
It is meant to be
And to be

The path of maturing
Is never cultured
Nor structured
It is overcoming challenges
And building your inner self

The path to victory
Is never about success
Nor blessings
It is about conquering the world
And sustaining your well being...

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Categories: maturing, age, celebration, character, future, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
We Are Powerful
in the caves
of white salt
we are breathing
our bronchioles
are opening
crystals of the
abandoned sea
we are maturing
sprinkling blue light
of the spectrum
amplified light
we are seeing now
stimulated emissions
unknown shiftings
beyond the spectrum
i am hearing
dust of the polluted ocean
we are powerful...

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Categories: maturing, allusion,
Form: I do not know?
The Saturday
Vividly its coming
Imagine it figured
Conquering its occurring
Maturing as it grows

A pencil is meant to write
An ink is meant to be refilled
A paper is meant to be written on
And words are meant to be read

Slimmer as it boils
Aborting as it leaves the fakeness
Completing as it receives the originality
The race has been ran...

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Categories: maturing, age, blessing, change, confidence, destiny, freedom, future,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Awaken
I Awaken a child
to the nearness of my mother;
Feeling her breath of warmth--

(apparent is the joy
on her face
a labor well done);

my eyes maturing 
not quite focus
I trustingly reach 
for her special day
and mine
our discovery;

it is the grasp
of a newborn,

and the surrendering
of an 
infinite universe
to love.......

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© Joe Dimino  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: maturing, beauty, birth, celebration, happy birthday, heart, love,
Form: Free verse
Love's Maturation Cycle
Rendered seed concealed in Love's nest
Tendered sapling fondling mother's breast
Adolescent twig fluttering with pubescent zest
Immature leaves on mating quest
Maturing frond passing coupling test
Cherished branches sprout; hearth's bough dressed
In due time, seasoned fruit; perpetuity's crest
Stale, desiccate limbs; vitality's inquest...

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Categories: maturing, love
Form: Rhyme
My Little Jenny {cinquain}
                                                   little angel
                                             mind body maturing
                                        happily healthy very wise

Thanks Rhoda
for insperation
Hope I did this right  lol...

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Categories: maturing, daughter, devotion, family, imagination, inspirational, philosophy, thank
Form: Cinquain
The Quartet Playing Beethoven
The faces are
stamped in.
They sit and play.
having done this
all their maturing lives.
It is familiar and new.

I love the immersion in
civilization, want more,
Like a tantalizing spice.
the faces reach into me,
dancing in soundspace.

The time
fused with sound,
are sufficient
in the faces of the men,
but in the woman's face
a permission remains....

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Categories: maturing, age, character, emotions, music, nature, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Some people are naturally born 
to grief losses in different ways 
mourn friendships remember 
the past in great detail and hold 
onto them as if the reality of 
yesterday is now today
 People naturally evolve onto 
their own growing 
rectifying past mistakes 
and becoming better people 
others stay stuck in old 
patterns of being....

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Categories: maturing, loss
Form: ABC
Don't Grieve
Do not grieve the time
We could not be together,
For the old, maturing wine
Won't mourn its loss of fruit 

Do not grieve the places
We could have known together,
For budding flowers aren't as fragrant
As when they're in full bloom

Do not grieve the days
We could not spend together,
For we will cherish all the more,
The many years to come....

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© Nick Ruff  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: maturing, love,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things