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Sebastian Poems - Poems about Sebastian

Sebastian Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sebastian to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sebastian.
Premium Member Johann Sebastian Bach
In the first Orchestra rehearsal of the semester, I see the composer's name on the sheets of music handed to me And I know this is going to be immensely fun Playing something by a brilliant composer Who lived...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, muse, music,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sebastian
It's awfully untrendy to be slender, long and bendy but it helps to have reach when seeking the peach, chuckled Sebastian to Wendy ...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Hero by Max Sebastian Burchett
by Max Burchett Isn’t it what we all want to be? Someone who all can see Is stronger and braver, Man of steel or greater. Could that be you, or me? What I know it seems Is it may not be, Hasn’t been...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, courage, fate, hero, hope,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Good Day By Max Burchett
by Maxwell "Max" Sebastian Burchett I present these lyrics today, For you to consider if you would, An idea I propose, to find a way To designate a day for doing good. It is about time now We start finding a...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, appreciation, christian, encouraging, faith,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Antonio Thinks Cesario Is Sebastian
The law authorities apprehended a man named Antonio. I have never met him before as he is someone I don't know. He contends that a while ago, he gave me some money. Now he wants it back to...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, literature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Olivia Thinks Sebastian Is Cesario
I have seen some unusual things going around. There is this woman named Olivia I have found. She is someone I absolutely don't know. The strangest thing is: she keeps calling me "Cesario". Here I am in this unusual...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, literature, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sebastian Is Alive
Antonio saved me from the ship that sank. For bringing me ashore, I have him to thank. I am in a new land, and I am alive. However, I believe my twin sister did not survive. I must seek...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, adventure, literature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member My Brother Sebastian
Oh my brother Sebastian, where can he be? I lost sight of him after our ship was sunk in the sea. His death seems now like a great possibility. However captain, his clinging to a floating mast did...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, literature, loss, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sebastian
Sebastian dressed like a toff Other people he would scoff He was a snob, I suppose People named him Toffee nose...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, 10th grade,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Quote Wars Sebastian Was His Name
Sebastian Was His Name There a single figured stood In a land that no man claims Leafing though an ancient book And Sebastian was his name It was the first spring of the war And with victory nowhere at hand The...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, humanity, hyperbole, war,
Form: I do not know?
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach Found that bread gave him creative spark He would eat a whole ciabatta Then knock off a fugue and toccata YOUR BEST QUATRAIN Poetry Contest...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, music,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Saint Sebastian Festival
Big headed dance troupe Precede the festival known As Saint Sebastian When you will find from music Crafts, sweets and serigraphies 1-16-2016...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, celebration,
Form: Tanka
Sebastian the Red Crab
I met a red crab named Sebastian, Nice and funny one Then he gave me flowers a sign of friendship He says I look likes Ariel the princess of the Atlantic a Eric you must be let you be...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, fantasy, imagination, sea, sea,
Form: Acrostic
Sebastian Viii
It's the end of our era It went by all too Fast I swore that I would stick with you, and That had been my plan You held my heart just by the String, You broke it oh-so-easily. So Before...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, sadme,
Form: Free verse
Sebastian Iv
Congratulations! You’ve won the night’s most honorary award For saying that you felt the same, And taking it back after just five days Now look what you did, you made a little girl cry You looked just like Prince Charming Until...Read the rest...
Categories: sebastian, lost lovewords,
Form: Free verse

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