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Raspberry Poems - Poems about Raspberry

Raspberry Poems - Examples of all types of poems about raspberry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for raspberry.
Premium Member Snow in the South
Jack Frost got me hustling To clear my car of excess snow Bare brown branches bustling As frigid blue breeze blows The forecast was right or wrong As I sit in the car heating it up On the radio...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, america, appreciation, art, blue,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Raspberry Roses
I shelter aside raspberry roses when the thunderous skies speak to me They come to me and they hold me close hiding their thorns along the way These roses are few yet loving they form a happy family I watch...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member raspberry moon
sunset red fruitage raspberries ripe on the vine ~ perfect pink parfait (July Full Moon – Native American) ...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, environment, food, fruit, moon,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member got it
Aha! Got it! Our young gray mouse grandson said. Holding a plump ripe raspberry above his head. The perfect one! He told everyone who would listen. The rest of the berries had his saliva which did glisten. How long...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Raspberry Ruins
In a world bejeweled with tainted trinkets, and feigned flowers, we follow the wailing waves below whirling wind, like secluded silhouettes, stranded on the cusp of chaos, unable to find the sparkling streak of hyacinth hope- between dusk and dawn. Perhaps there is...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, deep, life,
Form: Free verse

Regrets Of The Raspberry Moon
When cyan night's raspberry moon is dipped in softness of the afterglows, I gaze at that glossy first evening star between creamy fingers of my cherry palm, which trace lunar kins - those angelic fireflies, twinkling and pirouetting,...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, dark, deep, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Loving These Raspberry Scones
I have plenty of food said his host Mr. Dicing. You can have warm raspberry scones with sugar icing. Dragon was sure it would not be enough food for him. But he liked this guy, so he took...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, 10th grade, 4th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Molly Mcmeams Raspberry Mousse
If you have not had a rich raspberry mouse with whipping cream You are in for such a treat said my friend Mrs. Molly McMeam. She brought them out in goblets so shiny they had a gleam. This...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, food,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Raspberry Picking
I smelled the fruit as I closed in on my prey My arms would be all scratched up by end of day But raspberries are awesome – fruity and pure. Thorns tore me up, but it was worth...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Raspberry Ripple
We shared a raspberry ripple sundae ~ enjoyed sweet berry kisses! 2/18/23 Contest: A Ripple to Me 2 Poetry Contest Sponsor: JCB Brul (Syllables checked with Howmanysyllables)...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, kiss, love,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Like a Chocolate Crust Raspberry Pie
like a chocolate crust pie is the flat-topped ridge of a nearby large mountain Topping mountain pie as far as the eye can see . . . luscious raspberry pink sky high white coalescing clouds trim the twilight’s slice of sky ....Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, sunset,
Form: Haiku
Squirrel With Raspberry
Raspberry, as glaringly large Package with bulk, bulging. Squirrel-eyed and squirrel-grasped. Nuts, bells; enough weighing! Thinks me, thinks he, if and once dropped: "The spillage! Red flood-tide! Every brown leaf to re-tint! As yet branched high and wide!"...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, autumn,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Mouse With Raspberry
Mouse with a raspberry so sweet Giving it a tiny taste Taking his time with berry meat Not a drop of juice he will waste Mouse with a raspberry to eat Languishes in the sun Slurping up her juiciness Having all kinds...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, animal,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Shamrock and Pink Raspberry
it took one glance into your emerald eyes’ kindest beams for the focus to change and enlighten darkness and pain to guide my broken refraction towards your olive skin I felt all verglas thawing vision and join chartreuse...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, best friend,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Visualizing Warm Raspberry Cobbler
Visualizing Warm Raspberry Cobbler I dive into the raspberry bushes with gusto But carefully, wanting to save my soft-skinned arms and hands Because I know the biting and chomping of the thorn's teeth. Notice sister’s basket has a few...Read the rest...
Categories: raspberry, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Imagism

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