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Long Sunshine Poems

Long Sunshine Poems. Below are the most popular long Sunshine by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Sunshine poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member The Payload
"The Payload" 

The payload 
came crashing down
like rain expelled
from the fat belly 
of a ruinous pregnant cloud 
bilious with buxom promise

it came crashing down 
like school fish released 
from the tight confines
of a course rope...

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Categories: sunshine, fantasy, muse, mystery, symbolism,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Blue Shotgun Lantana
"As other spirits sail on music, mine, oh my love, swim on your perfume." Charles Baudelaire

"Sometimes you find an old bottle from which the soul returns." 
Charles Baudelaire

"Smell is a Word. Perfume is Literature."

"There are...

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Categories: sunshine, muse, mystery, sensual,
Form: Free verse
by Michael R. Burch
We stood, kids of the Lamb, to put to test
the beatific anthems of the blessed,
the sentence of the martyr, and the pen’s
sincere religion. Magnified, the lens
shot back absurd reflections of each...

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Categories: sunshine, allegory, allusion, analogy, crazy, fantasy, imagination, magic,
Form: Sonnet
Juvenilia: Early Poems Vi
Juvenilia: Early Poems VI

An Illusion
by Michael R. Burch

The sky was as hushed as the breath of a bee
and the world was bathed in shades of palest gold
when I awoke.

She came to me with the sound...

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Categories: sunshine, poetry, poets, teen, teenage, write, writing, youth,
Form: Rhyme
by Michael R. Burch

When I am lain to rest
and my soul is no longer intact, 
but dissolving, like a sunset
diminishing to the west...

and when at last
before His throne my past
is put to test
and the demons...

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Categories: sunshine, death, dream, funeral, grave, judgement, sleep, sunset,
Form: Verse

Juvenilia: Early Poems V
Juvenilia: Early Poems V

by Michael R. Burch

Poetry, I found you
where at last they chained and bound you;
with devices all around you
to torture and confound you,
I found you—shivering, bare.

They had shorn your raven hair
and taken both...

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Categories: sunshine, poems, poets, teen, teenage, write, writing, youth,
Form: Rhyme
You Never Listened
You Never Listened
by Michael R. Burch
You never listened,
though each night the rain
wove its patterns again
and trembled and glistened...
You were not watching,
though each night the stars
shone, brightening the tears
in her eyes palely fetching...

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Categories: sunshine, baby, birth, children, extended metaphor, feelings, soulmate,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member - Au Revoir - Goodbye -
- 2016 -


A freezing cold evening

Where the stars shining bright

With frost blade flanks

From mouth and nose steam

In the clear silence

White untrodden snows

Nature's frozen pulse

Sleep like a little baby

One gracious moon

After the night the...

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Categories: sunshine, remember,
Form: Free verse
by Michael R. Burch

Here the hills are old and rolling
carefully in their old age;
on the horizon youthful mountains
bathe themselves in windblown fountains...

By dying leaves and falling raindrops,
I have traced time's starts and stops,
and I have...

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Categories: sunshine, loneliness, lonely, longing, loss, lost, seasons, time,
Form: Sonnet
Millie's Christmas Wish
Millie's Christmas Wish
Winter Vacation was coming
The kids were all set
They were thinking of Christmas
And the gifts they would get

But, Millie sat waiting
Thinking of nothing but snow
Watching the class clock
That was moving so slow

They did arts...

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Categories: sunshine, 5th grade, adventure, america, childhood, christmas,
Form: Epic
Medieval Poems V
Medieval Poem V

A Proverb from Winfred's Time
anonymous Old English poem, circa 757-786
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The procrastinator puts off purpose,
never initiates anything marvelous,
never succeeds, and dies alone.

The late-deed-doer delays glory-striving,
never indulges daring dreams,
never succeeds,...

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Categories: sunshine, earth, england, love, middle school, poems, poets,
Form: Rhyme
I Promise
To my dearest,
On this day you turn thirteen, officially a teenager! This meaning you are on the very first stage of discovering yourself, your music tastes, your food preferences, your style of clothing and even...

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Categories: sunshine, beautiful, growth,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chapter 112 -- Damian Delilah Mallory: Damian and the Family Go To Church
Early morning dawn July
"Mallory"  Damian whispered, sliding 
Closer to her. "Mallory" he Whispered 
Again gently caressing. She wanted
To say stop. It was to late
he moved quite quickly. He spread
Like wild fire. Soon consuming her.

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Categories: sunshine, angst, devotion,
Form: Alliteration
Love Poems V

These are love poems by Michael R. Burch, about life, the dream of love, virtue, a first kiss, a first crush, the birth of a first relationship, the joy of a first love...

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Categories: sunshine, birth, confusion, crush, dream, joy, kiss, longing,
Form: Rhyme
Winter Awakens My Care
Winter Awakens My Care
anonymous Middle English poem, circa 1300
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Winter awakens all my care
as leafless trees grow bare.
For now my sighs are fraught
whenever it enters my thought:
regarding this world's joy,
how everything...

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Categories: sunshine, angst, england, joy, sorrow, tree, weather, winter,
Form: Couplet
Poems About Things That Break Iii
Poems about Things that Break III
These are poems about things that break and/or shatter: a bubble, glass, a mirror, a twig or tree limb, a thunderstorm, cities and towers in times of war, old...

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Categories: sunshine, break up, farewell, pain, relationship, society, solitude,
Form: Rhyme
Miklos Radnoti Translations of Holocaust Poems
Postcard 1
by Miklós Radnóti
written August 30, 1944
translated by Michael R. Burch
Out of Bulgaria, the great wild roar of the artillery thunders,
resounds on the mountain ridges, rebounds, then ebbs into silence
while here men, beasts, wagons...

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Categories: sunshine, death, grave, holocaust, horror, humanity, memorial, world
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sunday Morning Joggers
Goodness, I nearly lost my balance on the spiral seashells and broken sea stone chipping matrix.
My quaint obsession with marine life and that skyline paradox blossoming so tantalisingly,  might be a source of some...

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Categories: sunshine, age, art, birth, devotion, feelings, heart, irony,
Form: Prose
Insecure, Illuminating Ill-Tempered, Invigorating Icicle I Once Was
I’m stronger than I realize,
I’m not alone
And I’m not a failure

I am focused on the prize -
God’s Kingdom today, though I’m on my own
Feeling like a Jailure

I was brave enough
Life can be quite rough
I was...

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Categories: sunshine, appreciation, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Adieu - Part 1
Do you remember?
We lay in the moonlight, exhausted and content,
Moments from perfection, skin glistening with moisture,
Salty and sweet from love - love so amazing
That it stunned us every time ...
Always better than before, and always...

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Categories: sunshine, heartbreak, love, passion, romantic, sad love, true
Form: Free verse
Randomlings 1-34
Randomling 1:  Matthew Macfadyen

I believe I'm in love with Matthew Macfadyen
He inspires in me a terribly bad yen
But as poetry goes
His name 'spires woes
Cause nothing rhymes with "Macfadyen”.

Randomling 2: Birthday Wishes
For my birthday,...

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Categories: sunshine, cat, deep, depression, dog, emotions, funny, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Cocoon


They say...
a New World 
traces over the old,
leaving the unaware,
erased, far behind 

the old unaware, 
left far behind,
crawls the walls
in its web of lies
spinning suspect 
strings of silk 
in the air

glistening diamond nets
slick and sticky...

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Categories: sunshine, muse,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Perennial Problems
I suppose you might have missed out on Paul Feyerabend's,
and especially Thomas Kuhn's Problem of Incommensurabiity.

Oh, not at all.
I have not looked at science or culture
or language
or even your attempts at communication
quite the same since...

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Categories: sunshine, culture, history, humor, philosophy, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Of Winks and Wings - Part 1
I have a little story to tell you ... it's absolutely true, of course, at least as far as I'm concerned, but you can take it as you wish - as a tale, a fact,...

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Categories: sunshine, autumn, life, lost love, nature, soulmate,
Form: Free verse
Poems About Regret
by Michael R. Burch

a bitter
ache to bear . . .

once starlight
in your hair . . .

a shining there
as brief
as rare.

Regret . . .
a pain
I chose to bear . . .

the torrent
of your hair . ....

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Categories: sunshine, memory, pain, remember, sad, sorrow, sorry, sympathy,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things