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Long Myth Poems

Long Myth Poems. Below are the most popular long Myth by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Myth poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Summer

has Summer 

The world 
has lost 



all those other 
small dreams 

seen as toys
small and 

casually tossed aside, 
disposable play,

pure shining lights
smiling eyes once so bright, 
switched off,


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Categories: myth, abuse, child abuse,
Form: Epic

Halloween Poems
It's Halloween!
Michael R. Burch

If evening falls
on graveyard walls
far softer than a sigh;

if shadows fly
moon-sickled skies,
while children toss their heads

uneasy in their beds,
beware the witch's eye!

If goblins loom
within the gloom
till playful pups grow terse;

if birds give...

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Categories: children, grave, halloween, horror, myth, silly, surreal,
Form: Rhyme
It's Halloween
It's Halloween!
Michael R. Burch

If evening falls
on graveyard walls
far softer than a sigh;

if shadows fly
moon-sickled skies,
while children toss their heads

uneasy in their beds,
beware the witch's eye!

If goblins loom
within the gloom
till playful pups grow terse;

if birds give...

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Categories: myth, cat, children, evil, grave, halloween, horror, moon,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Peace In the Nowhere
"Peace in the Nowhere"

Ghosts remain in this place
they read their words 
marked each day on walls
like prayers, it gives them
peace in the nowhere

someplace relevant to go

Ghosts commune in this place
disowned long ago or walked
off the...

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Categories: myth, muse, poems, poets,
Form: Narrative
Juvenilia: Early Poems X
Juvenilia: Early Poems X

These are early poems written in my teens and twenties.

by Michael R. Burch

a bitter
ache to bear...

once starlight
in your hair...

a shining there
as brief
as rare.

a pain
I chose to bear...

the torrent
of your hair...

and show me

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Categories: myth, age, child, children, dream, teen, time, war,
Form: Rhyme

The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
The Tender Weight of Her Sighs
by Michael R. Burch

The tender weight of her sighs
lies heavily upon my heart;
apart from her, full of doubt,
without her presence to revolve around,
found wanting direction or course,
cursed with the thought...

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Categories: myth, creation, depression, divorce, farewell, goodbye, sorrow, sorry,
Form: Sonnet
Juvenilia: Early Poems Xi
Juvenilia: Early Poems XI

by Michael R. Burch

after the sprung rhythm of Dylan Thomas

Here the recalcitrant wind
sighs with grievance and remorse
over fields of wayward gorse
and thistle-throttled lanes.

And she is the myth of the scythed wheat
hewn and...

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Categories: myth, boy, poems, poetry, student, teen, teenage, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Radiance, For Dylan Thomas
by Michael R. Burch

for Dylan Thomas

The poet delves earth’s detritus—hard toil—
for raw-edged nouns, barbed verbs, vowels’ lush bouquet;
each syllable his pen excretes—dense soil,
dark images impacted, rooted clay.

The poet sees the sea but feels its meaning—

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Categories: myth, earth, light, love, poems, poetry, poets, words,
Form: Sonnet
Arthurian Poems
At Tintagel
by Michael R. Burch

That night, 
at Tintagel, 
there was darkness such as man had never seen...
darkness and treachery, 
and the unholy thundering of the sea...

In his arms, 
who is to say how much she...

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Categories: myth, england, romance, romantic, true love, violence, visionary,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Bergfried
I.	  The Settlement

          Hickory bark bluffs
          at the blend of two 

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Categories: adventure, allusion, metaphor, myth, native american, remember,
Form: Narrative
Poems About Dylan Thomas
These are poems about Dylan Thomas, as well as poems "for" and "after" Dylan Thomas. Dylan Thomas was one of my favorite poets from my early teens and has remained so over the years. I...

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Categories: myth, poems, poetry, poets, romantic, words, write, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Myth, After Dylan Thomas
Myth, after Dylan Thomas
by Michael R. Burch

Here the recalcitrant wind
sighs with grievance and remorse
over fields of wayward gorse
and thistle-throttled lanes.

And she is the myth of the scythed wheat
hewn and sighing, complete,
waiting, lain in a low...

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Categories: autumn, faith, grief, life, myth, october, september,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Tapora
Like Hannibal we crossed the pass and crossed 
   the Alps (okay, the Brynderwyn Hills) 
and a bridge too far on north-west passage.
   From out of the Valley of Mizpah 

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Categories: myth, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Translation With Commentary of a Wild West Classic: Summer Wine By T Wignesan
Translation with commentary of an archetypal Wild West Classic : " Summer Wine "

(I'd wage my bottom diamond dime future generations will re-discover and treasure this true American classic like only a few others of...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: america, angel, betrayal, england, myth, romance, song,
Form: Ballad
Song of Amergin: Translation
The Song of Amergin: Modern English Translations

The Song of Amergin
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I am the sea breeze
I am the ocean wave
I am the surf's thunder
I am the stag of the seven tines
I am...

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Categories: ireland, myth, mythology, song, storm, visionary, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Romeo and Juliet: the Remix
Three voices required,
and two students:
Yang as Fr. Time
YinYin as Sr. Gaia

In a college classroom with Win-Win Game Theory written on whiteboard.

Today we are going to role play 
a Win-Win enculturation game.

We will define enculturation...

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Categories: absence, allegory, destiny, games, humor, love, myth,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Pied Piper From New York City - Part One
The Pied Piper from New York City – Part One

Dare his name be said?
I say, of course, Yes! 

The Pied Piper, himself, is the man, the myth, the legend.
And they, the so-called incurious lot of...

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Categories: myth, allusion, america, betrayal, corruption, judgement, new york,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A Day On the Farm
"You really wanna know? Cause I'll tell ya if you really wanna know. You'll be thinkin' I'm crazy before I'm done, but I'll tell ya... ifn' you really wanna know."

The day started like any other,...

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Categories: farm, myth,
Form: Prose
No Umbrella
There is always something to write about
I don’t know what you are talking about
There is always something to write about
So take out your pen and spell it out
I was trying to book a ticket for...

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Categories: myth, anxiety, appreciation, beautiful, business, creation, rain, seasons,
Form: Narrative
Early Poems Ii
Juvenilia: Early Poems by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch

Though you possessed the moon and stars,
you are bound to fate and wed to chance.
Your lips deny they crave a kiss;
your feet deny they ache to...

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Categories: myth, poems, poetry, poets, teen, write, writing, youth,
Form: Rhyme
Deor's Lament
Deor's Lament

(Old English/Anglo-Saxon poem circa the 10th century AD)
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Weland endured the agony of exile:
an indomitable smith wracked by grief.
He suffered countless sorrows;
indeed, such sorrows were his bosom companions
in that frozen...

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Categories: myth, destiny, england, fate, old, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Verse
Premium Member The People with Wings
 The People with Wings
 It was a huge photograph of an eye – an amazing eye that now drew everyone to Mecca.  It was said to belong to one of the ‘People with...

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Categories: fate, future, myth,
Form: Haibun
The Pictish Faeries
The Pictish Faeries
by Michael R. Burch

Smaller and darker
than their closest kin,
the faeries learned only too well
never to dwell
close to the villages of larger men. 

Only to dance in the starlight
when the moon was full
and men...

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Categories: myth, fairy,
Form: Verse
The Reflection of Your Crown
Ahhhh ooooh ohhhh mmmm hmmmm 

I was Insecure...impure...
Liberty is a miracle cure...
Endure till the end of time
Time with You was so sublime 
I'm a sinner, I admit it
I lied to get the truth I can't...

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Categories: myth, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Breathing By Design
"...making this shift [from ego to Authentic ecoSelf] usually requires inspired [inductive Right to Left +health-reiterative messages] intention and consistent, diligent effort [and a supportive vocational and residential and eco-logically balanced environment.]"

"And the way this...

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Categories: myth, earth, love, passion, peace, planet, political, psychological,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things