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Long Mio Poems

Long Mio Poems. Below are the most popular long Mio by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Mio poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member A Sweet Poem In My Heart
I discovered a poem longing in my heart, it is for you, 
And it is about you, my sweetheart. This poem resembles you.
I wrote it this morning, before the arrival of the auroral shadow.
Her words...

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Categories: mio, beauty, fantasy, i love you, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Moderna Commedia, Second Canto, Part 2
Quelle vicende vissi fino in fondo.
Quando mi riappropriai della mia vita
Se questo è un uomo chiesi a tutto il mondo.”
Those events I lived through and through.
When I again impropriated of my life
If this is a...

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Categories: mio, dream,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Moderna Commedia, Third Canto, Second Part
Italian version. (continued from first part)
Tale è l’orror  che assale la mia mente
Di quanto ho visto e rivissuto prima
Da ridurla al silenzio più opprimente.
Pian piano poi risal verso la cima
Creando ancora immagini e illusioni

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Categories: mio, poems,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Se La Mia Tempesta
Non ci sono labbre piu' dolci
che hanno un sapore divino,
che sciolgono il cuore piu' freddo
e piu' triste che ho cercato di conquistare
con frasi ingannevoli che non avevamo effetto;
oh, avrei voluto tanto amarla e adorarla
piu' di...

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Categories: mio, absence, anxiety, conflict, fear, loneliness, pain, storm,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Moderna Commedia, Third Canto, First Part
Ancora in sogno vaga la mia mente
Nell’ignoto esplorando come Ulisse
Quando uno squarcio si apre immantinente.
Un uomo curvo col cappuccio nero
Che in tempi oscuri per la chiesa visse
Mi si rivolge in modo triste e altero.
“Per evitar...

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Categories: mio, poems,
Form: Terza Rima

Mi Unica Falla
Sentado aquí contemplando tu despedida
pues presiento que estoy a punto de verte partir de mi vida
y asi como entrastes en ella ahora tomaras la salida
y contigo te llevas mi corazón y dejas una gran herida

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Categories: mio, lost love, me, me, sin,
Form: Rhyme
Nailed to the Corner
Voglio chetu sia mio
Ibi locutus sum
J 'espere que je ne le
regretterai pas
Na ia jeg takkle meg
Daar is geen skeuring 
tussen jou en my nie
Es un honored haberna 
sentido asi
Jeg vil gifte meg med 
deg: Ja...

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Categories: mio, appreciation, beautiful, betrayal, business, creation, culture, film,
Form: Bio
Castello Di Amore
Castello di Amore  Parte 1

A million yellow bricks for you, 
Cut, from the quarry of my soul 
I work both day and night,
A willing lovers toll

Over lands, the stones I carry
To the place that...

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Categories: mio, lost love, love, universe,
Form: Prose Poetry
Ad Amore, Ii
Beatrice Discerno in te come s'agona 
                   la libertate onde 'l superno seme

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Categories: mio, angel, beauty, blessing, innocence, love, miracle, sky,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Perche' Di Notte Non Riesco A Dormire-Why At Night I'm Unable To Sleep
Perche' di notte non riesco a dormire;
ah, potro' mai sognare un mare scintillante
e stringerti in queste braccia cosi' calde
e non cercare piu' quella luna di neve?

Why at night am I unable to sleep;
ah, could I...

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Categories: mio, anxiety, betrayal, dedication, desire, love, night, winter,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member E Dopo Tutto, Tutto Questo, Mia Bella Rosa
E dopo tutto, tutto questo, amore mio
Ti amo, ti adoro e ti amerò per sempre
Dopo tanto trambusto e confusione
Dopo tanto caos e tribolazione
Dopo tante sfide folli
Dopo tanti divertenti conflitti
Dopo tante false accuse
Dopo tante deboli opposizioni

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Categories: mio, anger, anti bullying, beautiful, conflict, cute love,
Form: Free verse
Ad Amore, I
Ioàn: O sacro grembo a cui per levitade
          disgravar de ' suo ire 'n cieli falsi

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Categories: mio, beauty, blessing, destiny, dream, heaven, love, mystery,
Form: Terza Rima
The Plate Spinner
Under the bright lights and up on the main stage
A woman spins plates while the audience rage
She has on a tight dress in its sequined glory
We can watch her caper and listen to her story

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Categories: mio, strength, stress, woman, work,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Edens Crest
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!

Ulysses by Lord Tennyson

Tin Man : [squeaking] Dorothy : He said "oil can." Scarecrow : Oil can what? ......

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Categories: mio, travel,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Madre Part Two
Don Coto's..

 face smiles no more
 Only in memory
 Paving the way for others
 with dreams and aspirations
 Arriving at these shores 
 To prosper achieving those dreams
 And hopes that our forefather set

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Categories: mio, america, culture, dedication, dream,
Form: Prose Poetry
Ivan Kotlyarevskiy: Translations
Translation from Ivan Kotlyarevsky

Why is the water so much roily?-
Hasn’t it been shook up by the wave?
Why am I sad and not jolly,
Hasn’t my mother chastised me to save?

Yet, my mother didn’t trouce me-
From my...

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Categories: mio, poems, poets, usa,
Form: Verse
Amigos Con Derechos
Dios pon en mi mente las palabras para hacerle entender
que lo que siento por ella en mi corazón no puedo retener
un amor que con el paso del tiempo solo ha de crecer
un sentimiento más lindo...

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Categories: mio, friendship, love, sin,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Hidden Portrait
Dear secret, have I depicted your story? 
Can I finally now lay you to rest?
Please understand, 
I never bid farewell, 
Esteem I cannot forget,
From mutual feelings 
shown through quiet years,
How I miss thy company 

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© Lee Norton  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: mio, absence, art, beautiful, care, conflict, cry, family,
Form: Free verse
(Beauty Lord)

Mojirola Amoke Orekelewa Omidan
Her beauty struck every creature
Like the camellic evergreen Flowering shrub.

Aponbepore Arewa Oleyinju Ege
Her allure utter chamomile of
Peace and pure love
Who then can deny not seeing her
When she majestically pass by?
Ajanaku koja...

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Categories: mio, addiction,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Eighth Grade
1960 and the world was changing
A time for living and rearranging
Baseball in the school yard with a sponge ball and a fist
Donnie Brooks sang Mission Bell and Chubby did The Twist
Bobbie sox and ponytails, school...

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Categories: mio, childhood, music, nostalgiaschool, world, time, school, time,
Form: Narrative
A Three Note Motif
They called the Willow Bunch
they lurked around the
Ruschello Mio looking to
find jobs. They had skills
to impress and they wished to
work. They sawed wood for the
canteen, They were butchers
and cooks. Saggio the next to
the oldest of...

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Categories: mio, music,
Form: Ballade
Mio Angelo
Your eyes shine and spakle and thy withered eyes do wake.
Wonder, page me up from the heavens unto you and I sit in waiting for thee.
Come onto me my angel.
Even though I do not deserve...

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Categories: mio, faith, inspirational, life, lost love, loveheart, angel,
Form: Free verse
Poorpoor Casanova
Poor, Poor Casanova

Once in a time,
 in a place known as Umbria.
Spied dist I, oh grand lake!
Trasimeno ,Trasimeno

Twas said,” oh So many roman soldiers 
were slain here in some long forgotten war.”
Unto the waters sleep...

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Categories: mio, romance,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Blissful Ecstasy
You are the fresh pink rosebud when it blooms.
A creek murmurs as it passes past smooth rocks.
such as the hive bees' jig if they're full of perfume.
Curlicues on a vine look like your eyelash locks.

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: mio, analogy, appreciation, beauty, confidence, inspirational,
Form: Quintain (Sicilian)
Don'T Fall
~Don’t Fall ~

Yet another restless night
Bad dreams every other hour
I turn on the light hoping 
It will calm me down 
Yet it takes me back in time
And there he stands
Like a shadow in the night...

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Categories: mio, abuse, cry, dad, depression, dream, emotions, fear,
Form: Lyric

Book: Shattered Sighs