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Long Hyperbole Poems

Long Hyperbole Poems. Below are the most popular long Hyperbole by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Hyperbole poems by poem length and keyword.

I Am My Father's Son
They were gambling in front of the house.
Manservants and pages bustled about
Serving Suitors who just curse and carouse.
Few mix wine with water. I heard one shout,
"Clean down the tables with wet sponges! Rouse
Yourselves! And when...

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Categories: hyperbole, adventure, anger, anxiety, bullying, father, history, introspection,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

by Michael R. Burch

Toss this poem aside
to the filigreed and the wild tide
of sunset.

Strike my name,
and still it is all the same.
The onset

of night is in the despairing skies;
each hut shuts its bright bewildered eyes.

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Categories: extended metaphor, fantasy, happiness, hope, hyperbole, i
Form: Pastoral
Premium Member Factoidman and Shallowman - Part 2
[Now ShallowMan is quite content
receiving FactoidMan’s consent
to quibble and express dissent
as long as keeping covenant
with fingers crossed and belfry bent
when viewing Facts in sealed cement:]

“The Facts you give me circumvent
those ‘truths’ your chuckles supplement;
although they...

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Categories: hyperbole, society, truth, universe,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The World Is a Small Plane
I have travelled through the cluttered corridors of my tired mind countless times. 
I have reached deep into the dark abyss of my captive soul and in that profoundly disturbing darkness, I went searching to...

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Categories: hyperbole, appreciation, faith, inspirational, love, self, strength,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Factoidman and Shallowman - Part 1
[Well, ShallowMan’s ne’er at a loss
for voicing shallow thoughts that gloss.
With trenchant wit he reaps the dross
when seeking sense in applesauce.

But to his aid flies FactoidMan
who always has a Fact at hand;
with him, who needs...

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Categories: hyperbole, society, truth, universe,
Form: Rhyme

Attempts At Lifelong Friendships and Holy Matrimony
Introduction: once again I incorporate 
my trademark penchant 
to fabricate fictitiously
portions of the following poetic endeavor
can you care to 
discern fact from fiction?

Attempts at lifelong friendships and holy matrimony...

Shot thru with figuratively cankerous nub,
cuz yours...

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Categories: hyperbole, 11th grade, 12th grade, adventure, age, anger,
Form: Rhyme
Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed
Birthday of beloved buxom babe I betrothed

Pardon my hyperbole if in fact such embellishment can be sifted out amidst the pretentious poetry and/or prose NOT aired to appear superior, but more so as passion for...

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Categories: hyperbole, anniversary, appreciation, birth, birthday, endurance, fear, wife,
Form: Free verse

The missus asked me
(hitherto known as her bozo)
just mere moments ago
to craft humorous poem to glow
nsync with the shiny nose of Rudolph
keeping syncopated metrical flow
thus methought to crow
about being equally as foolish
streaking naked outside...

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Categories: hyperbole, adventure, allegory, courage, cute, hair, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Twisting Tale of An Avian Apparition
"The discrepancies are many, the dalliances are few,
both pitched against one dynamic, lifelong achievement"

Poking through the woods of the Mill Grove Audubon Estate,
suddenly came upon an ivy-covered studio shed
tucked away amongst foliage near Perkiomen Creek,

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© Greg Gaul  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: hyperbole, america, appreciation, art, bird, books, dream, history,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Unquotable Quotes: Fat People - Xxix
Unquotable quotes: Fat People – XXIX

(I know this piece sounds mean and cruel but as every single parent must have experienced, this is also the expression of utter exasperation, and perhaps there’s also the slightest...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abuse, chocolate, depression, health, humor, hyperbole, natural
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Happy Valley
It was a strange and unexpected experience.  

Suddenly, I found myself in a place called Happy Valley. A man was on a park bench gazing upon the trees as if listening to a particular...

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Categories: humanity, hyperbole, myth, rights, society,
Form: I do not know?
Onerous Task Confronted Teachers and Parents
Onerous task confronted teachers and parents

As prospective students
ably ready themselves to matriculate
and/or first set little feet 
inside halls of learning,
I rebroadcast a poem crafted
at the height of Covid-19.

A couple years gone back educators
adaptation regarding coronavirus...

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Categories: hyperbole, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Mirroring Saga of Being Not You
(Apropos Of A School-Day Happenstance)

There she stood on the edge 
of the cliff of loneliness—her
tiny eyes staring out into space.

As I cautiously approached her,
I softly asked if everything was ok.
She replied that everything was fine;

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Categories: allegory, girl, hyperbole, inspirational, loneliness, metaphor, middle
Form: Prose Poetry
Ah Tis Nothing Greater Than
Ah... tis nothing greater than...

malfunctioning heater 
on that brisk winter day
recorded here as proof positive
regarding following reasonable rhyme.

While scrolling thru 
poems crafted yesteryear,
I chanced to jog my memory where
occurred power outage necessitated 
more than divine...

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Categories: hyperbole, 12th grade, angst, dark, environment, faith, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Wretched emasculated celibate anchorite
Wretched emasculated celibate anchorite

(any relationship between the following poem and living persons -
namely the writer of these words ranks as purely coincidental and fictitious).

nevertheless he suffers existential blight
covered head to toe
in black and blue bruises

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Categories: hyperbole, adventure, allegory, animal, atheist, courage, fate, january,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Transcending Boundaries To Trash
Transcending boundaries to trash
transacts through vulnerabilities to crash
into compost cash.

I see and feel strange conjoining
curious listening to speak with old as young.
We carry less allegiance to romance of patriotic memory
than reciprocity through mutual matriotic mercies

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Categories: hyperbole, age, gender, health, humanity, love, psychological, race,
Form: Political Verse
Fighting Nyquil
'm extinct 
I'm irrelevant 
Rare off day today
Go to to store and see if I can pilfer a couple xmas presents
Raise me this way
My moms ddnt 
But my deviation has allowed me
Woke up this morning...

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Categories: hyperbole, crazy, day, deep, depression, emotions, drug,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cheerio Imaginations
for the two thousand and twentieth time,
Yang is hierarchical upside power hungry
from above,
authorized to prey on those yins below,
however resiliently they may pray.

Yang grows politically overpowering strengths
of an autonomously omnipotent god,
pejoratively associated with patriarchy,
and ethologically...

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Categories: analogy, green, health, humor, hyperbole, integrity, metaphor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Monoku Monday - Aug 2021
"Bits and Pieces III"      Posted 1 Aug 2021
Pun Ishment
	bread is like the sun      it rises in the yeast and it sets in the waist

English Class

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: hyperbole, humor,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Breath, In Blue
Now watch this video: Planet Earth: Blue Planet II

"Breath, in Blue"

Bluebottles broken scattered
shattered legions on the beach of my heart
my blue planet lungs rattle
my breath battered in the honeycomb maze
vanished all my bees belittled forgotten...

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Categories: hyperbole, animal, bird, earth, fish, god, humanity, symbolism,
Form: Free verse
Ongepatshket Torqued Skewed Reflection
Ongepatshket torqued skewed reflection

drawn courtesy lots of byte size chalk.

When e'er I summon fat chance
to empower me self with courage 
and steal a passing glance
in the mirror then instantaneously 
hairline fractures appear
than 'afore long 

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Categories: hyperbole, 12th grade, adventure, america, celebration, confidence, february,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Poetry Soup Anthology Part 2 Inspiration To Write
Woven are these pages in poetic verse,
With bare threads of our deepest feelings,
You will find laughter, tears and remorse,
and words of wisdom, prayer and healings.

What compels their pens to shed poetic ink?
What forlorn moment inspired...

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Categories: hyperbole, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Deva Ossig, the landlady and property owner turned rogue
Deva Ossig, the landlady (and property owner) turned rogue

Just a couple weeks shy 
and seven years ago to the day,
I still remember contractual obligations
our previous residential abode
724 West Railroad Avenue, 
Bryn Mawr 19010 zip code

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Categories: hyperbole, adventure, anger, animal, anniversary, community, conflict, house,
Form: Rhyme
Adieu Dental Floss and Toothbrush
(21st century pearly white prosthetics,
restored jaw bar wah key) 

Aye noel hunger bristle,
and when false teeth soak at night 
     in tandem with stubby facial gristle
har reckon noah kisses

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Categories: 11th grade, 12th grade, farewell, grief, hyperbole,
Form: Dramatic Verse
I Am Ill Eke Quipped To Dusk Hoover Dawn Ting Task of Badinage
I am ill eke quipped to dusk hoover dawn ting task of badinage

Indentured gumption forsaken 
courtesy each pulled wisdom-tooth
this hug gust aspiring writer..., albeit youth
fool looking imp posse Hubble wordsmith,
(i.e. the babbling dad) coon sitters...

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Categories: hyperbole, 12th grade, adventure, appreciation, beauty, confidence, devotion,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry