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Long Columbus day Poems

Long Columbus day Poems. Below are the most popular long Columbus day by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Columbus day poems by poem length and keyword.

Sing Broken Beyond Mankind
Sing Broken Beyond Mankind

because I speak



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Categories: america, columbus day, earth, earth day, history,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Columbus In the New World
Columbus In The New World

Three ships sailed under Spanish colours
(The Santa Maria, Niña and La Pinta)
And dropped anchor off the shores of San Salvador,
For Columbus and his crew to man-the-oars
To set foot on Terra firma...

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Categories: america, columbus day, culture, education, history,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Columbian Uncivil Allegiances
It was a nasty war.

To call it an UnCivil War
is to avoid an obvious oxymoron
as embarrassing as Military Vitriolic Intelligence
through lack of Anger and Fear Management,
violently over-industrious absence of mutual civility.

We were too optimistic
about democracy's...

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Categories: columbus day, culture, health, history, military, native
Form: Political Verse
What Formerly Got Celebrated As Adventitious Age of Exploration
What formerly got celebrated as adventitious age of exploration...

1492 unleashed, jump/
kick started, and downloaded
a bittorrent götterdämmerung
spelling genocide of indigenous peoples
occupying Turtle Island,
now surviving tribes
just a shell of their former grandeur.

At present Columbus day
linkedin with high...

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Categories: columbus day, absence, abuse, america, anger, anniversary, betrayal, celebration,
Form: Free verse
Americans, Algerians, Australian aborigines,
Corrupt leaders of the world involved in illegal activities.
Bloodthirsty bullies brazenly bombing bystanders,
Militaries full of corrupt army commanders.
Charities for children, carers in communities,
Third world countries deprived of equal opportunities.
Doctors, dentists, drugs, disability...

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© Wes Martin  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: columbus day, planet, political, pollution, weather, words, world,
Form: Rhyme

After the Storm, Columbus Day, 1962
After the storm, my brother
(all gangly knees and elbows)
bore the brunt of its ferocious aftermath.

Every day after school
I watched his wiry biceps bulge a little
as his handsaw scritched against the tree
which had fallen diagonally across...

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© Deb Rhodes  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: columbus day, angst, brother, childhood, family, growing up, sad,
Form: Free verse
Slavery Or Exploitation
This poem is not meant to be a speech nor is it written to offend or give anyone blame.
It just a mere observation of how today leaders choose to bring civilasation back into the slave...

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Categories: columbus day, abuse, africa, betrayal, black african american, columbus
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Indigenous Peoples Day
When I was young I couldn’t wait to go outside and play
when school was not in session on Christopher Columbus Day.

We were taught all the stories…how he sailed the ocean blue
with the Nina, the Pinta,...

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© Jim Yerman  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: columbus day, native american,
Form: Rhyme
Covid 19 Pandemic Analogous How Indigenous Peoples Got Felled
COVID-19 pandemic analogous how indigenous peoples got felled...

Woebegone, enraged spirits
holographic images taciturn
journeying somberly aghast
at their stolen sacred lands... mourn
dead souls impossible mission

sabotaged aery mission endeavor
happy hunting grounds upheaval
witnessed gaunt bloody sojourn,
perhaps collective aboriginal ghosts return

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Categories: columbus day, 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, america,
Form: Elegy
I Love Africanamerican Christian Culture: Forgiving Slaveholders and Tyrants
Some serious religious sophomores claim Christ ('Witness' Bluff)
Almost like Columbus: to hit the Other, take their STUFF

Nothing Doing here; I am a Minister of Jesus' Gospel
For the same Reason they fled HERE to Native Indian...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: africa, bible, black african american, columbus day,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Air Force Memories
Air Force Memories
By Franklin Price

The week-end of Columbus Day in twenty-twenty one,
My wife and I invited for a few days filled with fun.
Saturday in, Helen, Georgia  to enjoy October Fest
Sunday, to the Aquarium, in...

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Categories: america, columbus day, military,
Form: Couplet
Wut Up Miss Queen
How have you been, it's ok to tella
Explorer of the sea, like me can't you see
That Brooks and Paris need some money
Please support our trip to the far east
On the search for gold, spices, and...

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Categories: adventure, columbus day, high school, humorous, rap,
Form: Rhyme
Good Friday Gratitude To Settlers: Especially British and Dutch
Good Friday Gratitude to Settlers
Columbus gave it lip service
He loved the Virgin Mary
Almost knew Jesus Christ
Could not have had the Holy Spirit Fire

Today, or any hour of night and day,
Brian Houston’s Ministry covers the Globe

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: anniversary, blessing, columbus day, conflict, death, international,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Exploring New Worlds
As the ocean reaches out its hand 
Wind circulates its natural fan
Greeting the water’s kind gesture 
A sandy shore with much need for an investor 
Out in the distance there was a visual show 

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Categories: adventure, america, beach, boat, columbus day, education,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Chucko Is Dead
Chucko Is Dead

It was on Columbus Day, 1962
When Chucko the Birthday Clown
Sang in tones most glorious and free.
“I’m Chucko, I’m Chucko
I’m Chucko the Birthday Clown!”
I was  comfortably ensconced on the couch.
A feigning 10 year...

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Categories: dream, birthday, birthday, columbus day, universe,
Form: Elegy
Premium Member Rehashing History: Christopher Columbus, a Man With a Plan
Columbus was not the slightest bit offended
At King Ferdinand's dismissive sound
When he declared the world was round,
His was not a plan that very many comprehended.
Though the queen, Isabella, thought Chris a fine fella,
Her spouse wanted...

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Categories: columbus day, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Let me cry
Let lines be drawn
Beyond my nerves
Make it unclear to the deaf-blind
This journey of slavery
And undue enrichment
This society and nature
Have yoked us with.

Should I, should I not
Is the daily soliloquy
Of a pregnant Fela Kuti
Lest its made...

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Categories: abuse, anti bullying, character, columbus day, corruption,
Form: Free verse
a family affair
A family affair

A big hotel was built in our rather shy town
the hotel's façade faced the town's lake that
had many birds that visitors thought charming
the hotel needed many casual workers, such 
as cleaning rooms, corridors,...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: august, beautiful, best friend, columbus day,
Form: Blank verse
We Loved At First: Love Left Quitetude
Old English Lawns
unseen hands watered and caressed
emerald tinted aquamarine green
O the most beautiful natural lanscape
Not even lawn furniture, or modern waterhose
O the gratitude for this interruption of civilzation
How you overcame drought, all weather extremes
showing neither...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, analogy, angst, business, character, columbus day,
Form: Verse
No No No

Shut up, and grow up if you're a racist
I'll kick you with my Aasics
Then leave you inside the matrix
Because I'm so tired of seeing it on a daily basis
Especially after what happened to so many...

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Categories: anger, columbus day, corruption, deep, devotion, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Is It the Ebson Salt
Is it Epson Salt?

All those nice villas along the coast are empty save for stray cats and those too poor to live inland because the sea stinks like bouillabaisse gone off. Marine life and sea...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: character, christian, city, columbus day,
Form: Blank verse
How Do I Love Missionaries
"Good morning. Jesus Loves You," I say
To passers by, with my calm shalom
I feel good, they feel good. But ought we?
Since Columbus sailed the Ocean blue ...
There's been a holocaust on the earth
The other one,...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angst, anxiety, bible, columbus day, environment, gospel,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member I'M Tired of All the Bs
I'm Tired of All the BS
By Franklin Price

I'm tired of all the BS
That's going on today
The getting rid of all tradition
That got us to this day

The holidays and history
That made us who we are
I'm not...

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Categories: america, change, christmas, columbus day, holiday,
Form: Rhyme
Flaccid Fleet
Gluggy margarine marine grips keels
        Apex sun spreads sickly circle of lard
        Plugged lungs, gust momentum marred

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Categories: beach, columbus day, independence day, judgement, metaphor,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
The Truth About Chris
In 1492 a beast named Columbus sailed the seas,
Arrived in America to spread Christianity and deadly disease.
Skilled sailor and a monstrous crusader,
Talented navigator but a heartless invader.
When he sailed the ocean blue with his crew...

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© Wes Martin  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abuse, america, anger, bullying, columbus day, journey,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things