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Jade Poems - Poems about Jade

Jade Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jade to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jade.
Blue Jade
Shivering shimmers of scars passed out of my scarlet, scarred past. My ginger demons engulfed the fermented pain as I watched my regal orchid—the fussiest, sacred damsel who jitterbugs as an exiled seraph. Her candlelight...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, addiction, appreciation, art, blue,
Form: Free verse
Blue Jade
Wherever the winter falls, upon snowflakes of a frozen saudade ~ rising from the flares of maple-gold and copper, I waltz in lilac lanes of petrified pigments, imperfectly splattered by impure poppies ~ exhaling myself in a universe without you... Somewhere in...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, emotions, first love, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Pearl or Jade Necklace
Quote:"All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster's autobiography". Federico Fellini The Taos Indian crafted jewel, A necklace strung with jade and some other gems. Looked so pretty to me, I bought it on the...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, love,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Meditation
Musical mindfulness Energy enters exits encourages Divine dialogue Indigo innermost journey That teaches And Tailors thoughts In every part Of the body Needing peach peace...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, appreciation, inspirational, poetry,
Form: Alliteration
In the void of my transitional mind, the aimless scatter-shots of snapshot in kind finding itheir way.through pokes in the brine. Saran wrap bindings of biased memories, invent orys, and...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, art,
Form: Rhyme

Jaded Jade in the Jungle
Saw you cry cry cry and pout No doubt...I don't care anymore What are you crying about? Can't you see I'm jaded to the core? I hear people preaching about marriage When they're married themselves! No humility! Just overrighteous and like...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, angst, deep, depression, desire,
Form: Free verse
The jade Emperors dream
The nine tribulations have been effaced Life and death, I accept with grace. One moment flies by in a hundred years A second thought to missing the mortal trials. The wishes of thousands falling on deaf ears. Oh what...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, angst,
Form: Free verse
Jade and Onyx
Oh, once upon a time I saw a bird. The bird was sitting, lonely, on a tree. I looked at it and it looked down at me. Then it flew off and left without a word. I thought to...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, absence, betrayal, bird, friend,
Form: Sonnet
Earthbound Paradise
Earthbound Paradise Ruby red sapphire blue blossoms stand, in the diamond stream, little silver fishes play. on a sky of robin's shell, Cotton puffs...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Visit To Jade Garden Korea
Visit to Jade Garden Visiting Jade Garden Nar Chungcheong, South Korea On a beautiful spring day, The cherry trees were in full flower Pink and white petals The scent of cherry trees in the air. Other trees just starting to bloom Red,...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, nature,
Form: Pastoral
Jewels Need To Ape No Jade
Nor a competing tournament Nor yet a journey, life is meant To be. Stay just as you were sent. Everyone made is so unique, You need from nowhere debt to seek, Beg nor beseech nor feel so meek. So...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, identity, self,
Form: Terza Rima
The hard stone feels cold Shaped and formed by gentle hands ~ Jade, our ancient friend Featured: PoetrySoup Home Page - Week of 9/4/23...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, celebration, color, endurance, green,
Form: Senryu
Your eyes so beautiful, The times I've looked in them, And have gotten lost in a jungle of jade, Your touch so soft and comforting, Like Heaven in arms reach, Our love so strong that,...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, 9th grade, fire, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Snarly Frog Named Jade
Once upon a time there was a particularly snarly frog named Jade. She was fond of juices, especially fruity ones like pink lemonade. Her brother was annoying, she kind of wanted to make a trade. He called her...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Heavenly Jade Ghost
Ghostly figure in white Wearing the oni mask Softly plays the heavenly jade xiao gleaming in the moonlight Underneath the peach blossom trees A sweet fragrance in the air Near the pagoda waits Like a Ghost in the night Playing the...Read the rest...
Categories: jade, fantasy,
Form: Imagism

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