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Gnat Poems - Poems about Gnat

Gnat Poems - Examples of all types of poems about gnat to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for gnat.

Premium Member If I was a Gnat
If I was a gnat I know whom I would bother I would hide in their garbage disposal flying up into their face when they ran water in their sink I would hit them in the mouth, disgusting...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse
Ode To a Gnat
Gnats, fruitflies, midges, black flies What do you call them? I call them pests. Unwelcome guests I call them demons from hell. They fly past my face. They go for my eyes. Lucifer in disguise They like my white screen They’re like a bad...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, 7th grade, evil, insect,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Gnat Bites
Gnawing gnat breaks through skin Needle nose - spike now in Agile, light, felt no pain Taken blood, their feeding aim Bites now swell and Itch like hell Tiny vampire Eaten well. Scratching, itching - skin unwell. ...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, insect,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Oh Little Gnat
` Hovering like a gnat that finds a face irresistible Swatting frantically does no good as insects will be insects and annoying is part of their plan As it seems each day you find a new offering unfolding its...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, angst,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Thinking Gnat
A gnat is annoying my nose today. She keeps coming back and landing on me. She is fast. Faster than my grabbing hand. I am eating an apple. Land on that! I wait. She does not respond. A gnat with a mind of...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, humor,
Form: Political Verse

Star Struck
Donald Trump is an old Plutocrat Living high on the hog like a gnat But Disney was first To notify Hearst That Pluto's a dog, not a rat!...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, betrayal, character, culture, dog,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member The Infuriating Gnat
I was sitting here today writing a poem in my little place, When all of a sudden this gnat comes flying in my face. I swatted once, I swatted twice, but he got away. He was determined that...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, funny, humorous, insect,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Gnat
The spider Queen, aloofly vain! She rules a silent ruthless reign, with black-bead eyes like pearls of rain that damp the depths of her demesne. . ...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, nature, society,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Gnat Nebulae
for J.C. Alldridge Full pummelling fisticuffs Stitch over stitch In and out Imperceptibly kaleidoscopic Swirling from ear to ear Sporadic Thrumming mystical notes Notes of whisper Whisper in the ear Now a bothered swish of clawing Cleaving slipping fingers Immalleable rolling universal ball Microcosmic needle into Macrocosmic wool all Silently...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Nasty Gnat
I was bitten by a gnat Who didn't ask permission I caught the little rascal How dare he bite me? I put him into a jar. He made a big commotion. So I put a stamp on jar. Sent him to Carrie. By:...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, funny,
Form: Dodoitsu
Premium Member Henry 'Gnat' Wilson's Bedtime Routine
Teeth freed late of jaw Catch feign vulture caw Keep time with thumb gum massage. Three jiggers to rinse Fire stick of incense Lifted induced camouflage. Shirt off shorts glued on Vision of futon Once upon a time life rocked. Tent wants repairing Sirens shrill...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, life, time,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Gall Gnat
Nature is as careless as it is bountiful The faster the death, the faster is evolution. I, a female gnat ,eat my own fertile eggs, When I am hungry while laying the eggs, We, the gnats produce eggs within...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, animals
Form: Verse
A Gnat
There was something about this place-- so terribly unknown, and though I fancied its mystery I felt so alone, an old abandoned dock, a shady-- house on a hill-- the same wardrobe of twill, in this city of stone. All the...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat,
Form: I do not know?
Ogden Gnat
Don't be afraid - no need for that Don't run away from Ogden Gnat You won't be his supper tonight He only wants to share the light This mosquito intends no harm He doesn't mean to cause alarm Around you he...Read the rest...
Categories: gnat, animals, children, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things