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Creep Poems - Poems about Creep

Creep Poems - Examples of all types of poems about creep to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for creep.
wilderness creep
. crishk ...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, humor,
Form: Light Verse
Cheep Creep in it Deep
Trump Commander in Cheep As usual in it deep While being a creep...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member The creep-state'
It slithers and slides..' It hints and nudges..' Derides! sheds skin. Confusing identity.'s Yet some intently see ' in conundrums and Delusions scattered seeds and such patterns of un-reason.'...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, character,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member we creep toward the acacia trees
It’s silent on the savanna tonight We creep toward the acacia trees hoping to not see a lion or leopard we have already been chased by wild dogs the entire family is here, alert and aware luckily we only need...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, africa,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Creep
Take your corny line and throw it out then think real hard what it’s about. I’ve never liked you or I’d invite you. You’re creepy when you sneak about....Read the rest...
Categories: creep, funny, giggle, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Sleep They Creep
Written By: D. Collins 1/21/24 If your eyes are closed, they creep up on you. Totally exposed to the harm long, overdue. Insomnia is what becomes your best friend. Just make sure you're the last standing in the...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, encouraging,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member November's Creep
November creeps along its arctic edge Wild roses tense their petals in rebuke They were warned when budding in October Their loving sun would soon abandon them Yet still they stand their faces turned full pink As slowly buzzing bees...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, november, rose,
Form: Free verse
A Secret I Can Creep
And I remember everything I’d done that whole day long It seemed no matter how I tried ...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, dark, engagement, fun, halloween,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Fall Need Not Creep
No need to creep in surreptitiously as if you were not longed for You turtlenecks and warm wool socks are dashing in or out of doors ...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, autumn, beauty, color, hello,
Form: Rhyme
The Creep Alias Harvey Specter
got what he wanted at my expense. Said crack fast talking hacker and scammer pulled figurative wool over my eyes going incognito and speaking a clipped English mien his disguise. He appeared (rather sounded) genuine after yours truly experienced computer snafu (the Macbook...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, america, anger, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fear Is a Liar; Fear Is a Creep
Fear is a liar; fear is a creep. It’s everywhere and on the news. It comes in dreams when you’re asleep! Fear only wants for you to lose. Telling false tales, it comes to you. Fear is a liar; fear...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, fear,
Form: Quatern
All those movie characters Crying in the shower Definitely staged But guess not Short fits of panic Fizzing in the steam My lifelike dreams Scare me Waking up Between dreams To realize You were never there to begin with Never there for me, When I needed you most Yet...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, anxiety, fear, feelings, halloween,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dollhouse of the Creep
Two girls were in the country when they found an eerie house with nothing else around. They went inside and then knew right away this was no house where they should ever stay. Old, broken dolls were scattered everywhere. But...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, horror,
Form: Rhyme
Wind within their fur In jungles, Savannah’s, nowhere mediocre Lazy they are not, for sure Dragons of their own right Cats crave the WildThing fight At night these angels hardly sleep Tread during day, the feline will creep Such is the WildCat...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, angel, cat,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Liminal Spaces Creep Me Out
Something about liminal spaces gives me the willies in a scary way. They raise the tiny hairs on the back of my neck by my C2-Vertebrae I feel like an ominous evil spirit is going to...Read the rest...
Categories: creep, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose Poetry

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry