Confusion Poems - Examples of all types of confusion poetry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets on PoetrySoup. Read
short, long, best, and famous poem examples for confusion.
TruthWhen the mouth
says one thing
and the brain
implements actions
that changes the outcome
then the brain is the truth....
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9th grade, confusion, identity,
Form: Free verse
Music is my food
Music is my bread
I listen to music
Because I am not dead...
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africa, celebration, confusion, death,
Form: Free verse
LaughingI didn't really laugh
I could have, though.
At who?
At myself?
At her?
At the irony of it all?
She always left an imprint on me.
Always gave me a new way of thinking
And left afterward.
I didn't even think about it
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anger, appreciation, confusion, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Sorry, no. I’m not free this weekend.
I have a whole lot of nothing going on.
A little bit of pointless with just a pinch of lonely.
I told you, I’m busy. Quit asking me.
“Oh no! I’m so...
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confusion, hurt, lonely, lost,
Form: Free verse
Diagnosed with NON contagious, yet incurable case of logorrheaDiagnosed with NON contagious, yet incurable case of logorrhea...,
yielded following resultant fiction,
which arbitrarily selected thread
first popped into my head
considered one among many possible
near infinite concocted scenarios
arose up, thus continue at your own risk
only entertainment ye...
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absence, america, confusion, humorous,
Form: Free verse
Bad day at Stop And ShopJack had just escaped the local slammer
He’d struck the sheriff's car with a hammer.
He tried to look normal, in an aisle in Stop and Shop
But he wondered who might be an undercover cop.
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chocolate, confusion, hilarious, humor,
Form: Lyric
Wintry mix soul of emotion--
lack of compassionate no-show;
...So she was winter crisp chilling,
stony unsympathetic heart'
Disposition mean ice-queen part;
Your cold, responsiveness lacking;
Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2025©
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angst, character, conflict, confusion,
Form: Tail-rhyme
A number that holds so much meaning
Any individual who meets terms with this number never feels content
A singular tie to childhood is all that’s left
A bearing weight of adulthood near
An anxious sense of uncertainty...
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confusion, 12th grade, change, childhood,
Form: Free verse
Taking back Control
Sometimes, out of nowhere, a realisation
comes to mind that says:
The time has come when I feel I have
to draw the line,
No more excuses, no more shrugs, and
no more telling yourself those same...
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confusion, courage, feelings,
Form: Free verse
A Love Too Heavy to HoldShe loves me—
but I wish she didn’t.
I wish she would say she loves me.
I wish she would say she doesn’t.
I wish she would release me
from this endless war between knowing and doubting,
from the weight of...
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Form: Free verse
What is your confidence?You may notice someone in power
Wealthy in either financial fortune
Or social freedom, or popularity
That makes you feel inferior to keen
Thereafter, you wonder the reason
Underlying all the distinction between
You and them, and effort for alteration
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10th grade, confidence, confusion,
Form: Verse
Devotion and DoubtAt dawn I kneel beneath a sacred glow,
My heart clings fast to truths I deeply know,
Yet through each beam, dark currents softly flow,
O Lord, what purpose lies within our woe?
In crowded streets where fleeting dreams...
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christian, confusion, faith, god,
Form: Kyrielle
physicianDressed up like a physicians..
Full of doubt and suspicions..
Heart harder than stone ..
Don't care if you die sick and alone..
They treat all ..
Cancer or headache with Panadol..
Don't know the right medication ..
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Form: Rhyme
OPEN AND CLOSED HEART-BEATS--As my soul heart has a door that is closed;
Noise speaks loudness of per encapsulates;
My vessel contrite I am breathing bruise;
Broke heart open door that I may embrace;
Tears drops down my chin, my cheek, my...
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allusion, analogy, anxiety, confusion,
Form: Dizain
Battling Mind
A whirlwind of emotions
A cyclone of wandering thoughts
A tempest of trepidation
That leaves me baffled and distraught
The devastation of my battling mind
Wreaks havoc in the soul's sacred shrine.
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angst, anxiety, confusion, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Specific Types of Confusion Poems
Definition | What is Confusion in Poetry?
Poems Related to Confusion
anarchy, bewilderment, chaos, complexity, complication, consternation, difficulty, disarray, dislocation, disorientation, distraction, embarrassment, mistake, trouble, turbulence, turmoil, upheaval