Below are poems written by United States poet Kevin A. Hernandez. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Kevin A. Hernandez.
Read Poems by Kevin A. Hernandez
Best Kevin A. Hernandez Poems
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"What we have expected to do in our lives often comes in a different matter. One can still chase after their creative glory but, always have the appealing money maker to fall back on." Go to Quote / Comment | by Kevin A. Hernandez
Time is ever present and it quickly catches up to you. What you did in the past, it only serves to remind you, of what you can do for the future. Go to Quote / Comment | by Kevin A. Hernandez
"Don't go returning to the things you've done or have done just to fill an empty sense of comfort. your choices are said, not made." -Kevin A. Hernandez. Go to Quote / Comment | by Kevin A. Hernandez