Inverosimiles dias nos hacen sentir que morimos ante silencios esperando ser gritados...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Mejor es anticipar la decepcion, antes de ser sorprendido por la traicion...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Ante siglos cargados, memorias redescubiertas y un cumulo de ayeres, a veces el unico consuelo sera la vigilia de la noche y su velo estelar...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
The only way of living better is by forgetting the useless experiences, but without getting the feeling of emptiness. Just tell your old story and discover new ones.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
When society leaves the fools free and the wise forgotten or restrained, it is called a broken society.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Few understand that depression is when sadness is killing you, and that suicide is when depression kills you. Only those who have gone through it and survived, comprehend that.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
The only truly pure human innocence is that beyond a child's eyes...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
There are people that don't deserve what they have, and others that deserve what they don't have. Unfortunately, in a rich man's war, a poor man's blood is spilt.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
We must be prepared for a possible deception rather than being surprised by treachery.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Only a soul is capable of forming its own horizons...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Sometimes imperfect starts lead us to perfect ends...

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Comprehension can be like a sheet of soaked paper...weak, numb and easily broken. That is why we need the need to be corresponded.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Don't judge for what you see, judge for what it truly is. And don't neglect what some expect, because that is the truth, or you will later regret.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz
Sometimes it's better to take the long, curved, mountainous and secure road, rather than taking the short, straight, plain and insecure road.

Go to Quote / Comment | by Ruben Alejandro Hernandez Diaz