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Poems by Anna Marie Kaianah

Anna Marie Kaianah - LIFETIME Premium Member Anna Marie Kaianah - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Anna Marie Kaianah. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Anna Marie Kaianah.

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Best Anna Marie Kaianah Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
10/12/2024 Positive 133 Acrostic
10/12/2024 The Little Robot 181 Rhyme
10/12/2024 Your Story 109 Rhyme
08/28/2023 Ocean Waves 317 Haiku
04/02/2023 The Little Blue Fairy 799 Free verse
03/30/2023 Hear My Prayer 626 Free verse
03/23/2023 Our New Friend 536 Rhyme
03/23/2023 My Dog 770 Acrostic
03/23/2023 Poetry Inspired 430 Rhyme
02/03/2023 Bird's Eye View 506 Rhyme
01/25/2023 Grammy's Pen and Babyhood Friend 374 Rhyme
12/22/2022 This Christmas 422 Choka
12/11/2022 Auntie 302 Rhyme
09/21/2022 I Wandered Lonely As a Duckling 1077 Rhyme
09/08/2022 Autumn 637 Haiku
09/03/2022 Stronger Than You Know 1333 Rhyme
05/07/2022 It's Their Graduation 953 Pleiades
05/07/2022 Summer's Almost Here 627 Haiku
05/07/2022 The Still Night 578 Haiku
05/07/2022 Summer Breeze 474 Haiku
05/06/2022 A Boy and His Guitar 1121 Limerick
05/06/2022 A Cowboy 610 Limerick
05/04/2022 May the 4th 673 Haiku
05/02/2022 Mother 789 Choka
02/22/2022 We Are Warriors 551 Choka
02/21/2022 Athena 580 Pleiades
02/21/2022 A Peaceful Day 620 Choka
02/20/2022 Natures Melody 414 Haiku
02/16/2022 Seashore 415 Acrostic
02/16/2022 The Night Sky 496 Tritina
02/16/2022 Tritina 289 Pleiades
02/16/2022 Stars Above 375 Pleiades
12/17/2021 Christmas Is Here 446 Haiku
12/17/2021 A New Bike 442 Rhyme
11/06/2021 Travel 509 Free verse
10/29/2021 American Soldier 357 Rhyme
06/29/2021 Raindrops 553 Haiku
06/24/2021 Captain Jack Sparrow 675 Acrostic
06/09/2021 The Joker 836 Rhyme
02/17/2021 Bj Legros Kelley 641 Acrostic
09/29/2020 Dachshund 511 Acrostic
09/29/2020 Music 466 Acrostic
09/29/2020 Time 394 Haiku
09/29/2020 Fairies 343 Rhyme
09/29/2020 Grandma 280 Rhyme
09/28/2020 Cowboy 648 Acrostic
09/28/2020 Sailboat 422 Acrostic
09/28/2020 Pandas 629 Haiku

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