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Poems by Mark Pringle

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Below are poems written by United States poet Mark Pringle. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Mark Pringle.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
06/27/2008 Warm Soup 3714 Rhyme
01/10/2008 Her Eyes Are Carried On a Light Wind 2826 Blank verse
01/10/2008 This Whim Called Love 2090 Free verse
10/08/2007 Today, I Offer Thanks 1986 Didactic
10/08/2007 Cicadas 2110 Haiku
10/08/2007 The Harvest 1870 Quintain (English)
08/23/2007 Say It's So, Joe 2528 Limerick
04/30/2007 That Word 1732 Didactic
10/08/2006 Reearth 1665 Free verse
08/02/2006 Upon His Blameless Feet 2493 Free verse
08/02/2006 Vigilant 32279 Didactic
04/29/2006 Land of the Free 1690 Elegy
07/14/2005 Once Upon a Happenstance 1830 Couplet
07/14/2005 Your Latin Radere - the Etching 1849 Free verse
07/14/2005 Wicked Art! 1678 Free verse
07/03/2005 Marigold Tongues 1705 Quatrain
06/19/2005 Mirrors 16264 I do not know?
05/05/2005 Pagan Mistress 1637 Blank verse
05/05/2005 This Righteous Reign 1721 Couplet
05/05/2005 Truth 2042 Lyric
03/16/2005 Ride of the Daystar: Har - Magedon 2840 Free verse
02/21/2005 I Guess That's It 2295 Blank verse
02/21/2005 Jordanesque In My Ballet 2023 Rhyme
02/19/2005 A Limerick To Dave 2601 Limerick
02/18/2005 Nephilim (A Flash of Light) 2841 Rhyme
02/18/2005 Leap 4748 I do not know?
02/18/2005 Daughter 2118 Rhyme
02/18/2005 Cedars of Lebanon 2952 Blank verse


Quote Left When the prejudice by others makes you prejudice, that's weakness. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Always do what is right. Now, sometimes doing the right thing has unexpected consequences. Nevertheless, do what is right anyway because your conscience will be clean and your integrity upheld. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Too many people buy things and don’t experience things. They buy new cars and huge new homes but have little left to see the Creation. Put spiritual things first, live well below your means, buy used vehicles, stay away from malls, and then use your disposable income to see God’s creation. Expand your thinking and experiences beyond your region. Things perish but memories do not. Make memories. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Find what you love to do and then do it for a living. It doesn't matter WHAT it it. If you have a passion for it the money will come and it will not be work to you. You will not have to motivate yourself to go to work because you are doing something you LOVE to will be great at it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Seems like we never hear of the people we need to hear about. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Love is a wonder. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Quote Left Complaints of racism can be real, they can also be a CRUTCH. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Mark Pringle

Short Stories

Daddy love, moral,

Book: Shattered Sighs