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Death Terza Rima Poems

These Death Terza Rima poems are examples of Terza Rima poems about Death. These are the best examples of Terza Rima Death poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Pollinating Passion
To all the dead flowers your colors remain;
The future is budding with an echoed hue,
there is a glimpse in the cleansing rain;

Trapped inside you’re fed...

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Categories: death, emotions, inspirational, introspection,

Not a Curse, Death Delivers
Myth may it be, or be it man's blind faith, 
A rehearsal or else, a dance of death, 
Life lives on edge, death at each...

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Categories: death,

Uncertain End
Thick darkness conquers each scrambling sense
No longer sure if my eyes are closed or open
If my stagnant limbs are futile, or just tense

Can I compose...

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Categories: death,

Soul Point of View
I wonder how long I’ll watch you
Even though you is really me
Waiting for some light to walk through

Perhaps I’ll see something heavenly
Or return as a...

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Categories: death,

Premium Member Near Death Experience
I felt like I was running against the clock
Hurtling through a tunnel bathed in light,
Experiencing a sudden, shattering shock.

And still the peaceful overarching sight
That all...

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Categories: death, destiny, perspective,

Premium Member Entering the Dark Side of a Moonbeam
Entering the dark side of a moonbeam is always very risky
since the cold and howling bitterness of the night escapes,
as a moaning, devilish agony of...

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Categories: dark, death, emotions, evil,

Premium Member - Entering the Dark Side of a Moonbeam -
Entering the dark side of a moonbeam is always very risky
since the cold and howling bitterness of the night escapes,
as a moaning, devilish agony of...

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Categories: dark, death, emotions, evil,

Premium Member Entering the Dark Side of a Moonbeam
Entering the Dark Side of a Moonbeam
Entering the dark side of a moonbeam is always very risky
since the cold and howling bitterness of the...

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Categories: dark, death, emotions, evil,

Premium Member The Rot Has Sunk In Deep
Gender determined behavioural change
Looking at wayside beggars with disdain
Religious bias, our prejudice strange

Fairer skin colour, making us feel vain
The way we dress and speak, ego...

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Categories: muse,

Premium Member Jesus Our Saviour
Jesus Christ, wondrous Saviour* of mankind 
Holy God incarnate, reaching our heart
offering love, indeed freedom-designed.

Precious Messiah, grace He does impart
with life eternal, granting blessed ...

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Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, faith,

Premium Member Tenure, a Terza Rima Sonnet
Are our spirits that of the great Thunderbird
sowing their seeds within the powerful storm
are we just feathers afloat like useless words

slowly they float down landing...

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Categories: animal, bird, death, earth,

Earth Cries
Sometimes, whispered voices off in the distance
 echoes calling spirits, hearts, souls of the past
listen to messages without resistance.

Set in the oceans and the seas,...

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© DM Babbit  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, earth, men,

While Mother Earth Gently Moans
Mother earth gently moans the greenhouse effect
From unhealthy car fumes floating through the air
That’s causing devastation to our climate
Back to back hurricanes and tornadoes reek...

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© Daisy Ward  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: earth, feelings,

Premium Member Whispers of Faith
"Like the silence that screams cursing solitude
  . . . whispers of faith sing patiently with prayers"  

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Categories: faith,

Childhood Memories
"How sweet to the heart are the scenes of my childhood"

Samuel Woodworth, 1785-1842

my thoughts gathered like seashells on this sand
i watch this sun rise a...

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Categories: childhood, death, memory, ocean,

Book: Shattered Sighs