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Smack Poems - Poems about Smack

Smack Poems - Examples of all types of poems about smack to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for smack.
Premium Member Jack Facing a Smack
One day Jill was going uphill. She wanted to make herself chill. Spotted a lucky Robin's quill Jack got in her way and stood still. She waved the quill and tried to spill Jack liked it and hinted his will. Tried...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, fun,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member she gave him a smack
she gave him a smack he gave her a crack how about s sock? his cheek now on lock she gave him a swat his throat muscles caught she slugged him that day he soon walked away abusers can be women you see...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, abuse,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Black Water Smack
Throughout my life dad and I have done many things together graduating from Crayola, fishing and wiffleball to tune-ups, casinos and funerals. After one particularly salty funeral: Dad and I were carrying out memorial flowers in separate vases. As...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, flower, funeral, funny,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Smack head
Deep fried she cried then bloat and float A house stained blouse clueless for stress, To bed, airhead! "Forgot"! you brought you phoned you're stoned, she’s slow cracked crow, clears throat like goat, Nancy can't see funky, junky, go back sad sack drink rum you bum, and then find...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, funny, writing,
Form: Footle
Smack, Punch, Kick
*smack* *punch* *kick* Behind closed doors is what you miss On the outside, it all seems fine On the inside, it all declines But hide or else You might hear yells *smack* *punch* *kick...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, 8th grade, abuse, anger,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Mosquito Smack
Mosquito smack, mosquito slap. Have some of that, Naw man that's nasty, Mosquito smack, mosquito slap. Catch Ya, when I'm back, Yeah, man it's time. I need calamine, On my crack....Read the rest...
Categories: smack, fantasy, fun,
Form: Rhyme
You May Not Smack
(parents smacking their children became illegal in Wales, UK, on 21 Mar 2022) They now say they will send me to that hell, where dark ones do await me, and of course will assail me with insults and...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, anti bullying, anxiety, child,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Smack Crack Pop a Vein
drug addicts no shame any excuse once it’s lame ...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, addiction, allusion, drug,
Form: Tanka
Talking Smack
*I've been called a 'shrew,' told I am self centered, petty, and a few other rather insulting and invective names, so here is my rebuke. Who plays the straight man for the one known as 'Schmoe?' It's...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, parody,
Form: Rhyme
Purest Love
I am looking for a chaste Love It may happens in a smack in a kiss, but never, never in a smirk...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, allusion, creation, cute love,
Form: Epigram
A Maternal Smack In the Head From Heaven
i remember you as you once were cancer is a monster that ultimately changes so many things you lost your battle, and i miss you ever so badly however, i felt you smack me upside my head and...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, cancer, i love you,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Talking Smack and Revolution
Mr. Bernie Sanders is talking smack C'mon! The geezer just had a heart attack! He's 78 years old, campaigning for a socialist revolution Proof that presidential politics doesn't obey the laws of evolution...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, america, old, political,
Form: Clerihew
Swimming When Hit By Smack
Swimming When Hit By Smack, You should have seen ocean smack, Received on every cranny and crack, Being crass; Each crevasse, Which would be from front to back. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Smack Crackle Pop
Smack crackle pop The fire was throwing herself She would smoulder occasionally into grey Then revive herself with orange flame shoots, delighting me and the other kids. These kids were pretty much strangers to me. I was re-thinking my decision to...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative
Smack Talking Turkey
What kind of gobbledegulp, holiday mess, are you stuffing down your jaw giblets — one day early ... you human turkey Cubicle farm-raised patsy policies is what your top executive, tinfoil hat fool handlers are serving you lower oven rack...Read the rest...
Categories: smack, character, humor, satire, word
Form: Light Verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry