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Pamela Poems - Poems about Pamela

Pamela Poems - Examples of all types of poems about pamela to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for pamela.

Premium Member pamela bass
mothers day pilot pam bass feeling a bit bored and crass flew east in a wink right into the drink losing her sons boarding pass. ...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, fun, funny, giggle, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member In Memory of Pamela
the phone cord coiled, attached to the wall — i can’t reach you. the hours and hours we’d spend, chitchatting would come to an end. your humor, your face — once in...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, tribute,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Departed Alas, Pamela-Fv
My cherished friend and almost, sister! I took you under my gentle wings that you might overcome addiction, and so you did. You, so conservative in dress. Me, so flamboyant, in a state of colorful and flashy, undress! How kindly you transformed...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, friendship, heart,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Pamela Strong and the Lemon Meringue Pie
The phone rang but there was no-one there, Her imagination flew like a balloon into the air. “Who was that?”, she asked herself.” Who was that woman?”, she wondered. As the sun sank behind a cloud she gathered...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, 10th grade,
Form: ABC
Pamela Why
(The Revelation...) I felt my heart jumping out of my body the moment i heard papa call your name It was like a trance to me Shown on a dualized page of pain and doubt This must be an...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, 7th grade, betrayal, character,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

You are my Angel my saving Grace, When mom passed I think you took her place. We have always been close and gotten along. A...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, family,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Pamela
I know it's been a short time That you and I have come to be But I can't get over this feeling That's been growing inside of me I hope you don't mind me saying...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, love,
Form: Free verse
Embraced Based On Portrait No 3 the Blue Cat By Pamela Colman Smith 1907
EMBRACED - Embraced Her eyes and lips captivating, her large nostrils and paws supping at the wind. Trying to flee, her lustful charisma embraced me. Her darkness twirls around in my head, entering at...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, cat, death, devotion, gothic,
Form: Ekphrasis
Dear Pamela
DEAR PAMELA Dear pamela, The song about you remind me of pains Your smiles remind me of that day The sun visited the earth in her full human To touch the soul of another human being Is to walk on a...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, age, beautiful, betrayal,
Form: Ballad
To Pamela
Come to me but only with a smitten heart, And I shall open mine before you depart; Or say the magic words but within a prose And say something about the scent of the rose. The love that from...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, i love you, ,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Pamela
Now that you have left me for reason, I am a man of passed-out desires And passed over dreams Of passed-out desires I have unlearnt to find safe line Between teasing and pleasing you. I am yet to learn the difference Between...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, betrayal, love,
Form: Free verse
Traumatic By Pamela Espinal 8th Grade
Tries to kill himself. Rather die young than Achieve goals. Unsure about Making a bright future. Acts like a follower but can be a leader. Tries to get out of trouble but Instead, continues until something bad happens, then Cries when not heard....Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, angst, confusion, depression, teen,
Form: Acrostic
Pain In My Heart By Pamela Espinal 8th Grade
Pain in my heart, from the day you left. Thinking that you would be next to me soon but I guess it was too good to be true. Why is it when I say it's going to be a...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, angst, death, me, ,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Ode To Pamela
Ode to Pamela Now that you have left me for reason, I am a man of passed-out desires And passed over dreams I have unlearnt to find safe line Between teasing and pleasing you. I am yet to learn the difference Between...Read the rest...
Categories: pamela, lost love
Form: Ode

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry