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Mastiff Poems - Poems about Mastiff

Mastiff Poems - Examples of all types of poems about mastiff to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for mastiff.
Premium Member Max the Wonder Dog
... An Introduction to Max Hi, I am a Mastiff cross and my name is Magical Max. To be precise it’s actually Magical Maxi the Wonder Dog but you can call me Max. That’s not to say I possess ma......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, dog, friendship love, magic,
Form: Prose
Premium Member just for laughs, again: senryus
...Joseph and Mary had a dear friend named Harry who loved his dairy came baby Jesus then Harry went to pieces oh this is grievous babies drink dairy but not yours trust me Harry ......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, analogy, animal, anxiety, appreciation,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Refurbished Nursery Rhymes: Old Mother Hubbard, a Cautionary Tale
...When Old Mother Hubbard Examined her cupboard And found not a scrap there to munch on, Not one morsel that clung To an ort or a crumb, She felt foolish and dumb And stood sucking her thumb Whi......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, humor,
Form: Light Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Nato's War
...NATO's war. It was on a bright day in 1949 the Washington treaty was signed and later called NATO. This treaty was purely an American undertaken and designed to surround Russia with enemy troops ......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, age, america, angst, april,
Form: Blank verse
Shaggy Dog Limericks: the All-Time Best -- Vote For Your Favorite
...The Spaniel A Spaniel that uses its head Can tell when its owner’s unfed So instead of a duck That is down on its luck Will deliver a pizza instead The Afghan Hound The......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, animal, cat, cute, dog,
Form: Limerick

Shaggy Dog Limericks Iv
...The Labradoodle It’s clear that the scamp is a Poodle By its frolicsome dabble and doodle But add a big part Of the Labrador’s heart And you’ve got the whole kit and caboodle The ......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, animal, cute, dog, funny,
Form: Limerick
A Dog
...I claimed ---and passionately--- that I'd never have a small dog, much less one with "poo" in its name. Not for me yappy Yorkies, shivering Chihuahuas, shaky Shih Tzus, or terrible terriers. Gi......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, animal, dog, humor,
Form: Prose Poetry
...Another Easter spent feasting on Jelly Bean Martinis, sculpting butter lambs with Nana’s mastiff Escort snoring by tabletop fire. Aunt Bea smoked lemongrass, shading wooden eggs with Dapple......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, bible, candy, easter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Mastiff In Reno
...A Neapolitan Mastiff in Reno Sometimes overindulges in vino He’ll stagger and ramble But will never gamble Unless he stumbles into a game of keno 1/15/22......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, dog, humor,
Form: Limerick
...Here silence reigns supreme all time, And evening melts away Into the night in distant sight From where the locals stay. The murmur of the grove distracts My stiff and weary shin, Yet t......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, art,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Raining Dogs
...Well that’s something new I said with a twist. A lopsided pile of dogs that went past my wrist. They are still coming down! Watch out said boy Pete. I looked to the sky, and was bombarded by feet.......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme
...2/6/21 Since the Jurassic Time continually passes Animals and people smoking or eating different grasses Staying active Instead of remaining passive The population now massive I roll around ......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, dark, deep, poetry, rap,
Form: Rhyme
Summer In Karroodorp 1954
...On the anvil that’s the dorp The noon-day sun beats down. So between twelve and two Life in the place is suspended. Doors to the stores are ‘toe’ And in their dusty windows che......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, seasons, solitude, urban, ,
Form: Blank verse
Las Meninas 2
...figures of the court filling vermillion red lake ochres theology of art on huge surface las meninas on either side the little princess in her own pensive world chaperone hiding mourning unkn......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, allegory,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member One Liner - English Mastiff
...After the Autumn of my life I hope the mention of my memory will include a smile. 12/04/2015 Written for a contest, One Liners ......Read the rest...
Categories: mastiff, autumn, dog, farewell, feelings,
Form: Prose

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